SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 with free Mock Test
SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 all sections
Dear Students, As you know SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to cover, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions. Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam. At bottom of the page you can find all questions with their options. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times.
One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
One word Substitutions is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 previous year exam. Similarly there are four other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2016
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Property inherited from one’s father or ances tors.-(पैतृक सम्पत्ति) | Patrimony | Mercenary-(किराये का सैनिक) | Hereditary-(अनुवांशिक) | Aristocracy-(कुलिनतंत्र) |
One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men.- (दोषदर्शी, साथीयों पर ताना मारने वाला) | Critic | Connoisseur | Pedant | Cynic |
The process by means of which plants and animals breathe.-(श्वसन, साँस लेने या छोड़ने की क्रिया) | Respiration | Germination – (बीजों में अंकुरण, विकास) | Absorption-(अवशोषण) | Transpiration-(वाष्पोत्सर्जन) |
A place where money is coined.-(टकसाल) | Bank | Mint | Firm | Parliament |
A paper/story/poem first written out by hand(हस्तलिपि, हस्तलेख) | Handicraft-(हस्तशिल्प) | Manuscript | Handiwork- (कारनामा, हस्तकार्य) | Thesis-(शोध-प्रबन्ध) |
One who pretends to be what he is not-(पाखण्डी, ढोंगी) | Hypocrite | Pessimist | Optimist | Infallible-(कभी गलत न करने वाला) |
Experts who scientifically study insects-( कीट विज्ञानी) | Gerontologists-(जरा विज्ञानी) | Pathologists-(रोग विज्ञानी) | Entomologists | Ornithologists-( पक्षी विज्ञानी) |
An unimportant person-(महत्वहीन व्यक्ति) | Nonagenarian | Nonentity | Nonpareil-(अद्वितीय) | Nonconformist-(परम्परा विरोधी) |
The thing that can be easily broken-(आसानी से टूटने वाला) | Amorphous (बिना किसी आकृति, रूप, संरचना के) | Brittle | Subtle-(बारीक, सूक्ष्म, चतुराई भरा) | Solid |
Committing murder in revenge-(कुल बैर, वंश और) | Massacre-(हत्याकांड) | Vendetta | Homicide-(मानव हत्या) | Regicide-(राज हत्या) |
To make atonement for one’s sins-( प्रायश्चित्तकरना) | Expiate | Renounce-(त्यागना) | Remonstrate-(विरोध करना) | Recant-(अस्वीकार करना) |
Falsification of documents etc. -(जालसाजी, नकल) | Xeroxing | Forgery | Laminating | copying |
A person who has lost the protection of the law- (गैर कानूनी विधि बहिष्कृत अपराधी) | Outlaw | Immigrant- (आप्रवासी नागरिक) | Outcast-(समाज से बहिष्कृत) | Orphan |
The scientific study of elections -(चुनाव विज्ञान) | Pathology-(रोग विज्ञान) | Palaeontology-(जीवाश्म विज्ञान) | Psephology | Philology-(भाषा विज्ञान) |
Thing that can be felt or touched-(स्परर्शनीय) | Pandemic-(महामारी) | Palpable | Paltry- (नगण्य, तुच्छ) | Panchromatic-(वर्णिक) |
One who copies from other writers-(साहित्यक चोर) | Pluralist-(बहुलतावादी) | Imitator-(नकल करने वाला) | Plagiarist | Copycat- (अभिमानी व्यक्ति की नकल करना) |
Government or rule by a small group of people-(कुछ ही लोगों का शासन) | Monarchy-(राजतंत्र) | Oligarchy | Autocracy-(तानाशाही) | Autonomy-(स्वराज्य) |
An animal which lives by preying on their animals (परजीव भक्षी, हिंसक पशु) | Aggressor-(आक्रमणकारी) | Attacker | Terminator | Predator |
A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land. -(स्थल डमरू मध्य) | Lagoon-(खारे पानी की झील) | Cape | Strait- (दो समुद्रों को मिलने वाला सँकरा समुद्र खंड) | Isthmus |
