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SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012 | Syllabus | Free Mock Test

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012 all Sections

SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to attempt, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions. Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam. At bottom of the page you can find all questions with their options. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012 - English Philosophy
SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012 – English Philosophy

One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 | MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test

One word Substitutions is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012. Similarly there are four other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for SSC CGL below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2012


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 - One word Substitutions

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 35

The profession of writing dictionaries.-(शब्दकोष लेखन का पेशा)

2 / 35

Someone who works only personal profit.-(भाड़े का सैनिक)

3 / 35

Surrender something as a punishment or | penalty-(गलती के फलस्वरूप कुछ गँवाना या किसी वस्तु से वंचित हो जाना)

4 / 35

A person who makes love without seriouss intention-(इश्कबाज, दिलफैंक व्यक्ति)

5 / 35

Study of the origin and history of words.-(शब्दउत्पत्ति व इतिहास का विज्ञान)

6 / 35

Hard to please but quick to find fault-(तुनकमिजाज, नकचढ़ा, कठिनाई से संतुष्ट होने वाला, पूर्णतावादी)

7 / 35

Short remaining end of a cigarette..-(सिगरेट या पेन्सिल का अंत में बचा हुआ टुकड़ा)

8 / 35

A lie detector.-(झूठ पकडणे का यंत्र)

9 / 35

Study of the problems of legal punishment and prison management.-(दण्डशास्त्र, दंडविधान)

10 / 35

One who hates mankind.-(मनुष्य से घृणा करने वाला)

11 / 35

Unorthodox opinion- (सर्वमान्य मान्यता से विपरीत धारणा)

12 / 35

A deep dislike of foreigners.-(विदेशियों से डर या नफरत)

13 / 35

Bring about an easy and painless death for someone suffering from an incurable disease.-(इच्छा मृत्यु)

14 / 35

To talk slowly, wasting time.-(धीरे-धीरे मस्ती से चलना, मटरगस्ती करना)

15 / 35

A person concerned with practical result and values.-(व्यवहारवादी, यथार्थवादी)

16 / 35

The area of medicine that deals with diseases of old age.-(बुजुर्गों के स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल, जरा-चिकित्सा)

17 / 35

The practice of eating human flesh.-(नरभक्षण)

18 / 35

Animals that feed on plants.-(शाकाहारी, वनस्पतिजीवी)

19 / 35

A forceful and aggressive speech-( उग्र या जोशीला भाषा)

20 / 35

One who is between 80 and89 years old

21 / 35

The firing of a number of guns together as a salute or otherwise.-(तोपों की सलामी)

22 / 35

That cannot be overcome.-(जिसका समाधान असंभव हो )

23 / 35

To spend more than one can usually afford-(पैसे उड़ाना, दिखावा करना)

24 / 35

Asking for additional troops of soldiers-(अतिरिक्त सेना, सुदृढ़ीकरण)

25 / 35

One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain.-(सुख-दुःख में एक जैसा रहने वाला)

26 / 35

A heavy unnatural slumber.-(बेहोशी, सदमा, अर्धचेतनावस्था)

27 / 35

One who collects and srudies coins.coins-(सिक्के संग्रहण करने वाला)

28 / 35

A person who can use both hands equally well.(जो दोनों हांथों में प्रवीण या दक्ष हो)

29 / 35

A Hangar is (विमान को रखने की इमारत)

30 / 35

One who amuses himself by love-making-(दिलफैंक व्यक्ति, इश्कबाज)

31 / 35

Repetition of a sound which enhances the quality of prose or poetry-( अनुप्रास अलंकार)

32 / 35

Giving of special favour to one's kith and kin.-(भाई भतीजावाद)

33 / 35

Creatures who live both on land and water-(जल और थल दोनों में रह सकने वाला प्राणी, जलस्थलचर)

34 / 35

One who cannot defeated.-(अपराजेय, अजेय)

