English Grammar

What is Pronoun? | Pronoun meaning| Pronoun examples| Types | Free Test

What is Pronoun in English Grammar?

Pronoun Definition in English

The pronoun is the word that are used in place of Noun, it can replace a noun in a sentence to avoid the use of repetitive Noun words. Pronoun plays a similar role as a noun in the sentence. There are ten Types of pronoun which represent in sentence in different ways.

Pronoun Definition in Hindi

सर्वनाम वह शब्द है जो संज्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयोग किया जाता है, यह संज्ञा को वाक्य में बदल सकता है ताकि बार बार संज्ञा के उपयोग से बचा जा सके। सर्वनाम वाक्य में संज्ञा के समान भूमिका निभाता है। सर्वनाम दस प्रकार के होते हैं जो वाक्य में भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार से उपयोग किये जाते हैं।

Free Pronoun Quiz with MCQ


Types of Pronoun - Quiz

Attempt questions of pronouns and read about Types of Pronoun for better undertesting.

1 / 25

some people always talk about .................................... (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)

2 / 25

Rajan has hurt ........................................................... (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)

3 / 25

.......................................do you want to see? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)

4 / 25

Both pens are good ,but ............... is better than ............... (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)

5 / 25

Richa solved all the questions herself. (Herself is ?)

6 / 25

4 Can you lend ............................your pen for a while?

7 / 25

Leave meeta and ….. Alone.

8 / 25

................................. wants to meet me ? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)

9 / 25

The Prisoner hanged................................................. (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)

10 / 25

Could you please give…….you notes for a day?

11 / 25

i was sitting by ......................................................... (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)

12 / 25

................. are some difficult questions, (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)

13 / 25

We exerted.................................................................. (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)

14 / 25

Each of my sisters is very smart.The pronoun 'each' in the sentences is a ..........................

15 / 25

..................................are these books? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)

16 / 25

They laughed at ……..

17 / 25

3 These are interesting novel. The coloured word is ....................................pronoun.

18 / 25

..................................kinds of answer is that? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)

19 / 25

..................... is Andrew over there. (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)

20 / 25

I have lost my key. well ...............is a silly things to do. (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)

21 / 25

2 Ishan solved the questions himself.the coloured word is ........................................pronoun.

22 / 25

1 Personal pronouns stand for the ..........................................

23 / 25

Who want to meet Mr. PrimeMinister today?

24 / 25

...................................did you see? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)

25 / 25

I dont like to say ....................., but i am not happy with the service here. (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)

Pronoun examples

Read these sentences to understand Pronoun examples in parts of speech.

He is a cricket player.

She is an intelligent girl.

In the above sentence, He and She are pronouns.

Rajeev is a hardworking boy. So Rajeev is good at both studies and sports.

Rajeev is a hardworking boy. So He is good at both studies and sports.

In the above sentence where repetitive use of Rajeev seems vague, so we use He instead of Rajeev in the sentence.

Also, remember the Noun that is replaced by a pronoun is called its antecedent.

Types of Pronoun

Pronouns are of Ten different types.

Types of Pronoun in EnglishTypes of Pronoun in Hindi
Personal Pronouns व्यक्तिवाचक सर्वनाम
Possessive Pronounsस्वत्वबोधक सर्वनाम
Demonstrative pronounsनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम
Interrogative Pronounsप्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम
Reflexive Pronounsनिजवाचक सर्वनाम
Emphatic Pronounsबलदायक सर्वनाम
Distributive pronounsवितरणवाचक सर्वनाम
Reciprocal Pronounsपरस्परबोधक सर्वनाम
Indefinite Pronounsअनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम
Relative Pronounsसंबंधवाचक सर्वनाम
Types of Pronoun – English Philosophy
Types of pronoun - English Philosophy

Personal Pronouns (व्यक्तिवाचक सर्वनाम )

Personal pronouns are the simple words that are used in place of Nouns such as I, We, You, They, He, She, It, Him, Her, Them, etc.

Personal pronouns are classified into two types:

Subjective personal pronouns: Subjective personal pronouns are used as the subject in the sentence.

Objective personal pronouns: Objective personal pronouns are used as the object in the sentence.

