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SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 with free Mock Test

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016 all Sections

Dear Students, As you know SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to cover, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post of SSC CGL previous year papers of 2016 you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions same as it was appeared in that year of SSC CGL Examination.

Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam performance. At bottom of the page you will find all questions with their options to justify your knowledge. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times with SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam.

SSC-CGL (Tier-II) Main Exam, 2016

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016 – English Philosophy

One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 | MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test

The first part is One word Substitutions which is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. One word Substitutions question validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options given with One word Substitutions. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016. There are four other section in SSC CGL exams SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam, you can find Free mock test for SSC CGL below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2016


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 - One word Substitutions

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 36

A place for fish or water plants. (मछलीघर)

2 / 36

Placing different things in order to create an interesting effect-(पास-पास रखना)

3 / 36

The belief that everyone is equal and should have the same right and opportunities.-(समानतावादी)

4 / 36

General pardon for offences against the state-(सार्वजनिक क्षमादान)

5 / 36

A lengthy and aggressive speech addressed to a large assembly.-(प्रभावशाली भाषण)

6 / 36

A mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent inside buildings, especially in residential settings.

7 / 36

That cannot be expressed in words.(अकथनीय)

8 / 36

An instrument for measuring pressure of gases - (वायुदाबमापी)

9 / 36

Wide, uninterrupted view.-(किसी बडे़ क्षेत्र का दृश्य)

10 / 36

One who believes in many Gods. (बहुदेववादी)

11 / 36

A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm.-(कट्टर व्यक्ति)

12 / 36

A state where there is no effective government. -(अराजकता)

13 / 36

One who lends money on high rates of interest-(सूदखोर)

14 / 36

Inscription on a gravestone-(स्मृति-लेख)

15 / 36

Violation of that which is holy and sacred.-(अपवित्रीकरण)

16 / 36

One who is not easily pleased by anything (तनुक मिजाज, नकचढ़ा)

17 / 36

A remedy for all diseases. ( रामबाण औषधि)

18 / 36

Substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness. (चेतना शून्य करने वाली औषधी)

19 / 36

Master of ceremonies ( किसी कार्यक्रम का प्रस्तुतकर्ता)

20 / 36

The study of birds is known as - (पक्षीयों का अध्ययन)

21 / 36

Animals that can live on land and in water.

22 / 36

Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks-( शराब की लत)

23 / 36

A person, especially a young one, with exceptional abilities.-( अद्भुत प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति)

24 / 36

The word is no longer in use. ( अप्रचलित प्रयोग से बाहर)

25 / 36

Study of cultures. -( मानव जातियों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन)

26 / 36

Tending to associate with others of one's kind -( झुण्ड में रहने वाला, मिलनसार, सुसामाजिक)

27 / 36

A new word coined by an author.-(नवनिर्मित शब्द)

28 / 36

When something moves in a straight line.. (सीधी रेखाओं से घिरा हुआ)

29 / 36

Incapable of feeling tired or exhausted-(अथक, परिश्रमी)

30 / 36

A person who opposes war or use of military force. (शांतिवादी)

31 / 36

Head of monks in an abbey -(मठाधिकारी)

32 / 36

A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.(परोपकारी)

33 / 36

A person speaking many languages.-(बहुभाषिक)

34 / 36

A hater of woman. (नारीद्वेषी)

35 / 36

The act of killing a whole group of people, specially a whole race. (जाति-संहार)

36 / 36

A post with little work but high salary.-(आराम की नौकरी)

Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
One who is not easily pleased by anything (तनुक मिजाज, नकचढ़ा)gulliblefastidiousinnocentamenable- (खुशी से मानने वाला)
Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks-( शराब की लत)Pyromania- (आग लगाने की लत)DipsomaniaMegalomania-(अत्यधिक शक्ति की इच्छा)Kleptomania-( चोरी की इच्छा)
The belief that everyone is equal and should have the same right and opportunities.-(समानतावादी)Altruistic-( परोपकारी)Egoistic-(अहंकारवादी)EgalitarianOctogenarian
The study of birds is known as – (पक्षीयों का अध्ययन)OrnithologyZoologyBiologyAnatomy-(शरीर-रचना विज्ञान)
A place for fish or water plants. (मछलीघर)AviaryApiaryHerbarium-( वनस्पति संग्रहालय)Aquarium
A remedy for all diseases. ( रामबाण औषधि)TonicNectar-( अमृत)PanaceaElixir-( अमृत)
Master of ceremonies ( किसी कार्यक्रम का प्रस्तुतकर्ता)Ceremonist.CompereOrganiserManager
Substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness. (चेतना शून्य करने वाली औषधी)AntisepticAntidote-(विष नाशक)AnestheticCocaine
A person who opposes war or use of military force. (शांतिवादी)Narcissist-(स्वप्रेमवादी)Fatalist-(भाग्यवादी)PacifistFascist-(फासीवादी)
A state where there is no effective government. -(अराजकता)Secular (धर्मनिरपेक्ष)DemocracyGovernance(शासन प्रणाली)Anarchy
A hater of woman. (नारीद्वेषी)Monarchist-(राजतंत्रवादी)Misanthropе-(मानवदद्वेषी)Philanderer-(दिलफैंक व्यक्ति)Misogynist
Animals that can live on land and in water.Anthropoid( वन-मानुष)Aquatic-(जलीय)AmphibianMarsupial-(ऑस्ट्रेलियाई पशु जिसमें मादा अपने बच्चे को पेट पर लगी थैली में रखती है।)
The act of killing a whole group of people, specially a whole race. (जाति-संहार)PatricideGenocideParricide- (माता-पिता या रिस्तेदार की हत्या)Matricide
General pardon for offences against the state-(सार्वजनिक क्षमादान)sanctify-(पवित्र करना)amnestygratuity-(सेवा- पारितोषिक)red-tapism-(लाल फीताशाही)
Tending to associate with others of one’s kind -( झुण्ड में रहने वाला, मिलनसार, सुसामाजिक)grassivorousgregarian-(साधारण समाज का)gregariousgraminivorous(घास खाने वाला)
When something moves in a straight line.. (सीधी रेखाओं से घिरा हुआ)quadrilineal-(चतुर्भुजीय)octalineal-(अष्टभुजीय)rectilinealtrapilineal-(समबाहु)
A new word coined by an author.-(नवनिर्मित शब्द)novelty-(नवीनता)innovationneologisminception-(शुरुआत)
Incapable of feeling tired or exhausted-(अथक, परिश्रमी)invincible-(अजेय)inflatable-(जिसमें हवा भरी जा सके)indefatigableinextricable-(जटिल)
A person, especially a young one, with exceptional abilities.-( अद्भुत प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति)intellectualprodigygeniusmastermind
A post with little work but high salary.-(आराम की नौकरी)freelancer-(स्वतंत्र रूप से काम करने वाला)sine qua non-(अनिवार्य शर्त)sinecurequangos-(अर्ध गैर-सरकारी संगठन)
One who lends money on high rates of interest-(सूदखोर)usurper-(हड़पने वाला)usherer-( पथ प्रदर्शक)usurerundertaker- (शव का अंत्येष्टि प्रबंधक)
One who believes in many Gods. (बहुदेववादी)polyglot-(बहुभाषिक)polygamy-(बहुविवाहवाद)polygon-(बहुभुज)polytheist
Violation of that which is holy and sacred.-(अपवित्रीकरण)malevolent-(बुरा चाहने वाला)sacrilegebizarre-(अनौखा)iniquitous-(दूराचारी)
Inscription on a gravestone-(स्मृति-लेख)obituary-( शोक संदेह)memorialepitaphepigraph (भवन या प्रतिमा शिलालेख
A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.(परोपकारी)egoistunselfishaltruistwelfarist-(कल्याणकारी)
The word is no longer in use. ( अप्रचलित प्रयोग से बाहर)obsoleteold fashionantiquevanished-(लुप्त)
Head of monks in an abbey -(मठाधिकारी)PadreDeanAbbotDeacon-( छोटा पादरी)
A lengthy and aggressive speech addressed to a large assembly.-(प्रभावशाली भाषण)hullabaloo-(शोरगुल, कोलाहल)cacophony-( कर्कश आवाज, बेसुरापन)pandemonium-(हो-हुल्लड़)harangue
A person speaking many languages.-(बहुभाषिक)conversant-(जानकर या परिचित)polyglottalkativeorator- (कुशल सार्वजनिक वक्ता)
Study of cultures. -( मानव जातियों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन)eremology-(रेगिस्तान का अध्ययन)etymology-(शब्दों की उत्पत्ति का अध्ययन )ethology-(पशु व्यवहार विज्ञान)ethnology
Placing different things in order to create an interesting effect-(पास-पास रखना)sit for a portrait (चित्र बनवाने बैठना )render precisely – (सही-सही प्रस्तुत करना)juxtaposeframing
A mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent inside buildings, especially in residential settings.potpourriperfumescentaroma
That cannot be expressed in words.(अकथनीय)indelible-(अमिट)ineffableingrate-(अकृतज्ञ व्यक्ति)inexorable- (निर्दयी, कठोर)
An instrument for measuring pressure of gases – (वायुदाबमापी)barometeranemometer-(पवनवेगमापी)micrometer-(सुक्ष्ममापी)manometer- (दबाव नापने का यंत्र)
Wide, uninterrupted view.-(किसी बडे़ क्षेत्र का दृश्य)windowviewpanoramamacroscopiceagle-view
A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm.-(कट्टर व्यक्ति)moderate-(मध्यम स्तर का)conservative-(रूढ़िवादी)fanaticfan
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016| MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016. Other section in SSC CGL exams are below, you can find Free mock test for them.

Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2016


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 - Idioms & Phrases

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 30

Mare's nest ( एक काल्पनिक या बेकार खोज)

2 / 30

Cloak- and - dagger-( गुप्त और षड्यंत्र से भरा)

3 / 30

Take the bull by the horns-( समस्या को दृढ़ता से सामना करना)

4 / 30

Go to rack and ruin-(बर्बाद हो जाना)

5 / 30

Fall back on-(मुश्किल घड़ी में सहारा लेना या मद्द लेना)

6 / 30

Cut short-(अचानक रोक देना या रूक जाना)

7 / 30

will-o-the-wisp-(अवास्तविक कल्पना जिसे पाना असंभव हो )

8 / 30

Turn over a new leaf-( कुछ अच्छा करने के लिये अपने व्यवहार में सुधार लाना)

9 / 30

Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians-( एक अकुशल अवस्था जिसमें सभी आदेश देने वाले हों लेकिन मानने वाला कोई नहीं)

10 / 30

Take up the hatchet-(युद्ध लड़ना या लड़ने की घोषणा करना )

11 / 30

A laughing stock-(प्रजाक का विषय )

12 / 30

At loose ends -( बेरोजगार व बेचैन)

13 / 30

Ruffle somebody's feather-( किसी को गुस्सा दिलाना या नाराज करना)

14 / 30

Build castles in the air-( दिन में सपने देखना)

15 / 30

Blue-blooded-( कुलीन वर्ग का)

16 / 30

From stem to stern-(एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक)

17 / 30

Do a roaring trade-( व्यवसाय में सफल होना)

18 / 30

Over egg the pudding-(सुधारने का ज्यादा प्रयास करके बर्बाद कर देना)

19 / 30

Keep body and soul together- मुस्कान से गुजर-सर कर पाना )

20 / 30

Make one's mark-( अपनी पहचान बनाना)

21 / 30

With might and main -( पूरी ताकत से)

22 / 30

Have a chip on one's shoulder-(वैर-भाव और मन-मुटाव को पाले रखना )

23 / 30

A gentleman at large-(जिसके पास कोई काम न हो)

24 / 30

The seamy side-( एक बुरा पहलू)

25 / 30

Bad blood (दुर्भावना)

26 / 30

Palm off-( धोखा देकर गले मेढ़ना)

27 / 30

Throw in the towel-(हार स्वीकार करना )

28 / 30

A storm in a teacup-( बात का बतंगड़ बनाना)

29 / 30

Bite the dust-( पराजित होना)

30 / 30

Lose face -( ख्याति या नाम खराब होने पर लज्जित होना)

Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
A storm in a teacup-( बात का बतंगड़ बनाना)steam while having teasomething which encouragesbig fuss over a small matterspecial positions
Mare’s nest ( एक काल्पनिक या बेकार खोज)phenomenal discoveryworthless thingjoyful eventhuge mistake
Throw in the towel-(हार स्वीकार करना )fight with vigouracknowledge defeatget successconcentrate more
Make one’s mark-( अपनी पहचान बनाना)distinguish oneselfscore high markshighlight something in a pagereveal something
A laughing stock-(प्रजाक का विषय )an object of laughtera storehouse of jokesan object of desirea stock of high value
Bad blood (दुर्भावना)warill feelingthreatening attitudein an infected state of being
Cut short-(अचानक रोक देना या रूक जाना)deletepraiseinterruptslice into small pieces
Ruffle somebody’s feather-( किसी को गुस्सा दिलाना या नाराज करना)gambleescape responsibilityannoy somebodyshow contempt for
With might and main -( पूरी ताकत से)with full riskswith full forcehaving full confidencewith full blessings
At loose ends -( बेरोजगार व बेचैन)tie two loose ends of a threadkeep options openin an uncertain situationrepay debts
Take up the hatchet-(युद्ध लड़ना या लड़ने की घोषणा करना )behave formallypursue a chancebe caught in a trapprepare for or go to war
Turn over a new leaf-( कुछ अच्छा करने के लिये अपने व्यवहार में सुधार लाना)change one’s behaviour for the between the pages of a a somersaultdo a new job.
Over egg the pudding-(सुधारने का ज्यादा प्रयास करके बर्बाद कर देना)add unnecessary details to make something seem better or worse.fill the pudding excessively with egg.add details in order to make something more exciting.add important details to the content of a story.
From stem to stern-(एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक)all the way from the front of a ship to the back.from the beginning to the of a plant to its roots.loose pleasantness to become strict.
Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians-( एक अकुशल अवस्था जिसमें सभी आदेश देने वाले हों लेकिन मानने वाला कोई नहीं)a proud gatheringan inefficient situationan anti-national meetinga top-level meeting
The seamy side-( एक बुरा पहलू)on the right sideunpleasant aspectvisible aspectson the left side of something
Have a chip on one’s shoulder-(वैर-भाव और मन-मुटाव को पाले रखना )nurse a grudgefeel physically tallsuffer an ailmentcarry a burden
Bite the dust-( पराजित होना)eat poorlysuffer a defeatclean somethingattack and defeat somebody
Go to rack and ruin-(बर्बाद हो जाना)a state of utter chaosa state of despaira condition of exhilarationget into a bad condition
Fall back on-(मुश्किल घड़ी में सहारा लेना या मद्द लेना)retreatovertakensuffer an accidentresort to something
Build castles in the air-( दिन में सपने देखना)work tirelesslyflydreamfilm something
Lose face -( ख्याति या नाम खराब होने पर लज्जित होना)become embarrassedfeel angryget injuredfeel surprised
A gentleman at large-(जिसके पास कोई काम न हो)a man in the crowda man without a joba man who runs arounda man who is generous
Take the bull by the horns-( समस्या को दृढ़ता से सामना करना)crush something with a heavy handgrapple the situation courageouslyclose your eyes and attack the bulltake defensive measures to deal with a crisis.
Palm off-( धोखा देकर गले मेढ़ना)clearly visibleuneasy with somethingto dispose off with the intent to deceiveconceal
Cloak- and – dagger-( गुप्त और षड्यंत्र से भरा)an armoured suita game of martial skillan activity that involves mystery and secrecya wide coat without sleeves and a small sword
will-o-the-wisp-(अवास्तविक कल्पना जिसे पाना असंभव हो )smoky placemarsh landunreal imaginingrumour whispered by many
Keep body and soul together- मुस्कान से गुजर-सर कर पाना )maintain his healthcontinue with his workto have just enough to sustainbe physical and spiritual
Do a roaring trade-( व्यवसाय में सफल होना)in the animal businesshighly successfulin the habit of shouting at othersextremely reluctant
Blue-blooded-( कुलीन वर्ग का)inferiorof noble birthof unknown originunhealthy
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

The Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016. There are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Synonyms previous year paper 2016


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 - Synonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 9

