Class 10

A LETTER TO GOD | Free MCQ | Word Meaning

A Letter to God Summary

A Letter To God is a story from class 10 book, But at English Philosophy we are trying to make it universal story to read and improve your English. Read summary, Attempt MCQ as an unseen passage if you are not from class 10.

What is unseen passage?

Unseen passage are random story, paragraph, poems which is used to read and answer the questions related to the passage. Unseen passage is topic which boost the quick thinking power of learner. So read the passage and answer accordingly.

Introduction of A Letter to God

The author of the story,” A Letter to God” is written by G.L.Fuents. He was one of the greatest writers of that time. He was a Mexican poet, novelist, and also journalist.

The story is based on faith in God. Lencho, a farmer, who is the protagonist of the story, writes a letter to God. In the letter, he writes to God seeking help from the almighty after discovering his entire crop yield destroyed by a devastating hailstorm.

A Letter to God summary

Lencho was a dedicated farmer. He was expecting a decent harvest. However, to his grief, a hail storm came and destroyed him completely. Lencho was very sad. He had a strong belief in God. He was certain that God would help him. Also, he was an extremely straightforward man. 

Although working for a long time on a farm, he knew writing. Thus, he composed a letter to God. In the letter, he asked God to send him one hundred pesos. Peso means Mexican currency name. He went to the post office and put his letter into the post box. 

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The postman removed the letter from the letterbox. He read the address on it and laughed very much. Also, he reached to the postmaster and shown to him that strange letter. The postmaster also laughed when he saw the address of God. However, on reading the letter, he got very serious.

He praised this man who had true faith in God and decided to help him in terms of money. He asked the employees of the post office to give charity. Besides, he gave a part of his salary too. However, they were able to collect only a little more than 50 pesos as requested by Lencho. The postmaster put the money in an envelope. It was addressed to Lencho. 

On Sunday, Lencho once again came to the post-office. He asked if there was a letter for him and the post office employee handed it to Lencho. Lencho was not surprised after seeing the money. 

But when he counted the money, he became angry with God. He was sure that God could not have made a mistake. He took paper and ink and wrote one more letter to God. Then he put it into the letter-box.

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After Lencho had left the place, the postmaster and the employees read the letter. In it, Lencho had complained to God that he received only seventy pesos. Also, he requested God to send him the rest of the money this time. However, he asked God not to send the money through the mail. He wrote that the post-office employees were a bunch of cooks and thus might have stolen the money.


The chapter A letter to God is about Lencho was the great devotee of God. He wrote the letter to god confidently without thinking that god will send or not the money. Employee of post office were kind hearted to understand about the faith and need Lencho had.

All employee must have laughed after reading the second letter just thinking of Lencho’s noble gesture. At our conclusion employee must have contributed the rest of the money to give it to Lencho directly.

A letter to god from class 10 book is an interesting lesson to study. We have covered the complete lesson through our Summery. Also we are adding some Multiple Choice Question for the Lesson. Read questions and answer accordingly.

Also Read : English Grammar Topics

A Letter To God MCQ


A Letter To God

1 / 25

The noun form of ‘destroyed’ is:

2 / 25

Why Lencho believed so much in God?

3 / 25

Lencho was a …………….. .

4 / 25

The postmaster was an amiable man. What is the meaning of amiable?

5 / 25

Who is the writer of this story?

6 / 25

Why was Lencho sad?

7 / 25

Which crop was growing on Lencho’s fields?

8 / 25

How was Lencho’s reaction after receiving pesos?

9 / 25

Why did Lencho need money?

10 / 25

Which day did Lencho come to get the letter?

11 / 25

How did he feel when he counted the money?

12 / 25

What did the postmaster do after reading the letter?

13 / 25

How Lencho’s crop was ruined?

14 / 25

How many pesos did Lencho get in the envelope?

15 / 25

On reading the letter, the postmaster was moved by Lencho’s …………….

16 / 25

How did Lencho appeal to God?

17 / 25

Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope?

18 / 25

Who helped Lencho by giving the money?

19 / 25

Whose address was written on the letter?

20 / 25

How did Lencho decide to contact his last resort?

21 / 25

What was the immediate reaction of the postman on seeing the letter?

22 / 25

What did Lencho think of the post-office employees?

23 / 25

What is the synonyms of “Uncomplicated” from para 3?

24 / 25

Who is the protagonist of this story?

25 / 25

What did Lencho think of the post-office employees?

Question in above MCQ are listed below.

Who helped Lencho by giving the money?
Who is the protagonist of this story?
Why Lencho believed so much in God?
How Lencho’s crop was ruined?
How did Lecncho appeal to God?
How many pesos did Lencho get in the envelope?
How was Lencho’s reaction after receiving pesos?
Why did Lencho need money?
What did the postmaster do after reading the letter?
Which day did Lencho come to get the letter?
What is the synonyms of “Uncomplicated” from para 3?
The postmaster was an amiable man. What is the meaning of amiable?
How did he feel when he counted the money?
On reading the letter, the postmaster was moved by Lencho’s …………….
The noun form of ‘destroyed’ is:
The field was white as:
Why was Lencho sad?
Whose address was written on the letter?
Lencho was a …………….. .
Which crop was growing on Lencho’s fields?
Who is the writter of this story?
What did Lencho think of the post-office employees?
Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope?
How did Lencho decide to contact his last resort?
What was the immediate reaction of the postman on seeing the letter?

Vocabulary from the lesson ‘A letter to God’ | Important Word-Meanings of difficult words

Counterfoilप्रतिपर्ण / रसीद
Crestपर्वत की चोटी
Downpourमूसलधार बारिश
Throughoutहर जगह
Supperशाम का खाना
Resembleसमान होना
Frozenजमा हुआ
Cornfieldमक्के का खेत
Destroyedनष्ट किया हुआ
Instructedनिर्देश दिए
Conscienceअंतरात्मा की आवाज
Sowबीज बोना
Heartilyदिल से
Obligedकृतज्ञ होना
Charityदान पुण्य
Gatherइकट्ठा करना
Slightestथोड़ी सी भी
Deniedइंकार किया
Vocabulary from the lesson ‘A letter to God’ – English Philosophy

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