Doctor who is specialist in disease of eyes : -(नेत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ) | Ophthalmologist | Optimist | Optician-(आँखों की जाँच करके चश्मा बनाने वाला) | Orthodontist-( दंत संशोधक) |
The art of delaying: -( टाल मटोल) | Degeneration-(विकार, नीचावस्था) | Inflation-(मुद्रा स्फीति) | Procrastination | Regression (परावर्तन, निकास, लैटाव) |
A person’s peculiar habit-(विशेष लक्षण) | Peculiarity-(विशेष या अजीब तौर से) | Trait- (चरित्र या व्यक्तित्व की विशेषता) | Distinction (श्रेष्ठता) | Idiosyncracy |
Interval between two events-( मध्यावकाश) | Recess | Interlude | Shuttle-(नियमित चलने वाली रेलगाड़ी) | Prelude-(प्रस्तावना) |
A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc.-(बुटीक) | Store | Stall | Boutique | Booth |
One who is converted from one religion to another.- ( धर्म परितर्वन करने वाला व्यक्ति) | Pilgrim-(तीर्थ यात्री) | Polytheist-(बहुदेव वादी) | Proselyte | Presbyte-( चर्च से संबंधित व्यक्ति) |
A person who is womanish in his habits-( स्त्रियों जैसा व्यवहार करने वाला पुरुष ) | Feminist-(महिला हितेषी) | Philogynist-(महिला प्रेमी) | Effeminate | Feminine |
A man with abnormal habits-(सनकी) | Eccentric | Frantic-(चिंतित या भयभीत, पागल) | Idiotic- (मूखर्तापूर्ण) | Sulky-(मनहूस, नाराज, घोड़ागाड़ी) |
An abattoir is -(कसाईखाना) | a place where animals are slaughtered | a place where abbots stay-Abbey | a title of respect given to a priest or abbot- Father | a place where animals are worshipped-Zoolatry |
The philosophy of putting another’s welfare above one’s own.-(परोपकारिता) | Agnosticism-(संशयवादिता) | Polytheism-(बहुदेववाद) | Altruism | Iconoclasm- (परम्परा विरोध का वाद) |
Providing relief-(प्राणदण्ड-स्थगन या विराम) | Reissue-(पुनः जारी करना) | Reprieve | Rejoinder-(प्रत्युत्तर) | Refuge- (इन्कार, कूड़ा-कचरा) |
A drug which makes one see things that are not really there.-(दृष्टिभ्रम या मतिभ्रम कराने वाली दवाई) | Aphrodisiac-(कामोत्तेजक औषधि) | Steroid-(शरीर में प्राकृतिक रूप से उत्पन्न होने वाला रासायनिक पदार्थ, शक्तिवर्धक ड्रग्स) | Carcinogen-(कैसर पैदा कर सकने वाला एक तत्व) | Hallucinogen |
One who is indifferent to pain or pleasure-(सुख-दुःख में एक जैसा रहने वाला) | Eccentric- (सनकी) | Philosopher- (दार्शनिक) | Fatalist-(भाग्यवादी) | Stoic |
That which can be believed-(विश्वास करने योग्य) | Miraculous (चमत्कारी) | Creditable-(प्रशंसा के योग्य) | Credible | Gullible-(भोला-भाला) |
A brief or short stay at a place-(क्षणिक विराम) | Solitude-(अकेलापन) | Soiree-(दवात) | Sojourn | Solstice-(अयनांत, संक्राति) |
A disease that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time (महामारी) | Endemic- (स्थान या वर्ग विशेष की बीमारी) | Epidemic | Epidermic-(त्वचा संबन्धी) | Endothermic-(उष्माशोषी) |
The act of setting free from bondage of any kind – (आजादी, दायित्व मुक्ति) | Emancipation | Eradication-(उन्मूलन) | Indemnity-(क्षतिपूर्ति) | Emigration-(प्रवास, विदेश गमन) |
Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light-(टीम टीमाना) | Whimper -(बच्चे जैसा रोना) | Flicker | Cower-(डर के मारे पीछे करना) | Mutter-(बुदबुदाना) |
A place where bees are kept -(मधुवाटिका) | Apiary | Nursery | Aviary | Kennel-(कुक्कुर शाला) |
A shady fertile place in the desert | Oasis | Motel | Orchard-(फलों का बाग) | Garden |
One who is eighty years old | Septuagenarian | Sexagenarian | Nonagenarian | Octogenarian |
Chief of a group of workmen.- (मजदूर वर्ग का मुखिया,संरपंच) | Chieftain-(कबीले का सरदार) | Engineer | Foreman | Middleman – (मध्यस्थ, बिचौलिया) |
