Heavenly Bodies vocabulary and meaning | Full List | With Pics
What is Heavenly Bodies?
Heavenly bodies, जैसे की नाम से ही पता लगता है heaven का मतलब स्वर्ग होता है, वैसे ही heavenly bodies का मतलब हुआ स्वर्ग का सामान जिसको हम अंतरिक्ष के सामान यानि खगोलीय पिंड के रूप में भी जानते है| सूरज, चाँद, तारे, और भी कई खगोलीय पिंड होते है अंतरिक्ष में जिनको खगोलीय पिंड (Heavenly bodies) कहा जाता है| Heavenly bodies को Celestial bodies भी बोलते है जिसका मतलब भी खगोलीय पिंड होता है| इस पाठ में हम Heavenly Bodies vocabulary and meaning के बारे में समझेंगे|
Heavenly bodies are the stuffs that are found in space, these things are considers as the stuffs from heaven so it is called as Heavenly bodies. All things that founds in space like Sun, Moon, Stars are known as Heavenly bodies. Heavenly bodies has also a synonym as Celestial bodies.
Heavenly Bodies vocabulary and meaning
Asteroids (क्षुद्र ग्रह)
Asteroids are the small rocky object like planet which orbits the sun in mostly. They are very small in size so we can’t consider them as planet. Many Asteroids orbits the planets also like Earth and Saturn.
Galaxy / Milky-way (तारा समूह / आकाशगंगा)
A Galaxy is a huge collection of stars with gas and dust also having their own solar systems. Milky way is the name of our galaxy and the stars which we see in the sky is the part of our galaxy. Like our Galaxy there are many more galaxies that we can’t figure it out till now.
Horizon (क्षितिज)
Horizon is the line that we can see at the far end where it seems sky meets land, but it is not actual. This is a geographical condition of earth.
Lunar Eclipse (चंद्र ग्रहण)
A Lunar Eclipse happens when the moon comes in the shadow of Earth, Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are very closely aligned. The full Lunar Eclipse make the moon reddish so we also call the moon as blood moon for reddish color.
Meteor (उल्का)
Meteors are the rocky object of space which occasionally enters in planets atmosphere. When these rocky object, Meteor enters in Earth with high speed and burns up which results catching fires in these Meteor. So we call them fireballs or shooting stars.
Moon (चन्द्रमा)
The Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. Moon orbits to the earth, there are some other moon which orbits other planets also. Earth’s moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar system.
Planets (नक्षत्र/ग्रह)
The planets are which is large in size and orbits a stars like sun. In our solar system there are eight planets. The Definition of Planets is very complicate to understand, you can read the actual definition for planets in below article.
Solar Eclipse (सूर्य ग्रहण)
Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon gets in the way of sun and Earth and with the result the moon shadow appears on Earth. Many partial and total Solar Eclipse happens all over the year on multiple parts of the Earth.
Stars (तारे)
Stars are the luminous object in sky. we can see huge amount of stars in sky. The nearest star of Earth is Sun and all other stars are very far from us so they looks tiny and steady in one place.
Sun (सूर्य)
The Sun is the lifeline of our planet Earth and all other planets in our solar system. The Sun is one of the biggest star. It is nearest star to Earth. The Sun is a boll of fire so we feel immense heat in direct sunlight.
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