Use of Is Am Are : Rules | Examples | Free Test
Use of Is Am Are
When Sentence is very simple and is happening in the present time, then we use of is am are in it. When there is (हूँ, है, हो, हैं) at the end of sentences, then according to the subject, Is am Are is used.
Use of Is Am Are in Hindi
जब Sentence बिलकुल ही साधारण हो और वर्तमान समय (Present Tense) में हो रहा हो, तो उसमे Is am Are का प्रयोग होता है| जब वाक्यों का अंत हूँ, है, हो, हैं, रहे तो उन वाक्यों में Subject के अनुसार Is am Are का प्रयोग होता है|
मैं एक लड़का हूँ| | I am a boy. |
तुम एक अच्छे लड़के हो| | You are a good boy. |
वह एक गायक है| | He is a singer. |
Understand below table of persons with Is am are usage.
Person | Singular | Plural |
First Person | I – Am | We – Are |
Second Person | You – Are | You – Are |
Third Person | He – Is She – Is It – Is Name – Is | They – Are |
MCQ on Is, Am, Are
Affirmative Sentence of Is Am Are
Rule to translate Hindi to English of Simple sentence or Affirmative sentence or Assertive sentence.
Rule : Subject + Helping verb (Is Am Are)+ Objects + Etc.
तुम और मैं प्रसन्न हूँ| | You and I are happy. |
वे लोग मेहनती है| | They are laborious. |
तुम और मैं भूखा हूँ| | You and I are hungry. |
मेरा भाई चालक है| | My brother is clever. |
लड़के बहादुर और तेज हैं| | The boys are brave and intelligent. |
Attempt below Translations to learn the Use of Is Am Are in Affirmative sentence, Please don’t forget to use Full Stop(.)
Negative Sentence of Is Am Are
Rule to translate Hindi to English of Negative Sentence.
Rule : Subject + Helping verb (Is Am Are)+ Not + Objects + Etc.
तुम चालक नहीं हो| | You are not clever. |
वे लोग ईमानदार नहीं है| | They are not honest. |
लड़के कमज़ोर नहीं हैं| | The boys are not weak. |
तुम छात्र नहीं हो | You are not a student. |
विजय और मोहन गायक नहीं है| | Vijay and Mohan are not singer. |
Attempt below Translations to learn the Use of Is Am Are in Negative sentence, Please don’t forget to use Full Stop(.)
Interrogative Sentence of Is Am Are
Rule to translate Hindi to English of Interrogative Sentence.
Rule : Helping verb (Is Am Are) + Subject + Objects + Etc.
If there is Interrogative words in sentence.
Rule : Interrogative word + Helping verb (Is Am Are) + Subject + Objects + Etc.
क्या आप लोग किसान हैं? | Are you farmers? |
क्या तुम छात्र हो? | Are you a student? |
क्या आप भाग्यशली हो? | Are you lucky? |
क्या आपके चाचा डॉक्टर हैं? | Is your uncle a doctor? |
लोग क्यों उपस्थित नहीं हैं? | Why are people not present? |
Attempt below Translations to learn the Use of Is Am Are in Interrogative sentence, Please don’t forget to use question marks(?)
Attempt below Translations from Hindi to English, Please don’t forget to use full stop(.) or question marks(?).
This quiz “Use of Is Am Are” to translate from Hindi To English consists below translations, Please attempt yourself without looking these solutions. All solution of translation are given for your references only.
Use of Is Am Are in Hindi | Use of Is Am Are in English |
तुम और मैं प्रसन्न हूँ| | You and I are happy. |
वे लोग मेहनती है| | They are laborious. |
तुम और मैं भूखा हूँ| | You and I are hungry. |
मेरा भाई चालक है| | My brother is clever. |
लड़के बहादुर और तेज हैं| | The boys are brave and intelligent. |
वे लोग मजबूत एवं मेहनती हैं| | They are strong and laborious. |
राम और मोहन बहादुर एवं तेज हैं| | Ram and Mohan are brave and intelligent. |
वह लम्बी है| | She is tall. |
राम और श्याम अच्छे हैं| | Ram and Shyam are good. |
मेरा दोस्त उदास है| | My friend is sad. |
तुम चालक नहीं हो| | You are not clever. |
वे लोग ईमानदार नहीं है| | They are not honest. |
राम और रवि तैयार नहीं हैं| | Ram and Ravi are not ready. |
लड़के कमज़ोर नहीं हैं| | The boys are not weak. |
तुम छात्र नहीं हो | You are not a student. |
मेरे पिता जी डॉक्टर नहीं है| | My father is not a doctor. |
मेरे शिक्षकगण नेता नहीं हैं| | My teachers are not leader. |
विजय और मोहन गायक नहीं है| | Vijay and Mohan are not singer. |
तुम किसान नहीं हो| | You are not a farmer. |
वो नर्स नहीं हैं| | She is not a nurse. |
क्या आप लोग किसान हैं? | Are you farmers? |
क्या तुम छात्र हो? | Are you a student? |
क्या आप भाग्यशली हो? | Are you lucky? |
क्या वो मोटी है? | Is she fat? |
क्या आपके चाचा डॉक्टर हैं? | Is your uncle a doctor? |
हम लोग कैसे गरीब हैं? | How are we poor? |
वे लोग कैसे गरीब हैं? | How are they poor? |
आपके पिताजी कैसे एक कवि हैं? | How is your father a poet? |
तुम लोग डॉक्टर क्यों नहीं हो? | Why are you not a doctor? |
लोग क्यों उपस्थित नहीं हैं? | Why are people not present? |
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