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SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 with free Mock Test

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019 all Sections

Dear Students, As you know SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to cover, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post of SSC CGL previous year papers of 2019 you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions same as it was appeared in that year of SSC CGL Examination.

Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam performance. At bottom of the page you will find all questions with their options to justify your knowledge. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times with SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam.

SSC-CGL (Tier-II) Main Exam, 2019

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019 – English Philosophy

One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 | MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test

The first part is One word Substitutions which is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. One word Substitutions question validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options given with One word Substitutions. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019. There are four other section in SSC CGL exams SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam, you can find Free mock test for SSC CGL below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2019


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 - One word Substitutions

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 38

A group of people travelling together, especially in a desert- (कांरवां, काफिला)

2 / 38

Place where two or more rivers meet-(संगम)

3 / 38

An imaginary ideal society-(कलप्नालोक, रामराज्य)

4 / 38

A place where gambling games are played-(जुआघर)

5 / 38

A detailed list of things in a place-(विस्तृत सूची)

6 / 38

An extreme fear of darkness-(अंधेरे से डर)

7 / 38

Two lengths of rope, wood or metal with crosspieces used for climbing up and down walls(सीढ़ी, जींना)

8 / 38

A person who eats the flesh of other human beings.-(नरभक्षी)

9 / 38

Obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat- (खाना-पीना कम करके वजन कम करने की इच्छा)

10 / 38

Act of giving up the throne- ( पदत्याग, राजत्याग)

11 / 38

A person who is absolutely necessary for someone or something-(बहुत आवश्यक जिसके बिना काम न चल सके)

12 / 38

The science concerned with the properties of sound-(ध्वनि विज्ञान)

13 / 38

A slowly moving mass or river of ice-( घाटी में धीरे-धीरे चलते ही हिमराशि हिमनदी)

14 / 38

Profane talk-(पवित्र या धार्मिक वस्तुओं के प्रति अनादर, ईशनिंदा)

15 / 38

A partner in crime- (सहअपराधी)

16 / 38

A very large impressive residence-(हवेली, कोठी)

17 / 38

Safe to drink-(पीने योग्य)

18 / 38

A word or law no longer in use-(प्रयोग से बाहर )

19 / 38

A fast moving stream of water-(पानी की बौछार

20 / 38

A state governed by old people-(वृद्ध जनों का शासन)

21 / 38

The state of being married to one person at a time-(एकलविवाह)

22 / 38

Something of little value or importance-(महत्वहीन, मामूली, नगण्य)

23 / 38

One who does not care for art or literature-(अबौधिक व्यक्ति)

24 / 38

Persons who rob ships- (समुद्री डाकू)

25 / 38

The date on which an event took place in a previous year- (वर्षगांठ)

26 / 38

A group of cattle-(मवेशियों का झुण्ड)

27 / 38

A group of stars that make a pattern- (तारामण्डल, नक्षत्र)

28 / 38

The organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material-( खाद-मिट्टी)

29 / 38

Medical doctors who specialise in diagnosing diseases using X-rays, CT scans and ultrasound-(विकिरण चिकित्सक)

30 / 38

A group of lions-(शेरों का झुण्ड)

31 / 38

A government by the nobles (उच्च वर्गीय लोगों का शासन)

32 / 38

A statement which cannot be contradicted-(जिसे गलत सिद्ध न किया जा सके, अखण्डनीय)

33 / 38

Not supporting any side in an argument-( पक्षपात रहित, निष्पक्ष)

34 / 38

A set of rooms forming one residence in a building-( रहने के लिए कमरों का सेट:

35 / 38

A doctor who treats skin diseases-( त्वचा विज्ञानी)

36 / 38

A glass container in which fish can be kept-(मछलीघर)

37 / 38

A close-fitting cover for a sword-(म्यान आवरण)

38 / 38

A ruler with complete power over a country-( पोर्न शक्ति संपन्न शासक)

Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Two lengths of rope, wood or metal with crosspieces used for climbing up and down walls(सीढ़ी, जींना)ladderstairs-(इमारत में बनी सीढ़ी)steps-(कदम)railing-(लोहे की बनी बाड़)
Place where two or more rivers meet-(संगम)confluencestrait-(समुद्री जलडमरूमध्य)delta-(नदी का मुहाना)estuary-(नदी का मुहाना जब वह समुद्र से मिलती है)
Something of little value or importance-(महत्वहीन, मामूली, नगण्य)trivialcardinal-(आधारभूत असली)fundamental-( आधारभूत)scanty-(मात्रा में बहुत कम)
Persons who rob ships- (समुद्री डाकू)robbers-( लुटेरे)bandits-(यात्रियों पर हमला करने वाले डाकू)dacoits-(डकैत)pirates
The date on which an event took place in a previous year- (वर्षगांठ)anniversarydecade-( दशक)millennium-( हजार वर्ष)century-( शतक)
A set of rooms forming one residence in a building-( रहने के लिए कमरों का सेट:Suite-( साज-सज्जा युक्त कमरों का सेट, होटल आदि में)Villa-( देहाती बंगला)apartmentbunglow-( मंजिला मकान)
A ruler with complete power over a country-( पोर्न शक्ति संपन्न शासक)traitor-( गद्दार)dwmocrat-( लोकतंत्रवादी)aristocrat-( उच्चतम सामाजिक वर्ग का)dictator
The organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material-( खाद-मिट्टी)clay-(चिकनी मिट्टी)alluvium-( जलोढ़ मिट्टी)humussilt-(नदी में मिट्टी, कीचड़, गाद आदि)
Medical doctors who specialise in diagnosing diseases using X-rays, CT scans and ultrasound-(विकिरण चिकित्सक)dermatologist-( त्वचा विशेषज्ञ)cardiologist-( हृदयरोग विशेषज्ञ)radiologistpathologist-( रोग विज्ञानी)
A person who eats the flesh of other human beings.-(नरभक्षी)cannibalsavage-(हिंसक, दैत्य)tribal- (जनजातीय)aborigine- (वनवासी, आदिवासी)
A slowly moving mass or river of ice-( घाटी में धीरे-धीरे चलते ही हिमराशि हिमनदी)glaciertyphoon-(प्रचण्ड तूफान)avalanche (हिम-स्खलन)blizzard (बर्फानी तूफान)
A person who is absolutely necessary for someone or something-(बहुत आवश्यक जिसके बिना काम न चल सके)indelible-(जो हटाया या धोया ना जा सके)indispensableineffable- (शब्दों में वर्णन करना कठिन हो)infallible-(कभी गलती न करने वाला)
A state governed by old people-(वृद्ध जनों का शासन)Autocracy-(निरंकुशता)Bureaucracy-(नौकरशाही)Democracy-(लोकतंत्र)Gerontocracy
A group of lions-(शेरों का झुण्ड)Herd-(पशु आदि का झुण्ड)Pack-(वन्य पशुओं का झुण्ड)PrideColony-(कीटों या पौधों का झुण्ड)
A very large impressive residence-(हवेली, कोठी)Cottage-(कुटिया)MansionCabin-(कोठरी)Igloo-(बर्फ का घर)
The state of being married to one person at a time-(एकलविवाह)Monogamyद्विविवाह)Polygamy-(बहुविवाह)Homogamy-(समयुग्मन)
A word or law no longer in use-(प्रयोग से बाहर )Venerable-(पूजनीय)ObsoleteVintage-(पुराना व बढ़िया (वाहन, शराब आदि)Absolute- (सम्पूर्ण, पक्का)
One who does not care for art or literature-(अबौधिक व्यक्ति)Philatelist- (डाक टिकट संग्रहणकर्ता)Plagiarist-(साहित्यकर्ता)Pessimist-(निराशावादी)Philistine
A group of stars that make a pattern- (तारामण्डल, नक्षत्र)ConstellationComet-(धूमकेतु)Horizon-(क्षितिज)Planet (ग्रह)