A room where dead bodies are kept until burlal- (मुर्दाघर, शव-ग्रह) | Grave | Cemetery | Mortuary | Pyre-(चिता (शवदाह के लिए) ) |
One who tends to patronize, rebuff or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire people regarded as social superiors – (घमंडी, अभिमानी, वर्गदभी) | Snob | Fob-(धोखा, घड़ी की चेन) | Dandy-(आकर्षक) | Freak-(किसी बात में अत्यधिक रूचि रखने वाला) |
The ceremony of crowing a sovereign-(राज्याभिषेक) | Felicitation-(अभिनंदन) | Promotion-(तरक्की) | Coronation | Installation – (संस्थापन, प्रतिष्ठापन) |
Violation of the sanctity of a sacred place-(अपवित्रीकरण) | Sin-(पाप) | Sacrilege | Sedition-(राजद्रोह) | Blasphemy-(ईशनिंदा) |
Hobson’s choice-(कोई दूसरा विकल्प नहीं होना) | Choice to live or die | Excellent choice | No choice at all | Bigman’s choice |
Government by a king-(राजतंत्र) | Autocracy-(तानाशाही) | Aristocracy-(कुलीन तंत्र) | Oligarchy-(कुछ ही लोगों का शासन) | Monarchy |
Any morbid dread of water.-(पानी से डर) | Hydrofoil-( तेज गति की नाव) | Hydrophobia | Hydraulic- (द्रवचालित, जलदाब) | Hyacinth-(मणि, रत्न, एक खुशबुदार पौधा) |
One who knows everything.-(सर्वज्ञानी) | Omniscient | Conscious | Intellectual | Learned |
Act of making things like new again.-(नवीनीकरण करना) | Innovate | Renovate | Motivate | Activate |
No longer a child, but not yet an adult-(किशोर) | Youngster | Adolescent | Juvenile | Yokel-(गँवार, देहाती) |
Indifference to pleasure and pain. – (वैराग्य) | Perseverance- (दृढ़ संकल्प, लगन) | Tolerance-(सहनशीलता) | Stoicism | Radicalism(उग्र सुधारवाद) |
Proposition made as a basis for reasoning without the assumption of its truth-(परिकल्पना, अनुमान) | Hypertext-(विषय संयोजक) | Hypocrisy-(पाखण्ड, ढोंग) | Hyperbole-(अतिश्योक्ति) | Hypothesis |
Words incribed on the tomb-(समाधि लेख) | Epigraph-(शिलालेख) | Epigram- (सूक्ति, चुटकुला) | Epitaph | Elegy-(शोकगीत) |
That which cannot be believed -(अविश्वसनीय) | Awesome-(शानदार) | Incredible | Credible-(विश्वासनिय) | Ineffective-(बेअसर) |
Emission of light or heat from a central point-(विकिरण) | Rays-(किरणें) | Refraction-(अपवर्तन) | Reflection-(प्रतिबिम्ब) | Radiation |
The act of killing a king-(राजा की हत्या) | Regicide | Regalcide- (राजसी या शाही हत्या) | Genocide- (जाति-संहार) | Homicide-( मानव हत्या) |
Misappropriation of money-(गबन, धोखाधड़ी) | Embezzlement | Robbery | Theft | Fraud |
The thing no longer in use-(प्रयोग से बाहर) | Obstacle-(बाधा, अवरोध) | Obsolete | Obsidian-(लावा कांच) | Obstruction-(अड़चन, रूकावट) |
An act of travelling from one place to another-(यात्रा करना) | Series | Journey | Sequence | programme |
One who is able to use both hands-( दोनों हाथों में दक्ष) | Sinister-(अशुभ) | Ambidextrous | Ambivalent-(मिली-जुली भावनाओं से युक्त) | Amateur |
A person who completely abstains from alcohol-(जो कभी शराब न पीता हो) | teetotaller | drunkard | alcoholic | imposter-(बहुरूपिया, पाखंडी) |
A child born after the death of father-( मरणोपरांत जन्मा शिशु) | Post dated | Premature | Paternal-(पैतृक) | Posthumous |
One who will do any job anyone for money (किराये का सैनिक, जो केवल पैसों के लिए काम करता है) | Mercenary | Recruit | Hoodlum-(उपद्रवी) | Merchant-(व्यापारी) |
Speech delivered without preparation-(faal yo तैयारी का भाषण) | Rhetoric (वाक्पटुता, व्याख्यान विद्या) | Oration-(भाषण, व्याख्यापन) | Extempore/Impromtu | Maiden Speech-(प्रथम भाषण) |
A person’s peculiar habit-(विशेष लक्षण) | Trait-(चरित्र की विशेषता) | Idiosyncracy | Idiolect-(व्यक्ति विशेष की भाषा) | Talent |
