SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 with free Mock Test
SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 all sections
Dear Students, As you know SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to cover, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions. Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam. At bottom of the page you can find all questions with their options. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times.
One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
One word Substitutions is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 previous year exam. Similarly there are four other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2018
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present (गुलदस्ता) | Bouquet | Wreath-(फूलों का हार) | Garland | Bundle-(पोटली) |
A person appointed by two parties to resolve a dispute-(मध्यस्थ, निर्णायक) | broker | valuer- (मूल्य निर्धारक) | auditor- (लेखा परीक्षक) | arbitrator |
a family of young animals. | nest | clutch – ( जकड़ना, कब्जा करना) | brood | offspring-(संतान) |
Someone who believes that people cannot change the way events will happen-(भाग्यवादी) | Prophet-(पैगम्बर) | Fatalist | Fanatic-(कट्टरपंथी) | Seer-(ऋषि) |
Persons living at the same time-(समकालान) | Cosmopolitans-(विश्वप्रेमी) | Compatriots-( हमवतन) | Colleagues-(सहकर्मी) | Contemporaries |
An inscription on a tomstone written in memory of the deceased-(स्मृतिलेख) | pillar-(खंभा) | epitaph | slab-(तख्ता, चपटा, टुकड़ा) | basilica-(विशाल सभा भवन) |
An enclosure to keep the birds in-(पक्षीशाला) | Aviary | Apiary-(मधुवाटिका) | Stable-(घुड़साल) | Sanctuary-(अभ्यारण्य) |
A cylinderical container bulging out in the middle, traditionally made of wooden staves for keeping oil, beer etc.-( 159 लीटर की एक माप ईकाई) | bin-(डिब्बा) | bushel-(पैमाना (35.2 litres)) | barrel | bale-(गट्ठर, पोटली) |
A person who draws or producers maps-( मानचित्र निर्माता) | calligrapher-(सुलेखक) | cartographer | lexicographer-(शब्दकोश निर्मता) | choreographer-(नृत्य निर्देशक) |
A person, animal or plant belonging originally to a place. -(स्थानीय निवासी) | alien | native | resident | occupant-(किरायेदार) |
A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place and lives by begging.-(घुम्मकड़, मलंग, आवारा, बंजारा) | vagrant | itinerant | migrant | truant |
A student who idly or without excuse absents himself/herself from school-( बिना बताये कक्षा में अनुपस्थित रहने वाला) | traunt | vagrant-(आंवारा) | itinerant-( घुमक्कड़) | migrant-(प्रवासी) |
A person, animal or plant much betlow the usual height.-(बौना, नाटा) | wizard-( जादूगर) | dwarf | creature- (जीव, प्राणी) | witch-(चूडै़ल) |
A place where fruit trees are grown-( फलों का बाग) | Orchard | Farm | Plantation | Garden |
A place for storing guns and military equipment-(शस्त्रागार) | Archive-( ऐतिहासिक अभिलेख) | Arsenal | Apiary-(मधुवाटिका) | Aviary – (पक्षी-शाला) |
A fictitious name used by an author-(झूठा नाम, उपनाम) | Pseudonym | Homonym- (हमनाम, मिला-जुला शब्द) | Alibi- (अपराध के समय किसी दूसरी जगह होने का कथन) | Anonymous (अज्ञात) |
One who is a great lover of books (पुस्तक प्रेमी) | Bibliophile | Hemophile-(अति रक्तस्त्राव का रोगी) | Xenophile-(विदेशियों से प्रेम) | Pedophile-(बच्चों के प्रति कामुकता का भाव) |
Sole right to make and sell some invention-(एकाधिकार निर्माण) | Patent | Heirloom-(विरासत, पैतृक सम्पत्ति) | Copyright-(सर्वाधिकार) | Inheritance-(उत्तराधिकार) |
One who helps a person in need ( जरूरत के समय काम आने वाला, परोपकारी) | Veteran (अनुमानी) | Collaborator-(सहयोगी) | Samaritan | Mercenary-(किराये का सैनिक) |
Something which cannot be understood-(जो समझ में न आये ) | Illegible-(अपठनीय) | Incomprehensible | Inexplicable-(व्याख्या न करने योग्य) | Infallible-(कभी गलती न करने वाला) |