Pragmatic- यथार्थवादी, व्यावहारिक

2 / 9

Apathy-भावहीनता, बेपरवाही, कोताही

3 / 9

Apposite- योग्य, प्रांसगिक, उपयुक्त

4 / 9

Evince-प्रकट करना, जताना

5 / 9

Ineffable-अकथनीय, अवर्णनीय

6 / 9

Espionage-जासूसी, गुप्तचरी

7 / 9

Eulogy-गुणवान, प्रशंसा

8 / 9

Mordant-कटु, चुभने वाला, व्यंग्यमिश्रित

9 / 9

Pernicious-हानिकारक, घातक

Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Apathy-भावहीनता, बेपरवाही, कोताहीnegligenceindifferencesympathysilence
Espionage-जासूसी, गुप्तचरीhypnotismspyingperceptiondetente-धुर विरोधी देशों के बीच संबंध सुधार)
Ineffable-अकथनीय, अवर्णनीयunintelligible-जो समझ में ना आ सकेillegible-जिसे पढ़ना कठिन होinexplicable-जिसकी व्याख्या न की जा सकेinexpressible
Eulogy-गुणवान, प्रशंसाharmony- सामंजस्यeuphoria-खुशी का भावpraisehomily- धार्मिक उपदेश
Pernicious-हानिकारक, घातकfilthy- गंदाfoul-बदबूदारcontinuousinjurious
Evince-प्रकट करना, जतानाrecollectshowappearproduce
Apposite- योग्य, प्रांसगिक, उपयुक्तkindfavourableeloquent-भाषणपटुappropriate
Pragmatic- यथार्थवादी, व्यावहारिकtheoreticalrealisticperfectsimple
Mordant-कटु, चुभने वाला, व्यंग्यमिश्रितstupidpensivesenseless -विचारमग्नsarcastic
Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Antonyms means opposite, a section of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2016. Find other section of SSC CGL exams with Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2016


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 - Antonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 9

Diffident-आत्मविश्वासहीन, संकोची, शर्मीला

2 / 9

Elegance- आकर्षित, कोमलता, रमणीयता

3 / 9

Barren-बंजर, अनुपजाऊ

4 / 9

Mitigate-किसी बात की गम्भीरता को कम कर देना।

5 / 9

Accumulated - इकट्ठा, जमा, संचित

6 / 9

Generous-दानशील, उदार

7 / 9

Profound-अत्यंत गहरा, प्रबल, हार्दिक

8 / 9


9 / 9

Fickle- चंचल, अस्थिर

Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Elegance- आकर्षित, कोमलता, रमणीयताvehemence-प्रचण्डता, तीव्रताfragrancegracelessostentatious-आडम्बरपूर्ण, दिखावटी
Mitigate-किसी बात की गम्भीरता को कम कर देना।enlargereduceincreasemultiply
Fickle- चंचल, अस्थिरdebilitating-दुर्बलfirmrepulsive -धृणास्पदyielding-समर्पण, स्वीकृति
Diffident-आत्मविश्वासहीन, संकोची, शर्मीलाreservedhappyconfidentstrong
Accumulated – इकट्ठा, जमा, संचितsquanderedreceded-कम हो जानाcollectedgarnered-संग्रहित
Profound-अत्यंत गहरा, प्रबल, हार्दिकmysteriousdifficultsuperfluoussuperficial
Barren-बंजर, अनुपजाऊoilypolishedsorrowfulfertile
Generous-दानशील, उदारstoicstingypoorspecific
Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Vocabulary knowledge is essential so Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2011. You can find Free mock test for them below.

SSC CGL mock test Free for Spelling test previous year paper 2016


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016- Spelling Test

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

2 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

3 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

4 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

5 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

6 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

7 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

8 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

9 / 9

Find the correctly spelt word.

Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Find the correctly spelt word.vaccumvacuum – निर्वात, शून्य, पूर्णतः रिक्त स्थानvacumvaccuum
Find the correctly spelt word.miscellaneous-विविध, अनेक प्रकार काmicellaneousmisellaneousmiscelaneous
Find the correctly spelt word.orthopeadicorthopadicorthopaedic-विकलांग चिकित्सा सम्बन्धीorthopedic
Find the correctly spelt word.Abstinence-संयम, परहेजAbstinanceAbstenanceAbstinense
Find the correctly spelt word.ExclamateryExclematoryExclamataryExclamatory-विस्यादिबोधक
Find the correctly spelt word.PreciencePresciencPrescienscePrescience-दूरदर्शी, पूर्वज्ञान
Find the correctly spelt word.HemerhageHemorageHemorrhage-शरीर के अन्दर अत्यधिक रक्त बहनाHemerrege
Find the correctly spelt word.SupernumararySupernumerary- अतिरिक्त, छोटा कलाकारSupernumarerySupernumarey
Find the correctly spelt word.Liaison-मेल-जोल, गुप्त यौन संबंधLaiseonLaisionLiesion
Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2016 – English Philosophy

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