Animals without a backbone.-( बिना रीढ़ की प्राणी) | Marsupials- (पशु जो अपने शिशु को थेली में रखता है।(कंगारू) ) | Mammals-(स्तनधारी प्राणी) | Vertebrate | Invertebrate |
The branch of philosophy concerned with the study of the principles of beauty, especially in art-(सौंदर्यशास्त्र) | Artistic-( कलात्मक) | Aesthetics | Ethics-( नीतिशास्त्र) | Metaphysics- (तत्वमीमांसा (दर्शनशास्त्र की शाखा) ) |
Drug which causes people to sleep easily- नींद ाने वाली दवाई) | Poppy- (खस-खस) | Soporific | Beguile-( गुमराह करना) | Pedant-( पाखंडी) |
An act when people vote in order to make a decision about a particular subject or policy rather than voting for a person (जनमत संग्रह) | Election | Exit-poll | By- election ( उप चुनाव) | Referendum |
Stick with a thick end used in a mortar for pounding – (मूसली, इमामदस्ता) | Thistle-(भटकटैया, काँटेदार पौधा) | Stifle-(दम घोंटना, बात दबा देना) | Sceptre- (राजदण्ड (छड़ी) जिसे राजा व रानी औपचारिक कार्यक्रम पर धारण करते हैं) | Pestle |
Lack of skill-(अकुशलता, बेकारपन) | Inertness-( आलस्य) | Insistence-(आग्रह, जिद) | Ineptness | Insolence-( अकड़पन, गुस्ताखी, बदतमीज) |
One who listens secretly to private conversa tion-(छिपकर बातें सुनने वाला) | Eavesdropper | Encroacher-( सीमा लगने वाला) | Eaves bearer (छज्जा (संदेशवाहक)) | Listener-( सुनने वाला) |
Belong to the same period-( समकालीन) | Comrades- (सहयोद्धा, साथी, मित्र) | Contemporaries | Compromises- (समझौता, मेल-जोल) | Renegades-(स्वधर्म त्यागी, बागी) |
A record of one’s own life written by oneself-( आत्मकथा) | History | Biography -(अन्य व्यक्ति द्वारा लिखित जीवनी) | Bibliography-(संदर्भ ग्रंथ सूची) | Autobiography |
Suitable or intended for only young persons-( नाबालिग) | Youthful-( युवा) | Puerile-( बचकाना) | Adolescent-( किशोर) | Juvenile |
A round- about way of expression – (घुमा-फिराकर कही गई बात) | Verbosity-( शब्दाआडम्बर) | Talkativeness-( वार्तालापप्रियता) | Circumlocution | Locquacious – ( बातूनी) |
Favouritism shown by a person in power to his relatives -(भाई-भतीजावाद) | Formalism-(औपचारिकवाद, अलंकारवाद) | Red-tapism-( लाल-फीताशाही) | Nepotism | Bureaucracy-( नौकरशाही) |
Act of mercy killing-( इच्छामृत्यु) | Suicide-( आत्महत्या) | Euthansia | Immolation-( बलिदान) | Asphyxiation-(दम घुटने की स्थिति) |
A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics (व्यंग्यचित्र) | Sketch-(रेखा-चित्र) | Illustration-(चित्रण आरेख, दृष्टांत) | Cartoon | Skit -(छोटा व्यंग्य नाटक या लेख) |
Action that is likely to make people very angry-(विद्रोहजनक) | Inflationary – (स्फीति-विषयक) | Inflammable-(ज्वलनशील) | Commensurable (समान आकार, महत्व, योग्यता वाला) | Inflammatory |
Killing one’s sister-(बहिन की हत्या) | Regicide-(राजहत्या) | Fratricide-(भाई की हत्या) | Matricide-(मातृहत्या) | Sororicide |
A place where astronomical observations are made-(वैद्यशाला, जंतर-मंतर) | Laboratory-(प्रयोगशाला) | Observatory | Astrolibrary-(ज्योतिष पुस्तकालय) | Astrophery |
A thing no longer in use-(प्रयोग से बाहर) | Illusion | Illegal | Obsolete | Historic |
Regular user of place/restaurant etc.-(ग्राहक-वर्ग) | Client | Clientele | Often | Usage |
A man who collects old and new coins-( सिक्के संग्रहण करने वाला ) | Geologist-(भूविज्ञानी) | Numismatist | Archaeologist-(पुरातत्वज्ञ) | Zoologist-(जंतुविज्ञानी) |
A place where soldiers live – ( छावनी) | Tanks | Shacks-( झोपड़ी) | Ordnance Depots-( युद्ध सामग्री गोदाम) | Barracks |
A drug or other substance that produces sleep – (नींद दिलाने वाली दवा) | Soporific | Depressant-( अवसादक औषधि) | Narcotic-(शक्तिशाली नशीला पदार्थ) | Antiseptic-( रोगाणु रोधी) |