Something which is fit to be eaten-(खाने योग्य) | Unpalatable-(अरूचिकर) | Delicious-(स्वादिष्ट) | Edible | Tasty-(स्वादिष्ट) |
One who embraces voluntary death for the sake of one’s country-(शहीद, बलिदान) | Fanatic-(कट्टर पंथी) | Martyr | Patriot-( देशभक्त) | Diplomat-(कुटनितिज्ञ) |
One who is indifferent to art and culture-(अबौधिक व्यक्ति) | Cynic-(दोषदषी) | Scientist | Philanderer-(इश्कबाज) | Philistine |
A trade that is prohibited by law-(गैरकानूनी) | incredible-(अतुल्य) | illusive-(मिथ्या) | inapt-(अकुशल, अनुचित) | illicit |
To give up the throne-(सिहांसन का त्याग) | Bequeath-(वसीयत करना) | Usurp-(हड़पना) | Consign-(हवाले कर देना) | Abdicate |
Flowers or leaves woven together in a circle for placing on a coffin or a grave-(पुष्पमाला) | garland | wreath | bunch-(गुच्छा) | bouquet |
A large, deep pot used both in the oven and as a serving vessel.-(हांडी) | sauce-pan | casserole | skillet | cauldron |
A large, deep, metal pot used for cooking over open fire-( कड़ाही | Barrel | Kettle | Skillet-Frying Pan-(कड़ाही) | Cauldron |
The part of a country’s government respon sible for its legal system.-(न्यायपालिका) | Judiciary | Legislature-(व्यवस्थापिका) | Police | Executive-(कार्यकारी अधिकारी) |
An instrument for measuring the atmospheric pressure. (वायुदाब मापक) | Thermometer-(तापमान यंत्र) | Altometer-Theodolite-( कोणों को मापने का उपकरण) | Barometer | Ammeter- (विधुतधारा मापी यंत्र) |
Impossible to satisfy-(जिसे संतुष्ट न किया जा सके) | Satisfactory | Satisfiable-(संतोष योग्य) | Contented-(संतुष्ट) | Insatiable |
Liable to break easily-(आसानी से टूटने वाला) | Brittle | Soft | Bent-(झुकाव) | Thin-(पतला) |
That which can be drawn into a thin wire.-(मुलायम, कोमल) | Ductile | Smooth | Flexible | Brittle |
Too unimportant to consider.-(तुच्छ, नगण्य) | Trivial | Noticeable | Nothing | Dimunitive-(छोटा-सा) |
Incapable of being read-(अपठनीय) | Unseen | Eligible | Illegible | Vague-(धुंधला, अस्पष्ट) |
One who does not tire easily – ( कठिन परिश्रमी, बिना थके काम करने वाला) | Indefatigable | Inflatable-(जिसमें हवा भरी जा सके) | Indelible-(स्थायी) | Indestructible-(जिसे नष्ट न किया जा सके, अविनाशी) |
That which cannot be heard-(जो सुनाई नदे) | Slight | Hidden | Invisible | Inaudible |
Inacpable of being corrected-(जिसे सुधारा न जा सके) | Incredible | Inviolable-(अलंघनीय, पवित्र) | Incorrigible | Impossible |
One who walks in sleep-( निंद में चलने वाला) | Omnipotent-(सर्वशक्तिमान) | Somnambulist | Philanthropist-(मानवप्रेमी) | Pedestrian-(पैदल चलने वाला) |
A state of perfect balance-(संतुलन) | Equinox- (रात-दिन बराबर होने का समय) | Equivalent-(समकक्ष, बराबर) | Equilibrium | Equilateral-(समबाहु, समभुज) |
The act of looking back on past time.-(बीती बातों पर चिंतन करना) | Retrospection | Inspection-(जांच) | Circumspection-(चौकन्नापन) | Introspection-(आत्मचिंतन) |
That which cannot be satisfied-(जिसे संतुष्ट न किया जा सके) | Incredible | Improbable-(विचित्र) | Impossible | Insatiable |
Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018| MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test
Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 previous exam. Similarly there are three other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2018
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Lend an ear-(किसी बात को ध्यान से सुनना) | To pay attention to | To not make trouble | To force someone to listen | To not tell someone something |
On tentherhooks-(बैचेन व परेशान) | Unhappy | Angry | Anxious | Happy |
Lock, stock and barrel-(पूरी तरह से) | Immediately | Partly | Rarely | Completely |
In the pink-(पूरी तरह स्वास्थ्य) | in pink dress | in the limelight | in a happy mood | in good health |