Rajeev is an obedient student. He obeys his teachers.

Radha is an intelligent student. She helps her friends in class.

In the above sentence, He and She are Subjective personal pronouns and his and her are objective personal pronouns.

To understand Subjective and Objective personal pronouns read the below table.

First PersonIMeWeUs
Second PersonYouYouYouYou
Third PersonHeHim
Different forms of personal pronouns

Possessive Pronouns (स्वत्वबोधक सर्वनाम)

Possessive Pronouns are the words that show the possession of Noun or pronouns, Mine, Ours, Yours, theirs are the possessive pronouns.

Possessive Pronouns Examples

Radha took Neha’s stationery but Radha forgot that it was hers.

Demonstrative Pronouns (निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम )

Demonstrative pronouns are the words that demonstrate or identify any Noun in the sentence. Pronouns such as this, that, these, and those are demonstrative pronouns.

Demonstrative pronouns Examples

This is my book.

If you can’t go there on time, that’s your problem.

Interrogative Pronouns (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम )

Interrogative pronouns are the words used to ask questions about nouns, Words such as who, whom, whose, what are interrogative pronouns.

Interrogative pronouns Examples

What is your name?

Whose book is this?

Reflexive Pronoun (निजवाचक सर्वनाम )

Reflexive pronouns are the pronoun which shows the action reflects upon the subjects. If there is a reflexive pronoun the subject and object would be the same person or things. For singular person we use Self and for plural we use selves.

Reflexive pronouns Examples

He speaks to himself.

I hurt myself.

Emphatic Pronouns (बलदायक सर्वनाम)

When reflexive pronouns are used to emphasize subjects or object then that reflexive pronouns (myself, itself, yourself) are called emphatic pronouns.

Emphatic pronouns Examples

He himself gift me this bat.

I myself checked the result twice.

Distributive Pronouns (वितरणवाचक सर्वनाम )

Distributive pronouns are the pronouns that tell about any person or objects one at a time. Each, either, neither are some of the distributive pronouns.

Distributive pronouns Examples

Either of you can participate in a quiz competition.

Each student can participate in the English Philosophy test.

Reciprocal Pronouns (परस्परबोधक सर्वनाम)

When distributive pronouns refer to two or more persons or objects or when they both carry out work simultaneously then that is known as Reciprocal Pronouns.

Reciprocal Pronouns Examples

Members of a team should help one another.

Radha and Meera should help each other.

Indefinite Pronouns (अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम )

Indefinite pronouns refer to something that is not specified, in general, the indication can be to anyone in the group.

Indefinite pronouns Examples

Everyone knows the planning of the annual trip.

I don’t know anyone in my society.

Relative Pronouns (संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम )

Relative pronouns are the word that is used to add some extra information about a noun, it also shows the relation to subjects. That, Who, Which, Whom are the word that is used as relative pronouns.

Relative pronouns Examples

The boy, who helped me yesterday is my neighbor.

Give me the books whatever you have.

The above MCQ consists of below questions.

MCQ of Pronouns
1 Personal pronouns stand for the ……………………………………
2 Ishan solved the questions himself.the coloured word is ………………………………….pronoun.
3 These are interesting novel. The coloured word is ………………………………pronoun.
4 Can you lend ……………………….your pen for a while?
Each of my sisters is very smart.The pronoun ‘each’ in the sentences is a ……………………..
i was sitting by ………………………………………………… (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)
The Prisoner hanged…………………………………………. (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)
Rajan has hurt ………………………………………………….. (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)
We exerted………………………………………………………… (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)
some people always talk about ……………………………… (Choose correct reflexive or emphatic pronoun)
…………….. are some difficult questions, (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)
………………… is Andrew over there. (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)
Both pens are good ,but …………… is better than …………… (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)
I have lost my key. well ……………is a silly things to do. (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)
I dont like to say …………………, but i am not happy with the service here. (Choose correct demonstrative pronouns)
…………………………… wants to meet me ? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)
…………………………….are these books? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)
……………………………..did you see? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)
…………………………….kinds of answer is that? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)
…………………………………do you want to see? (Choose correct Interrogative pronouns)

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