Safe to drink-(पीने योग्य)Delectable-(रूचिकर, स्वादिष्ट)PotableFeasible-(जिसे आसानी से किया जा सके)Edible-(खाने योग्य)
A doctor who treats skin diseases-( त्वचा विज्ञानी)DermatologistOrthodontist-(दंत संशोधक)Cardiologist-(ह्रदय रोग विशेषज्ञ)Ophthalmologist-(नेत्र-रोग विशेषज्ञ)
A close-fitting cover for a sword-(म्यान आवरण)Shank-(जूते के तले का मध्य भाग, पिण्डली)SheathQuiver-(तरकश)Dagger-(खंजर, कटार)
A partner in crime- (सहअपराधी)Alibi-(अपराध के समय दूसरी जगह होने का कथन)Amateur-(नौसिखिया)Agent-(प्रतिनिधि)Accomplice
A place where gambling games are played-(जुआघर)Arena (अखाड़ा)StadiumCasinoGymnasium
A government by the nobles (उच्च वर्गीय लोगों का शासन)Monarchy – (राजतंत्र)Democracy-(प्रजातंत्र)Oligarchy-(कुछ ही लोगों का शासन)Aristocracy
An imaginary ideal society-(कलप्नालोक, रामराज्य)Flawless-(निर्दोष)Ultimate-(सर्वोत्तम)UtopiaModel-(नमूना, प्रतिरूप)
Act of giving up the throne- ( पदत्याग, राजत्याग)AbdicationAdulation-(अत्यधिक प्रशंसा, चापलूसी)Admiration (प्रशंसा)Addiction – (बुरी आदत, लत)
An extreme fear of darkness-(अंधेरे से डर)Hydrophobia-(पानी से डर)Acrophobia-(ऊँचाई से डर)NyctophobiaHemophobia (खून से डर)
The science concerned with the properties of sound-(ध्वनि विज्ञान)Pedagogy-(शिक्षा शास्त्र)AcousticsGeology-(भू-विज्ञान)Acrobatics-(कलाबाजी)
Not supporting any side in an argument-( पक्षपात रहित, निष्पक्ष)Involved-(जटिल)ImpartialBiased-(पक्षपात पूर्ण)Natural-(स्वाभाविक)
A group of people travelling together, especially in a desert- (कांरवां, काफिला)CaravanProcession-(जुलूस, शोभा यात्रा)Parade-( सैन्य जुलूस)Pilgrimage-(तीर्थ यात्रा)
A detailed list of things in a place-(विस्तृत सूची)InventoryGlossary-(शब्दावली)Itinerary-(यात्रा कार्यक्रम)Directory-(टेलीफोन आदि की निर्देशिका)
A statement which cannot be contradicted-(जिसे गलत सिद्ध न किया जा सके, अखण्डनीय)Irresistible- (इतना शक्तिशाली की जिसे रोका ना जा सके)IrrefutableIrrational-(तर्कहीन)Irreparable-(जिस क्षति की पूर्ति न हो सके, जिसे सुधारा न जा सके)
A group of cattle-(मवेशियों का झुण्ड)HerdFlock-(पक्षियों का झुण्ड)Litter-(एक समय में एक ही माँ से जन्में बच्चों (पशु) का समूह)Pride-(शेरों का झुण्ड)
A fast moving stream of water-(पानी की बौछारTorrentQuake-(काँपना)Volcano (ज्वालामुखी)Fissure – ( दरार)
Profane talk-(पवित्र या धार्मिक वस्तुओं के प्रति अनादर, ईशनिंदा)Origami- (कागजी जापानी कला (जैसे खिलौने आदि))Alchemy-(घटिया धातु को सोने में बदलने की कला)Polygamy-(बहु विवाह)Blasphemy
A glass container in which fish can be kept-(मछलीघर)Fishery – (मत्स्य क्षेत्र)AquariumAquatic- (जलीय)Aqua-(पानी)
Obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat- (खाना-पीना कम करके वजन कम करने की इच्छा)Asphyxia (सांस न ले पाने की स्थिति)AnorexiaPyrexia-(एक प्रकार का Fever)Dyslexia-(पढ़ने लिखने में विकार जिससे कठिनाई हो)
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 – English Philosophy

Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019| MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019. Other section in SSC CGL exams are below, you can find Free mock test for them.

Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2019


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 - Idioms & Phrases

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 28

If the audit report shows anomalies, the finance manager will be brought to book.-(जबावदेह ठहराना या सजा देना)

2 / 28

Do a good turn-(किसी की मदद करना)

3 / 28

Take exception (पूर्णत सहमत होना)

4 / 28

Over one's head-( जो समझने में बहुत मुश्किल हो)

5 / 28

Apple of one's eye-( आंख का तारा, जो सबसे प्रिय हो(

6 / 28

Information technology has developed by leaps and bounds.- (दिन- दूनी रात चौगुनी गति से)

7 / 28

His comments cast a slur upon the integrity of his manager. (छवि खराब करना)

8 / 28

Breath of fresh air (सब कुछ नया, अलग व उत्साह से भरा)

9 / 28

On the spur of the moment-(बिना किसी योजना के आवेश में आकर काम करना)

10 / 28

Blow one's own trumpet-(खुद की तारीफ करना)

11 / 28

She felt like a fish out of water at her new job.-(असहज महसूस करना)

12 / 28

The threat of the pandemic is not just a cry in the wilderness.- (ऐसी जिस पर ध्यान देने वाला कोई ना हो, अकेला महसूस करना)

13 / 28

Eat one's words-( अपनी बात से पीछे हट जाना)

14 / 28

Eye-wash - (धोखा, छलावा)

15 / 28

Rose coloured glasses (जीवन के प्रति सकारात्मक नजरिया)

16 / 28

One track mind-(केवल एक ही दिशा में सोचना)

17 / 28

Behind one's back-(किसी की अनुपस्थिति में, चुपके से)

18 / 28

On the double - (बहुत तेज चाल)

19 / 28

To call the shots (स्थिति को नियंत्रित व व्यवस्थित करने के लिए निर्देश देने वाला बनना)

20 / 28

If we lay our heads together, we will surely find a solution.-(सलाह-मशविरा के साथ काम करना)

21 / 28

First and foremost-(सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलू)

22 / 28

A fair weather friend-(केवल अच्छे दिनों का साथी जिस पर भरोसा ना किया जा सके)

23 / 28

Cry over spilt milk-(समय निकल जाने के बाद पछताना)

24 / 28

Her success as a singer was a nine days' wonder.- (चार दिन की चाँदनी)

25 / 28

His probation was extended because his performance was not up to the mark.-(पैमाने या आशा के अनुरूप)

26 / 28

Far and wide- (सभी जगह, विस्तृत क्षेत्र में, सभी दिशाओं में)

27 / 28

The news of a leopard in the city spread like wild fire.-(तेजी से किसी बात का फैलना)

28 / 28

Carry the day-( जीतना)

Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
If the audit report shows anomalies, the finance manager will be brought to book.-(जबावदेह ठहराना या सजा देना)given a promotionrewarded suitablysupported fullyheld accountable
Her success as a singer was a nine days’ wonder.- (चार दिन की चाँदनी)a proud achievementan impossible feateternal famea short-lived sensation
Information technology has developed by leaps and bounds.- (दिन- दूनी रात चौगुनी गति से)at a rapid pacevery graduallythrough unfair meansin far off places
She felt like a fish out of water at her new job.-(असहज महसूस करना)angry and hurtcomfortable and relaxeduncomfortable and restlesshappy and free
To call the shots (स्थिति को नियंत्रित व व्यवस्थित करने के लिए निर्देश देने वाला बनना)to be the person in chargeto be blissfully happyto be in debtto lack control
Take exception (पूर्णत सहमत होना)appreciateobject tocare fordeny
Breath of fresh air (सब कुछ नया, अलग व उत्साह से भरा)a peaceful and relaxing placesomeone with a pleasant voicea high-priced and expensive thingsomeone or something new and refreshing
A fair weather friend-(केवल अच्छे दिनों का साथी जिस पर भरोसा ना किया जा सके)an unreliable frienda dependable frienda friend turned into an enemya jealous friend
Over one’s head-( जो समझने में बहुत मुश्किल हो)something totally unexpectedbeing at a disadvantageunable to function as beforebeyond one’s capability to understand something
On the double – (बहुत तेज चाल)on the verge of collapseat a fast paceout of orderbetween two undesirable things
One track mind-(केवल एक ही दिशा में सोचना)thinking of another point of viewusing a well-known pathalways thinking of only one thingwaiting anxiously for something
On the spur of the moment-(बिना किसी योजना के आवेश में आकर काम करना)deciding after a lot of thinkingacting impulsively without thinkingwaiting nervously for somethingbeing extremely careful
Rose coloured glasses (जीवन के प्रति सकारात्मक नजरिया)a positive outlook on life.a difficult situationan outdated attitudea belief not based on facts
Eat one’s words-( अपनी बात से पीछे हट जाना)forgive and forgetbecome less acceptableretract what one has saidoppose sternly
Behind one’s back-(किसी की अनुपस्थिति में, चुपके से)In one’s absenceIn everyone’s knowledgeConfornting somebodyOpenly supporting someone
Apple of one’s eye-( आंख का तारा, जो सबसे प्रिय हो(Very cleanVery easyVery rosyVery dear
First and foremost-(सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलू)Most important aspectMost difficult taskAfter everything elseFar from the truth
Cry over spilt milk-(समय निकल जाने के बाद पछताना)To find a solutionTo shout slogansTo blame othersTo regret uselessly
Eye-wash – (धोखा, छलावा)An operationA considerationA deceptionAn inspiration
Carry the day-( जीतना)Win a victoryLift a heavy loadBear the burdenLead an army
Far and wide- (सभी जगह, विस्तृत क्षेत्र में, सभी दिशाओं में)From the pastIn the futureIn all possible waysIn all directions
Blow one’s own trumpet-(खुद की तारीफ करना)Rely on oneselfCriticise othersPraise oneselfRespect others
Do a good turn-(किसी की मदद करना)Render a serviceWait for a turnReturn a giftMake a profit
His comments cast a slur upon the integrity of his manager. (छवि खराब करना)redeemedpraisedimproveddamaged
The news of a leopard in the city spread like wild fire.-(तेजी से किसी बात का फैलना)caused damagecaused fearspread slowlyspread rapidly
The threat of the pandemic is not just a cry in the wilderness.- (ऐसी जिस पर ध्यान देने वाला कोई ना हो, अकेला महसूस करना)mourning for the lossspreading rumoursan unheeded warningtears of sorrow
His probation was extended because his performance was not up to the mark.-(पैमाने या आशा के अनुरूप)lacking in maturityup to the required standardof the desired heightmore than expected
If we lay our heads together, we will surely find a solution.-(सलाह-मशविरा के साथ काम करना)rest for a whilework in consultationwork in isolationtake a break
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 – English Philosophy