out of the woods-(खतरे से बाहर) | no longer in trouble | no longer in sight | no longer famous | no longer young |
butterfies in the stomach-(हतोत्साहित महसूस करना) | being excited | being nervous | being angry | being hungry |
Lead someone by the nose-( किसी हावी होना, नियंत्रण पाना ) | To do the right thing | To force someone to take the blame | To dominat someone | To quarrel with someon |
Couch potato (ऐसा निठल्ला व्यक्ति जो पूरे दिन टीवी देखता रहता है) | A person who sleeps all day | A person who watches too much television | A person who remains relaxed and calm | A person who is simple in nature |
pull yourself together-(अपने आप को शांत रखना ) | go to sleep | calm down | try to understand | do a good job |
Give someone the cold shoulder-( किसी को अनदेखा करना) | Ignore someone | Give away a secret | Do something pointless | Pamper someone |
Pull someone’s leg-(किसी के साथ मजाक करना, टाँग खिंचाई करना ) | trust someone | joke with someone | get upset with someone | tell someone a secret |
actions speak louder than words-(किसी का काम उसके शब्दों से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण होता है ) | take up a task that you cannot finish | what you do is more important than what you say | do something without planning | look for solutions in the wrong place |
Get out of hand-(नियंत्रण से बाहर हो जाना) | get out of control | to complete a task | give up something | get upset |
Cost an arm and a leg -( बहुत ज्यादा मँहगा होना) | easy to obtain | rarely available | nothing to lose | very expensive |
At daggers drawn-(शत्रुता के भाव से भरा ) | deceiving somebody | without hope | friendly with each other | bitterly hostile |
To play ducks and drakes-(किसी चीज को बर्बाद करना) | to use recklessly | to change places | to be friendly | to act cleverly |
One must learn to prioritize in life. It never pays to put the cart before the horse.-(चीजों के क्रम को उल्टा कर देना) | perform many tasks simultaneously | postpone till the last moment | do things spontaneously | do last things first |
The boss is going to blow his top when he discovers the blatant mistake in the balance sheet.-(बहुत अधिक नाराज हो जाना) | dismiss from job | be very embarrassed | be very angry | attack fiercely |
A mountaineer has to walk the tightrope as a small slip can prove to be fatal.- ( ऐसी मुश्किल परिस्थिति जिसमें सावधान रहने की जरूरत है) | be very nervous | be very cautious | be well trained | be an expert |
Due to increased number of lay offs in the industry, the sword of Damocles is always hanging over the employees. ( सिर पर मंडराता हुआ खतरा ) | strict rules and regulations | an ill omen of death | a constant threat | threat of physical harm |
True friends stay by our side through thick and thin.- (किसी भी परिस्थिति में, सुख-दुःख में) | under all circumstances | in happy moments | in difficult times | in different weathers |
The ambitious project to impart free books to all students, ended in smoke.-(असफल हो जाना) | exceeded the budget | was delayed | yielded no result | was successfully completed |
Extreme poverty made the poor woman wonder how long she could keep the wolf from the door. -(भूखमरी को घर से दूर रखना) | Avoid starvation | Live on charity | Keep wild animals away | be safe in her house |
When his envious competitor extended a hand of friendship, he smelt a rat.-( किसी गड़बड़ होने का संदेह होना ) | detected something wrong | felt very pleased | became complaisant | behaved arrogantly |
Coming from an affluent family, she found herself a square peg in a round hole when she married a poor farmer and moved to a small village. (किसी परिस्थिति में Unfit होना ) | in a favourable situation | unhappy and regretful | a misfit in the environment | in a financial crisis |