One who is able to use both hands-(दोनों हाथों में दक्ष) | Sinister-(अशुभ) | Ambidextrous | Ambivalent-(मिली-जुली भावनाओं से युक्त) | Amateur |
One who sets type for books, newspaper, etc.-(अक्षर संयोजक, मुद्रक) | Typist | Editor-( संपादक) | Composer-( संगीतकार) | Compositor |
That which cannot be averted-( जिसे घटित होने से ना रोका जा सके, अवश्यंभावी) | Inevitable | Irreparable-(जिस क्षति की पूर्ति न हो सके) | Incomparable-( अतुलनीय) | Indisputable- (दोषमुक्त, सर्वथा सत्य, निर्विवाद) |
Solemn religious acts-(धार्मिक रीति-रिवाज) | Demonstrations | Celebrations | Rites | Functions |
A large body of people playing various musical instruments-(वादक समूह) | Melody-(धुन, राग, लय) | Harmony – (स्वर संगति, ताल-मेल) | Elocution-( श्रेष्ठ वक्तृत्व कला) | Orchestra |
Obsession with books -(किताबों के लिए पागलपन) | Bibliomania | Megalomania-(अतिमहत्वाकांक्षा) | Xenophobia-(विदेशी नागरिकों से डर) | Egomania-(अंहकार, स्वयं में ही रूची रखना) |
A brave, noble- minded or chivalrous man-(बहादुर व्यक्ति) | Handsome | Robust-(तगड़ा व स्वस्थ) | Gallant | Reckless-( लापरवाह) |
A rough, violent troublesome person-( उग्र, क्रोधितव्यक्ति) | Tartar | Talker-( वक्ता) | Vagabond-(आवारा, घुम्मकड़ व्यक्ति) | Swindler-( धोखेबाज) |
The study of skin-( त्वचा विज्ञान) | Dermatology | Dermatoglyphics-(हस्त व पाँव की रेखा का अध्ययन) | Stratigraphy-( स्तरित शैल विज्ञान) | Oncology- (कैंसर विज्ञान) |
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 – English Philosophy
Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016| MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test
Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 previous exam. Similarly there are three other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2016
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
A house of cards-(एक कमजोर योजना) | An insecure scheme | A gambling house | A plan with high stakes | A place where cards are printed |
A cuckoo in the nest- (एक अनजान घुसपैठिया) | One who likes to stay at home | A view from a high place | An unwelcome intruder | One who is chosen as the leader of the group |
On tenterhooks- (दुविधा व बेचैनी में) | Happy and excited | In suspense and anxiety | Angry and irritated | Surprised and shocked |
Beside the mark-(असंगत, बेमेल) | Perfect | Not to the point | Relevant | Charming |
To get cold feet-(डर जाना) | Drenched | Fear | Felicitate | Fever |
Maiden speech-(प्रथम भाषा) | Bachelor’s speech | First speech | Last speech | Extempore speech |
To beat about the bush – (मुद्दे से भटककर इधर-उधर की फालतू बातें करना) | To try to win favours | To talk well | To talk about relevant things | To talk about irrelevant things |
Bad blood-(शत्रुता की भावना) | Shooting | Anaemia | Enmity | Mourning |
A left handed compliment-(उपहास में की गई सराहना) | A subtle rebuke | Wholesome praise | An ambiguous compliment | A mild compliment |
To end in smoke-(कोई परिणाम नहीं मिलना) | End without any practical result | End with positive result | Die in a burning house | Risk everything in a single venture |
Drive home-(किसी बात पर जोर डालना) | Find one’s roots | Emphasise | Refer | Draw |
To spill the beans- (रहस्य उजागर करना) | To reveal partial truth | To be untidy | To reveal a secret | To conceal a fact |
To end in smoke-(निष्फल होना) | To fail | To create smoke | To end | To emit smoke |
To eat humble ple-(अपने किए के लिए क्षमा माँगना) | To eat an unsavoury pie | To be served food that is rotten | To yield under humiliating circumstances | To give in to political pressure |