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 - Synonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 9

ACCURATELY-(सही ढंग से)

2 / 9

CONDESCENDING-(संरक्षक की भाँति व्यवहार करना)

3 / 9


4 / 9

RELUCTANT-(अनिच्छुक, अस्पष्ट)

5 / 9

ESTIMATE- (कीमत आदि का अनुमान, आँकलन)

6 / 9

REVIVE- (पुनर्जीवित करना)

7 / 9

MOTIVE-(इरादा, मकसद)

8 / 9

ASTONISHMENT- (आश्चर्य, हैरानी)

9 / 9

RAMIFICATION (किसी निर्णय या कार्य के जटिल अनपेक्षित परिणाम)

Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019. | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

The Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019. There are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Synonyms previous year paper 2019


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 - Antonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 9

DEVOUT-(अत्यधिक धर्मनिष्ठ, श्रद्धालु)।

2 / 9

ABOMINABLE-(बहुत बुरा, घिनौना)

3 / 9

PERSEVERANCE-(निरंतर परिश्रम)

4 / 9

BLOATED (कष्टकर व फूला हुआ (पेट))

5 / 9

CRUCIAL- (महत्वपूर्ण)

6 / 9

GRADUALLY-(धीरे-धीरे क्रम से)

7 / 9


8 / 9

MANIFEST-(किसी वस्तु को स्पष्ट करना या प्रकट करना)

9 / 9

ENDORSE-(समर्थन देना)

Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
CONDESCENDING-(संरक्षक की भाँति व्यवहार करना)Accusing – (दोषारोपण का संकेत करते हुए)Patronising-(कृपा करते हुए, परवरिश)Creating-( उत्पन्न करना)Stimulating-( उत्तेजनापूर्ण)
ASTONISHMENT- (आश्चर्य, हैरानी)Wonder-( आश्चर्य)Composure- (संयम, धैर्य)Fright-(आंतक)Expectation-(आशा)
ACCURATELY-(सही ढंग से)Partially-(थोड़ा-थोड़ा कर के )Moderately-( संयम के साथ)Correctly-( उचित रूप से)Promptly-( तुरंत ही)
REVIVE- (पुनर्जीवित करना)Review-(समीक्षा करना)Depress-(उदास करना)Restore (नया बनाना)Damage-(नुकसान पहुंचाना)
RAMIFICATION (किसी निर्णय या कार्य के जटिल अनपेक्षित परिणाम)Inception-(शुरुआत)Consequence-(परिणाम, नतीजा)Source-(आधार)Satisfaction-(संतुष्टि)
EFFICIENCY-(कार्य-क्षमता)Disability-( विकलांगता)Fluency-( भाषा प्रवाह)Tendency-( रूज्ञान)Capability
MOTIVE-(इरादा, मकसद)reasonutility- (जनोपयोगी सेवाऐं, उपयोगिता)benefitchance
RELUCTANT-(अनिच्छुक, अस्पष्ट)unwilling-(अनिच्छुक)pleased-(सुखी)afraid-( भयभीत)steady- (लगातार, नियमित)
ESTIMATE- (कीमत आदि का अनुमान, आँकलन)assess-( आंकना)solve-( हल करना)discover-( खोजना)believe-( विश्वास करना)
Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 – English Philosophy