he loyal watchman was cut to the quick when he was accused of theft.( अपमानित महसूस करना) | imprisoned | severely punished | hurt intensely | dismissed |
It is unfortunate that most people in the country are still living from hand to mouth. (इतना ही कमा पाना की गुजारा हो जाए) | consuming daily what little is earned | saving for the future generations | doing manual labour | earning wealth by selfish means |
The heavy losses in came like a bolt from the blue.-( अचानक आया हुआ संकट) | a thunderstorm | an unexpected disaster | a windfall | an ominous warning |
He kicked up a row when he was denied entry to the amusement park.-(विवाद पैदा कर देना) | cried with sorrow | waited in a queue | kicked the guard | created a fuss |
“These glasses suit you to a T” said Ria to Vandana.- ( पूरी तरह suit होना ) | look very good on your face | are not suitable for you work | make you look weird | need to be worn with a suit |
The dog played in the pond to his heart’s content.-( पूरे मन से जितना चाहता है उतना) | only upto his legs | till he was completely sick | as much as he wanted to | avoiding getting too wet |
The invigilator did not know that the two boys were exchanging notes under his nose.-( किसी के ठीक सामने) | written in small letters | rolled into small pellets | wrapped in handkerchiefs | right in front of him |
Let us have all the regulations in black and white.- (लिखित में लेना) | painted in colour | printed in coloured ink | written on the black-board | in writing |
We now have an ex-Minister in the running from our constituency for the post of Mem ber of Parliament. -( चुनाव लड़ना) | contesting the seat | teaching yoga | given speeches | jogging everyday |
The idea of making a children’s park has been nipped in the bud by the local council. ( शुरूआती दौर में ही समाप्त कर देना) | encouraged strongly | changed completely | dropped at the early stage | included somewhere else |
The authorities have turned a deaf ear to all our requests.- (किसी बात को अनसुना कर देना) | acknowledged | neglected | accepted | presented |
Raju was playing with fire when he made speeches against the management.-( कोई गम्भीर खतरा उठाना) | taking a grave risk | lighting candles | smoking acigarette | provoking the crowd |
Since he secured the first rank Sudhir has become swollen-headed.-(घमंडी, हठी) | well connected | unwell | conceited | famous |
Throughout his speech the crowd was all ears.(सुनने के लिए सजग ) | very attentive | talking loudly | covering their ears | making a lot of noise |
The man heaved a sigh of relief when he was sure he was out of the woods.-(परेशानी से मुक्त ) | discharged from hospital | released from prison | out of danger | out of the forest |
Many people join politics to feather their own nest.-(अपना स्वार्थ सिद्ध करना) | make others’ life comfortable | promote their own interest | utilize black money | serve their country |
His success at such a young age speaks volumes for his talent.-(किसी बात पर भरपूर साक्ष्य देना) | gives enough proof | boasts a lot | publically announces | showers praise |
Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 previous exam. Similarly there are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free mock test for SSC CGL for Synonyms previous year paper 2018
Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
EXEMPT-(छूट देना, मुक्त करना, माफ करना) | Hinder | Exclude | Reduce | Prevent |
PREVALENT-(प्रचलित, हर जगह उपस्थित) | Unusual | Common | Rare | Different |
LETHAL (घातक, जानलेवा) | Harmless | Healthy | Fatal | Strong |
ENGULF-(किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को पूरी तरह ढक या घेर लेना) | encroach-(अतिक्रमण करना) | enshrine-(स्थापित करना) | entangle-(जाल में फसना) | envelop |