Bone of contention-(झगड़े की जड़) | A delicious non-vegetarian item | An item which made them content | cause for quarrel | A link between them |
At a stone’s throw-(नजदीकी में ही) | At a short distance | At a place where quarrels take place | At a great distance | A quarry |
To give oneself airs-(घंमडी व्यवहार करना, दिखावा करना) | space to breathe | Time | Acting strange | behaving arrogantly |
Blow one’s own trumpet-(खुद की हीं प्रसंशा करना) | Play some music | Surprise oneself | Praise oneself | Condone oneself |
Beyond the pale-(सामाजिक या नैतिक रूप से अस्वीकार्य) | Unreasonable or unacceptable | Beyond redemption | Full of rhetoric | Distasteful |
Cheek by jowl-(काफी नजदीक) | Very close together | Arguing | Teasing one another | Avoiding one another |
At sea (उलझन में होना हक्का-बक्का रह जाना)। | Journey | At a loss | Surprise | Sad |
Stick to his guns-( अपने मत पर कायम रहना) | Stand by his truth | Maintain his own opinion | Maintain his weapons | Maintain his anger |
Blow one’s trumpet-(खुद की ही तारीफ करना) | Subject | Object | Reject | Deject |
Carry the ball-(किसी पद पर पदस्थ रहना) | Decorate the ball | Be in charge | Take the decision | Be the hostess |
Couch potato-(जो पड़े-पड़े टी.वी. देखता रहता है) | An old person who has old-fashioned ideas. | A person who prefers to watch television. | A person who does not seem very friendly. | Someone who stays calm and does not show their emotions. |
Butt in-(बीच में बोलना या रोकना) | Record | Impose | Improvise | Interrupt |
Throw cold water-(हतोत्साहित करना) | Encourage | Discourage | Attack | Drench |
A dark horse-(छुपा रुस्तम) | A wild animal | A black horse | An unknown entry | A front runner |
Hard of hearing-(बहरा, जिसे ऊँचा सुनाई दे ) | To be disturbed | To be confused | To be deaf | To be dumb |
A wildgoose chase – (बेकार में कोशिश करना ) | A fruitful | A pointless search | To search for a wild-goose | A hunting expedition |
Old head on young shoulders (कम उम्र का लेकिन कुशल एवं अनुभवी) | To be intelligent when old | To be old and yet look young | To be wise beyond his years | To be smarter with age |
To smell a rat- (कुछ गलत होने का आभाष होना) | To see signs of plague epidemic | To get the bad smell of a dead rat | To suspect foul dealings | To be in a bad mood |
Capital Punishment-(मृत्यु-दण्ड) | Death sentence | Life imprisonment | To be jailed | Imprisoned for a long period |
Invent cock and bull stories-(झूठी मनगंठन कहानी) | Delightful fables | Eco-friendly accounts | Absurd and unlikely stories | Credible tales |
Button her lib-( बात करना बंद करना) | Tell us more | Stop talking | Invite us too | Enjoy herself |
Evening of life-(बुढ़ापा) | Old age | A Party | Holiday | None of these |
Strain every nerve- (भरसक मेहनत करना) | Try all tricks | Work very hard | Beg before others | Spend a large amount |
In a nutshell-(संक्षेप में) | In translation | A decorative language | A well-packed parcel | Briefly and concisely |
As daft as a brush-(एकदम मुर्ख) | Extremely silly | Artistically inclined | Completely clean | Utterly selfish |
To break the Ice- (हिचकिचाहट छोड़कर बातचीत प्रारंभ करना, चुप्पी तोड़ना) | Made people angry | Made people laugh | Made people excited | Made people relaxed and comfortable |
To be in a fix-(उलझन में होना) | In pian | In distress | Depressed | In a difficult situation |
To keep in abeyance-( रोक देना या स्थगित कर देना) | In a state of permanence | In a state of emergency | In a state of suspension | In a state of revision |
