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Number In English Grammar

1 / 5

Plural of Commander in chief would be :

2 / 5

Plural of Furniture would be :

3 / 5

Plural of Thief would be :

4 / 5

Find the correct sentence :

5 / 5

Plural of sheep would be :

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What is Number In English Grammar?

When we are talking about any person, place or things as noun and acknowledge that it is one or more than one. So Number In English Grammar is essential to know. Number In English Grammar shows us the number of that things.

जब हम किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान या चीजों के बारे में संज्ञा के रूप में बात करते हैं और स्वीकार करते हैं कि वह वस्तु एक या एक से अधिक है। इसलिए Number in English Grammar को जानना आवश्यक है। Number in English Grammar हमें उन चीजों की संख्या दिखाता है।

To analyze noun for countable and uncountable is quite important as an error can lead to change whole sentence. Mostly any noun can be divided into two major parts of Number as ‘just one thing’ and ‘more than one things.’

There are two parts of Number in English Grammar.
Singular Number & Plural Number

What is Singular Number?

If any noun is single in counting, means there is only one thing to count then that is being referred as Singular Number.

यदि कोई संज्ञा गिनती में एक है, तो उसे एकवचन कहा जाता है।

Ex: Boy, Rat, Chair, Mango, Baby Etc.

What is Plural Number?

If any noun is in more than one form in counting, means there are more than one thing to count then that is being referred as Plural Number.

यदि कोई संज्ञा गिनती में एक से अधिक है, तो उसे बहुवचन कहा जाता है।

Ex: Boys, Rats, Chairs, Mangoes, Babies Etc.

Singular to plural rules

  1. Most of nouns are formed plural by adding ‘S’ to singular nouns.
Eye – EyesBee – Bees
Rose – RosesYear – Years

2. Noun ending with hissing sound (S, SS, SH, CH, X) are formed plural by adding ‘es’ at the end of the singular nouns.

Class – ClassesDress – Dresses
Box – BoxesMatch – Matches

3. If Noun ends with ‘Y’ and has a consonant before ‘Y’, then its plural is formed by changing ‘Y’ into ‘ies.’

Puppy – Puppiescountry – countries
Story – StoriesReply – Replies

4. If noun ends with ‘Y’ and has a vowel before ‘Y’ then its plural is formed by adding only ‘S’ at end.

Keys – KeysBoy – Boys
Joy – JoysEssay – Essays

5. If any noun ends with ‘F’ or ‘Fe’ then to form their plural we need to change ‘F’ or ‘Fe’ into ‘Ves’.

Loaf – LoavesThief – Thieves
Life – LivesHalf – Halves

But in this case there are some of the exception which form plural just by adding ‘S’ at the end of the word.

Chief – ChiefsDwarf – Dwarfs
Proof – Proofs

6. Noun ending with ‘O’ and if they have a consonant before them, then to form their plural we add ‘es’ at the end of the singular word.

Potato – PotatoesHero – Heroes
Mosquito – MosquitoesTomato – Tomatoes

But in this case there are some of the exception which form plural by adding ‘S’.

Bamboo – BamboosPhoto – Photos
Radio – Radios
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7. Some Noun form their plural by changing internal vowels of singular words.

Foot – FeetTooth – Teeth
Man – MenWoman – Women

8. Some of the singular nouns are forming plural by adding ‘en’ or ‘ren’ at the end of the singular words.

Ox – OxenChild – Children

9. Some of the singular words are forming plural by adding ‘S(apostrophe) or simply ‘S’ in abbreviation singular Nouns.

B.A. – B.A.’S / BAs
M.L.A – M.L.A’S / MLAs

10. Some of the compound singular nouns are forming plural by adding ‘S’ in Main words.

Mother in law – Mothers in law
Commander in chief – Commanders in chief
Pick Pocket – Pick pockets

Major Exception in Number for Singular to plural rules

  1. Hyphenated noun does not have plural form.
He gave me two hundred-rupee notes.
He stays in five-star hotels.

Here in above example ‘ two hundred-rupee’ and ‘Five-Star’ will not have any plurals.

2. Some Nouns have same formation in both singular and plural. plural of sheep would be Sheep only.

This sheep has no wool on it.
Those sheep has no wool on it.
This deer has long horns.
Those deer have long horns.
There is fish in the aquarium.
There are fish in the aquarium.

3. Some nouns are always singular, there is no plural of these words.

Furniture, News, Scenery, Advice, Jewellery

4. Some nouns are always plural, there is no singular of these words.

Cattle, People, Scissors, Trousers.

Attempt below MCQ online quiz for English Grammar for Numbers:

Online Quiz for English Grammar – Number Part 1
Online Quiz for English Grammar – Number Part 2

Also Read : English Grammar Topics

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