DRAG-(खींचना) | rush | pull | push | rest |
DUBIOUS-(संदेहात्मक) | Certain | Fishy | Loyal | Steady |
ENTICE-(मोहित करके फसा देना) | Ensue-(खोज करना, पीछा करना) | Entail-(आवश्यक) | Enrage- (गुस्सा दिलाना) | Entrap |
TRIUMPH-(विजय) | fight | victory | attack | peace |
INDELIBLE-(जिसे मिटाया न जा सके) | illegal | illegible | inerasable | ineffective |
INARTICULATE (अस्पष्ट) | fluent | inevitable-(जिससे बचा न जा सके) | eloquent-(भाषणपट्टु) | incoherent |
INEPT-(अकुशल) | capable | fit | strong | clumsy |
TILT-(एक तरफ झुक जाना) | slant | straighten | cross | support |
GARRULOUS-(अधिक बोलने वाला) | guttral-(कंठस्थ) | throaty-(दबे हुए गले से) | concise | talkative |
CHRONIC-(लगातार, निरंतर कई दिनों से चलने वाला) | ordinary | persistent | common | temporary |
COERCE-(किसी पर दबाव देना) | enchant | pressurize | cajole | leave |
RENOWN (ख्याति, प्रसिद्धि) | Obscurity-(अंधकार) | Fame | Wisdom | Conceit-(अहंकार) |
CONCISE-(संक्षिप्त, कम करना) | Brief | Detailed | Complex | Lengthy |
EXALT-(प्रशंसा करना) | Challenge | Praise | Condemn-(निंदा करना) | Extract-(किसी वस्तु को बाहर निकालना) |
MAMMOTH-(विशाल, बहुत बड़ा, गगनचुम्बी) | Gigantic | Miniscule-(छोटा अक्षर) | Perilous (खतरनाक) | Magnificent |
TACITURN – ( कम बोलने वाला) | Phlegmatic (जल्दी क्रोध में न आने वाला) | Talkative | Reticent | Placid-(जल्दी उत्तेजित न होने वाला) |
DEFER-(किसी काम को टालना, विलम्ब करना) | Dread- (डरना) | Despair- (निराशा) | Dictate- (आदेश देना) | Delay |
PERPLEX -(हैरान या परेशान कर देना) | Surprise | Bewilder | Complex | Deceive |
LAMENT-(विलाप करना, अफसोस होना) | Distress – (दुःख, कष्ट) | Torment-(तड़पना) | Afflict – (दुःख देना) | Mourn |
REPUDIATE- (त्याग देना, छोड़ देना) | Renounce | Sanction | Regret | Enforce |
VINDICTIVE -( शत्रुता की भावना से भरा ) | Watchful | Revengeful | Forceful | Helpful |
PENSIVE-(गहन विचार करना) | Spontaneous-(आकस्मिक) | Spiteful-(ईर्ष्यापूर्ण) | Reflective | Tragic- (दु:खमय) |
STERILE (बंजर) | Pure | Productive | Barren | Sordid (बहुत गंदा, घिनौना) |
PRECARIOUS – (खतरनाक) | Abundant | Dangerous | Valuable | Premature |
FURY-(बहुत अधिक गुस्सा) | Sorrow | Anger | Cruelty-(निर्दयता) | Fright-(आतंक) |
RETICENT – (कम बोलने वाला) | Silent | Garrulous | Extrovert | Confident |
RAMPANT – (काबू से बाहर, उग्र, प्रचंड) | Excessive | Limited | Rare | Gentle |
FUSE (verb) – (गलाना, जोड़ना, एक रूप देना) | Correct | Unused | Break | Combine |
ATTRIBUTE- (गुण, विशेषता, लक्षण) | Respect | Speech | Praise | Quality |
HOSTILITY-(दुश्मनी, शत्रुता ) | Enmity | Sympathy | Goodwill | Friendship |
INSULT (अपमान करना) | Remove | Apply | Offer | Offend |
ENDEAVOUR-(प्रयास करना) | Success | Result | Achievement | Attempt |
OBSTACLE-(बाधाएं) | Benefit | Clearnace | Accessory | Barrier |
INITIATE (आरम्भ करना ) | Sign | Slow | Start | Show |
ADEPT-(निपुण, दक्ष) | Skilled | Kind-hearted | Alone | Unknown |
ASSIST – (सहयोग देना) | Help | Mend-(सुधार करना) | Create | Change |
INTRICATE-( जटिल, उलझा हुआ, पैचीदा) | complete | colorful | connected | complex |
DEVOUT-( श्रद्धालु, भक्तिमय) | Revered-(परमपूजनीय) | Loyal | Pious | Respectable |
Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Antonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 previous exam. Similarly there is one other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2018
Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
SOBER-(शालीन, शांत-गंभीर) | Nervous | Agitated-(परेशान उत्तेजित) | Serious | Calm |
DENSE-(सघन, घना, घनीभूत) | Sparse-(छिट-पुट) | Thick | Condensed | Opaque |
STALE-(बासी, पुराना, नीरस) | Flat | Fresh | Dry | Sour |
GATHER- (इकट्ठा करना, जमा करना) | Display | Dispute | Distract | Disperse |