Make both ends meet-(मुश्किल से गुजारा करना) | Live within means | Achieve a solution | Live among people | End of the road |
Call in question-(चुनौती देना, विरोध करना) | Summon as a witness | Doubtful | Prove a theory | Challenge |
Weal and woe-(अच्छे व बुरे समय में, सुख-दुःख में) | Friends and enemies | Be in danger | Adversity | Good times and bad times |
Curry favour- (चापलूसी करके अपना काम निकालना) | Seek impartial judgement | Seek favourable attention | Prepare a dish | Attract attention |
Face the music-( गलत काम का परिणाम भुगतान) | Be applauded | Be ridiculed | Be punished | Be dismissed |
Straw in the wind-(भविष्य में होने वाली घटना का संकेत देना) | A light-weight object | A lucky charm | A game that kids play | An indication of what might happen |
To put a spoke in one’s wheel-(किसी के काम में टांग अडाना) | To repair one’s cycle | To hinder | To trip a rider | To add an extra wheel |
To nip in the bud- (शुरूआत में ही काम को बंद कर देना) | To stop something at the start | To trim the flowers | to pluck the flowers | to steal from |
Leave no stone unturned-(हर संभव कोशिश करना) | Try every possible way | Behave smartly | Constructing | Wasting no time |
Donkey’s years (बहुत लम्बा समय) | A decade | A long time | A century | Since school days |
Feather in one’s cap – (कोई नई उपलब्धि हासिल करना) | Discrimination | A new and additional distinction | Hunting | Bird watching |
Get the sack-(नौकरी से बर्खास्त होना) | Look for a sack | Find a sack | Get a call back | Be dismissed |
Under a cloud-(संदेह के घेरे में) | Sheltered from the sun | Under suspicion | Out in the open | Get wet |
Wet behind the ears- (अनुभवहीन युवा, नौसिखिया) | Skillful | Young and rich with experience | Young and without much experience | Hearing impaired |
Bear in mind-(याद आना) | Respect | Observe | Remember | Pretend to listen |
Under a cloud-(संदेह के घेरे में) | Shocked | Sad | Sick | Confused |
A Man of letters-(विद्धवान व्यक्ति, कवि) | Letter- Writer | Proog – reader | Postman | Scholar |
A live wire- (जिंदादिल व्यक्ति) | Industrious and brilliant | Lively and active | Sincere and intelligent | Sincere and efficient |
Smell a rat – (कुछ धोखा होने का आभास होना) | Detect bad smell | Suspect a trick or deceit | Misunderstand | See hidden meaning |
Wild goose chase-(बेकार में कोशिश करना ) | An admirable enterprise | An honest effort | A foolish, unprofitable adventure | a powerful effort |
Smell a rat- (कुछ गलत आभास होना) | Suspect something wrong | Smell a burned rat | Smell a rotten rat | Smell something right |
Leaps and bounds-(दिन दुना रात चौगुना) | Slowly | Rapidly | Jumping | Stationary |
Hope against hope – (निराशाजनक, परिस्थति) | Think wishfully from time to time | Hoped with good reason | Nurture an impossible hope | Pretend to hope |
Drag one’s feet-( किसी काम से कदम वापस खींच लेना) | Make something more complicated | Expendite | Be reluctant to act | Stop working |
Beggar description-(जिसका वर्णन करना मुश्किल हो) | Cannot be described | Something described by a beggar | A poor account of something | A description of a beggar |
Mend your ways-(अपने व्यवहार में परिवर्तन लाना) | Happy with one’s behaviour | Sad with one’s behaviour | Destroy one’s behaviour | Improve one’s behaviour |
Make room-(जगह बनाना) | Clean the room | Make space | Attain the room | Make a clean sweep |
Beat around the bush-(मुख्य मुद्दे से भटककर इधर-उधर की बातें करना) | Walk around the forest | Clean the bushy areas | Avoiding the main topic | Play around the forest |
