What is Noun? | Noun definition | Noun examples| Types | Free Test
What is Noun in English Grammar?
Noun Definition in English
A noun is the name of any person, creature, place, thing, or feeling. Noun meaning is what we see at our surroundings. In a Sentence a Noun can be a Subject, Direct Objects, Indirect objects and complements. All these nouns are classified into some major types of noun. Let’s read all types with example for better understanding.
Noun Definition in Hindi
किसी भी व्यक्ति, प्राणी, स्थान, वस्तु या भाव के नाम को संज्ञा कहते हैं। संज्ञा का अर्थ वह है जो हम अपने परिवेश में देखते हैं। एक वाक्य में एक संज्ञा, एक Subject, Direct Objects, Indirect objects और complements हो सकती है। इन सभी संज्ञाओं को कुछ प्रमुख प्रकार में वर्गीकृत किया गया है।
Noun Examples
Person | Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Sushma Swaraj Etc. |
Creature | Lion, Eagle, Snake, Whale Etc. |
Place | Delhi, Mumbai, America, Europe Etc. |
Things | Laptop, Chair, Tables Etc. |
Feeling | Happiness, Sadness, Excitement Etc. |
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Types of Noun in English Grammar
Based on Noun definition and noun meaning everything can be divided into different types of Noun. There are five types of nouns. Let’s read and understand with Noun examples.
Types of Noun in English | Types of Noun in Hindi |
Proper Noun | व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा |
Common Noun | जातिवाचक संज्ञा |
Collective Noun | समूहवाचक संज्ञा |
Material Noun | द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा |
Abstract Noun | भाववाचक संज्ञा |
Proper Noun
Proper Nouns are those which are particular and denote any specific Person, Place, or things. Proper Nouns are with the proper name of any Nouns.
Proper Noun Example
Akash Soni, Narendra Modi
Delhi, Mumbai, America
If there is a noun as Delhi, it means we are talking about the specific city of India. Akash Soni is a specific name of any person.
Common Noun
A common noun is a name of something which is common or indicates a specific group of any person, place, or thing.
Common Noun Example
Teacher, Doctor, King, Country, City Etc.
The teacher is not specified to any particular person, City can be anyone, it is not specified.
Collective Noun
If multiple nouns are collected as individuals in a group then that group is known as collective Noun.
Collective Noun Example
A class of students
A bunch of grapes
A bundle of sticks
A board of directors
Here in the above example (Class, Bunch, Bundle, Board) represent the group of similar kind of individuals so these groups are known as a collective noun.
Material Noun
Material Noun refers to the substances like gold, silver, iron, coal, wood which is mainly used to create other objects.
Material Noun Example
Gold, Silver, Iron, Wood etc.
Abstract Noun
Abstract nouns usually denote the idea, feeling, action, quality, and state of anything.
Abstract Noun Example
Honesty, Bravery, Poverty, Darkness, Sickness Etc.
There are different types of Abstract Noun which can be classified into different ways. Look at below table.
Quality | Action | State |
Goodness | Laughter | Boyhood |
Honesty | Judgement | Infancy |
Kindness | Growth | childhood |
Poverty | Theft | Brotherhood |
Bravery | Service | Friendship |
Abstract Nouns are generally formed from Adjective, Verb and Common Nouns. Let’s learn.
Abstract Noun formed from Adjective:
Adjective | Abstract Noun |
Long | Length |
Good | Goodness |
True | Truth |
Kind | Kindness |
Honest | Honesty |
Great | Greatness |
Young | Youth |
wise | Wisdom |
Poor | Poverty |
Deep | Depth |
Abstract Noun formed from Adjective:
Verb | Abstract Noun |
Think | Thought |
See | Seight |
Laugh | Laughter |
Grow | Growth |
Govern | Government |
Serve | Service |
Obey | Obedience |
Practise | Practice |
Live | Life |
Know | Knowledge |
Abstract Noun formed from common nouns:
Common Noun | Abstract Noun |
Slave | Slavery |
boy | Boyhood |
child | childhood |
Infant | Infancy |
Friend | Friendship |
Leader | Leadership |
Coward | Cowardice |
Hero | Heroism |
Judge | Judgement |
Agent | Agency |
Apart from these types of noun, Further Noun can be classified between some more categorization.
We have created separate lesson for these Nouns, Read below lessons by clicking on links.
Collective Nouns
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
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