COMIC-(मजाकिया) | amusing | tragic | awkward | absurd-(हास्यास्पद) |
REPRIMAND-(डाँटना) | Apprehend-(गिरफ्तार करना) | Reproach- (निंदा करना, डाँटना, फटकारना) | Compliment | Blame |
FINITE-(सीमित व परिमिति ) | Finished | Limited | Bound | Endless |
AGONY-(दुःख, पीड़ा, व्यथा ) | anxiety | distress | comfort | misery |
EMINENT-(ख्याति प्राप्त) | Exalted-(पद या स्तर में ऊँचा करना) | Inconspicuous- (महत्वहीन, नगण्य) | Impressive | Distinguished-(प्रख्यात, सफल व सम्मानित) |
EXCEPTIONAL- ( असाधारण, असामान्य) | uncommon | unthinkable | unimaginable | unremarkable |
PARDON-(माफ करना, क्षमादान) | mercy | punish | kindness | grace |
TENDER- (मुलायम, कोमल, स्नेहपूर्ण) | soft | warm | gentle | rough |
ESCALATE-(बढ़ना, तीव्र करना, गति बढ़ाना) | heighten | enlarge | raise | reduce |
SCARCE – (बहतु कम, दुर्लभ) | scantly | few | seldom | plentiful |
EXPANSION-(विस्तार, फैलाव) | inflation- (मूल्यों से सामान्य वृद्धि) | augmentation-(वृद्धि, उन्नति) | extension-(विस्तार) | compression-(संक्षिप्तीकरण, दबाव, संकोचन) |
FOREIGN-(विदेशी) | Rustic-(देहाती) | Rural | Indian | Native |
VIGILANT-(चौकन्ना) | Careful | Careless | Visible | Elusive – (जिसे पकड़ना आसान न हो, मायावी) |
EXTRAVAGANT-(खर्चीला) | Generous | Deficit-(नयूनता) | Pauper-(गरीब) | Thrifty-(सोच-समझकर खर्चा करने वाला) |
CRUCIAL-(महत्वपूर्ण) | Trivial-(महत्वहीन) | Imperative-(आवश्यक) | Pivotal – (मूलभूत, निर्णायक) | Critical |
COVETOUS-(लालची) | Benevolent-(उदार) | Acquisitive-(संग्रहणशील) | Avaricious-( लालची) | Mercenary-(भाड़े का सैनिक) |
MEAGRE-(बहुत कम) | Plentiful | Inadequate | Scanty | Premium |
ARROGANCE-(घमंड) | Sweetness | Humility-(नम्रता) | Superiority | Vanity-(अहंकार) |
SEVERE-( बहुत ज्यादा कड़ा, कठोर, कष्टप्रद ) | Morose(चिड़चिड़) | Mild | Mediocre-( औसत दर्जे का) | Meticulous-(सतर्क, सावधान) |
PRUDENT-(समझदार) | Indiscreet-(लापरवाह) | Judicious | Practical | Tactful-(चतुर) |
AFFINITY-(किसी के प्रति स्नेह या नजदीकी) | Aversion-( घृणा के भाव) | Attraction | Empathy | Preference |
ACCEPT-(स्वीकार करना) | Reject | Acquire | Obtain | Release- (लगाव, मिलनसार, बंधुत्व) |
SACRED-(पवित्र) | Perpetual-(लगातार) | Pious-(पवित्र) | Profane-(अधार्मिक) | Profound- (अत्याधिक गहरा, हार्दिक) |
NOTORIOUS-(कुख्यात) | Famous | Vicious-(दुष्ट) | Infamous | Disgraceful-(शर्मनाक) |
TRANSIENT – ( क्षणिक, अस्थायी) | Stationary-(स्थिर) | Temporal-(सांसारिक, थोड़े समय का या स्वर्ग से सम्बंधित) | Celestial (देवलोक या स्वर्ग से संबंधित) | Permanent |
LIBERTY(स्वतंत्रता) | Slavery-(गुलामी) | Freedom | Autonomy-(स्वराज्य) | Reservation |
SWERVE-(इधर-उधर भटकते हुए चलना, अचानक दिशा बदल लेना या मुड़ जाना) | Droop | Lurch-(लुढ़कना) | Deviate-(विचलित होना) | Straighten |
ILLUMINATE-(प्रकाशित करना) | Add | Erase | Light | Darken |
DEFICIT-( कमी, अभाव, घाटा) | Adhere-(मजबूती से चिपक जाना) | Credit | Surplus-(जरूरत से अधिक) | Remove |
PUBLIC ( सामूहिक ) | Common | Ready | Private | Resticted |
PROGRESSIVE-(विचारों में प्रगतिशील) | Conservative (रूढ़िवादी) | Repeated | Aristocratic-(वैभवशाली) | Moving |
TYRANT – (अत्याचारी, तानाशाह) | Patron-(सरंक्षक) | Benefactor | Champion | Rival-(प्रतिद्वंद्वी) |
WEAKNESS-(कमजोरी) | Illness | Strength | Bravery | Disability |
PROLONG-( लम्बा खींच देना, बढ़ना) | Prevent | Shorten-(छोटा करना) | Allow | Increase |
SCANTY-(बहुत कम थोड़ा, अपर्याप्त) | Small | Concise | Profuse (बहुत अधिक) | Precise |
ACQUIT -( आरोप से बरी करना, रिहा करना ) | Evict-(बेदखल करना) | Clear | Forgive | Convict-(आरोप लगाना) |
ABSURD (बेतुका, निरर्थक, विवेकहीन) | Sensitive | Selfish | Sensible-(समझदारी भरा) | Sentimental |
ASCENT-(चढ़ाई) | Descent -(उतार) | Depression | Decent-(शालीन) | Distant-(दूरस्थ) |
Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2018 previous exam. You can find Free mock test for them below.