To angle- (गुप्त स्थान में कुछ खोजना, मछली पकड़ना आदि) | To measure the river breadth | To fish with a net | To fish | To sit and watch the river |
Gate crasher-(बिन बुलाए मेहमान) | Invader | Thief | Uninvited guest | Children |
Caught red-handed-(रंगे हाथों पकड़ना) | Caught by mistake | Caught with a red – handkerchief | Found wounded | Discovered in the act of doing |
turn turtle (उलट जाना (वाहन आदि)) | slow like a turtle | turn like a turtle | over-turn | a game turtles play |
grease the palm-(रिश्वत देना) | dirty one’s hands | work in a garage | slip and fall | bribe |
pull a fast one-(धोखा देना) | as fast as lightning | play a trick | carry a heavy burden | take a deep breath |
Feather one’s own nest-(अनुसूचित रुप से धन कमाना) | Decorate | work hard at home | build a home | make money in an improper way |
To play fast and loose- (गैर जिम्मेदारी से काम करना) | To be narrow minded | To play a good game | To act in an unreliable way | To defeat a person |
Held up – (देरी से) | Kidnapped | Delayed | Caught | Nabbed |
To clip one’s wings-(किसी की स्वतंत्रता पर अंकुश लगाना) | To stop one from flying | To trim the leaves | To deprive one of power | To hurt a bird |
Scot free- (बिना सजा पाए बच निकलना) | Unlimited | Unpunished | To freedom | Unrepentant |
Selling like hot cakes- (लोकप्रिय होने के कारण बहुत अधिक बिक्रि होना) | To have a good season | To become as planned | To have a very slow sale | To have very good sale |
To bury the hatchet (पुरानी दुश्मनी खत्म करके शांति स्थापित करना) | To make peace | To dig the ground | To negotiate | To make war |
Pull together – (मिलजुल कर कार्य करना) | become friends. | Work harmoniously | Be successful | Live happily |
Fair – weather friends-(अच्छे दिनों का साथी) | Honest only when easy and convenient | Truthful only when easy and convenient | Supports only when easy convenient | Temporary only when easy and convenient |
Be down with-(किसी बीमारी से ग्रसित होना) | Suffering from | In grief with | In pain with | Aching with |
Call on-(जाकर मुलाकात करना) | Telephone | Seek help | Pay a visit | Order |
At a snail’s pace-( बहुत ही मंद गति से) | Quietly | Quickly | Continuously | Slowly |
All moonshine – (वास्तविकता से परे, झूठा दिखावा) | Glowing | Far from reality | Celestial | About the moon |
To bring to light-(किसी बात को लोगों की नजर में लाना) | To put on light | To reveal | To bring a light | To arrange light sufficiently |
To take to heart-(किसी बात पर गंभीरता से विचार करना) | To be greatly affected | To take something heartily | To strike at the heart, out of enjoyment | To suffer from heart disease |
To add fuel to the fire-(आग में घी डालना) | Prevent fire from dying out | Make the fire burn brightly | Make things worse | Waste fuel for no reason |
Gall and wormwood-( शत्रुता एवं वैमनष्यता) | A problem | Hateful | Useless | Hard to digest |
Every inch a gentleman – (पूरी तरह सभ्य) | Somewhat | Partly | Entirely | Calculatively |
Made light of-(किसी काम को हल्के में लेना) | Did not hear | Treated it lightly | Blew away | Carried with him |
With one voice-(एकमतता से) | By one man | By one community | Unanimously | In disharmony |
Pale into insignificance- (महत्वहीन हो जाना) | Seemed less important | Was less exciting | Was less hectic | Wasvdull and pale |
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 – English Philosophy
Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2016 previous exam. Similarly there are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.