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019- Spelling Test

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 8

Select the correctly spelt word.

2 / 8

Select the misspelt word.

3 / 8

Select the correctly spelt word.

4 / 8

Select the misspelt word.

5 / 8

Select the misspelt word.

6 / 8

Select the misspelt word.

7 / 8

Select the misspelt word.

8 / 8

Select the correctly spelt word.

Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Antonyms means opposite, a section of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2019. Find other section of SSC CGL exams with Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2019


Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
BLOATED (कष्टकर व फूला हुआ (पेट))Swollen-(सूजा हुआ)Deflated-(पिचका हुआ)Turgid-( फूला हुआ)Arrogant-( घमंडी)
TEMPORARY-(अस्थायी)Transitory-( अल्पकालिक)Lasting- (चिरस्थायी)Interim-( मध्यकाल)Momentary-(क्षणिक)
ABOMINABLE-(बहुत बुरा, घिनौना)Delightful-( दिलचस्प)Hateful-( घृणित)Colourful-(रंग-बिरंगा)Distasteful-(अरूचिकर)
GRADUALLY-(धीरे-धीरे क्रम से)Constantly-(निरंतर)Abruptly-( शीघ्रता से)Rendiily- (आसानों से बिना कठिनाई केSteadily-(नियमित रूप से)
ENDORSE-(समर्थन देना)Affirm-(निश्चिय पूर्वक समर्थन करना)Support-(साथ देना)Advocate-(समर्थन करना)Renounce-(त्याग देना)
CRUCIAL- (महत्वपूर्ण)Stable-(स्थामी, घुड़साल)Essential-( परमावश्यक)UrgentTrivial-(तुच्छ)
MANIFEST-(किसी वस्तु को स्पष्ट करना या प्रकट करना)disguise (भेष बदलना, छल-कपट )declare-( घोषित करना)distinguish-(पहचानना)display-(दिखाना)
PERSEVERANCE-(निरंतर परिश्रम)determination (दृढ़ निश्चित)persistence-(जिद्द)instability-(अस्थिरता)resolution-(संकल्वद्धता)
DEVOUT-(अत्यधिक धर्मनिष्ठ, श्रद्धालु)।passive-(निष्क्रिय)proficient-(दक्ष)profound-( अत्यंत गहरा)pure-(पवित्र)
Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 – English Philosophy

Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Vocabulary knowledge is essential so Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2011. You can find Free mock test for them below.

SSC CGL mock test Free for Spelling test previous year paper 2019


Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Select the misspelt word.Comparison-(तुलना)Frantick-Frantic-(भयभीत, पागल,जलदबाजी में किया गया)Eminent-(प्रख्यात)Estimate-(आंकन)
Select the misspelt word.Souvenir-(यादगार)Paltry-(नगण्य)Afliction-Affliction-(पीड़ा, मुसीबत)Thwart- ( योजना को नाकाम करना)
Select the misspelt word.partner-(साझेदार)approach-(पहूंच)florish-flourish-(फलना-फूलना)slander-(झूठी निंदा)
Select the misspelt word.foreiner-Foreigner-(विदेशी व्यक्ति)conjure-(जादू करना)summon-(कोर्ट का बुलावा भेजना)intrigue-(कू कर्म करने की गुप्त योजना)
Select the misspelt word.sense-(समझ)swallow (निगलना)survey-(अवलोकन)Strech-Stretch-(खींचना)
Select the correctly spelt word.contamporarycontemporary-(समकालीन)contemperarycontemporery
Select the correctly spelt word.battalion-(सैन्यदल)batallionbatalionbattallion
Select the correctly spelt word.perallelparellelparrallelparallel-(सामानांतर)
Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2019 – English Philosophy

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