35 / 35

One who is appointed to deal with complainsts made by common people against banks,companies,etc.-(लोकपाल, लोकायुक्त, सार्वजानिक संस्थाओं के विरुद्ध जन-साधारण की शिकायतों पर सुनवाई करने वाला उच्च शासकीय अधिकारी)

Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Giving of special favour to one’s kith and kin.-(भाई भतीजावाद)Favouritism(पक्षपात, तरफदारी)Solecism(अशुद्ध प्रयोग, अशिष्टता, बतमीजी)Pantheism(सर्वेश्वरवाद)Nepotism
A person who makes love without seriouss intention-(इश्कबाज, दिलफैंक व्यक्ति)RomeoGoon(भाड़े का बदमाश, मुर्ख व्यक्ति)Consort(पति, पत्नी, सहचरी)Philanderr
A person who can use both hands equally well.(जो दोनों हांथों में प्रवीण या दक्ष हो)Adroit(दक्ष, निपुण)SkilfulDexterous(दक्ष)Ambidextrous
One who hates mankind.-(मनुष्य से घृणा करने वाला)MisanthropeMisogynist(नारी-द्वेषी)hedonist(सुख-भोगवादी)Fatalist(भाग्यवादी)
A person concerned with practical result and values.-(व्यवहारवादी, यथार्थवादी)Fundamentalist(रूढ़िवादी, सिद्धांतवादी)Optimist(आशावादी)PragmatistEcologist(पारिस्थितिकी-विज्ञानी)
One who is between 80 and89 years oldSeptuagenarianOctogenarianSexagenarianNonagenarian
Short remaining end of a cigarette..-(सिगरेट या पेन्सिल का अंत में बचा हुआ टुकड़ा)Filling(दांतों या खाद्य पदार्थो में भरी जाने वाली वस्तु)Pinch(चुटकी भर मात्रा)Filament(बल्ब का महीन तार)Stub
One who cannot defeated.-(अपराजेय, अजेय)Insolvent(दिवालिया)InvincibleIndecipherable(लिखावट या भाषण जिसे समझ पाना कठिन हो)Invidious(आपत्तिजनक)
Animals that feed on plants.-(शाकाहारी, वनस्पतिजीवी)Carnivorous(मांसाहारी)HerbivorousInsectivorous(कीटभक्षी)Graminivorous(घासभक्षी)
Bring about an easy and painless death for someone suffering from an incurable disease.-(इच्छा मृत्यु)Suicide(आत्म हत्या)Uxoricide(पत्नी की हत्या)EuthanasiaSrangulation(गला घोंटकर हत्या)
One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain.-(सुख-दुःख में एक जैसा रहने वाला)Mystic(रहस्य साधक-संत)Hysteric(हिस्टीरिया से पीड़ित व्यक्ति जो अपनी भावनाओ पर नियंत्रण खो बैठता है)StoicAnarchist(अराजकतावादी, विद्रोही)
Study of the problems of legal punishment and prison management.-(दण्डशास्त्र, दंडविधान)PenologyCriminology(अपराध-विज्ञान)Neurology(तांत्रिक विज्ञान, नसविद्या)Astrology(ज्योतिष शास्त्र)
The firing of a number of guns together as a salute or otherwise.-(तोपों की सलामी)SalvoGun-saluteReceptionSalutation(अभिवादन, सलामी, नमस्कार)
A lie detector.-(झूठ पकडणे का यंत्र)PolygraphPolymate(हमसफ़र, साथी)Polyglot(बहुभाषिक)Palaeograph(पुरालेखन)
A deep dislike of foreigners.-(विदेशियों से डर या नफरत)Acrophobia(ऊंचाई से डर)XenophobiaClaustrophbia(बंद स्थान में सिमित होने का भय)Hydrophobia(जल से डर)
The area of medicine that deals with diseases of old age.-(बुजुर्गों के स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल, जरा-चिकित्सा)Gastro-enterology(पेट रोग या आंत रोग विज्ञानं)GeriatricsPaediatrics(बाल-चिकित्सा)Obstetrics(बच्चों के जन्म से संबंधित, प्रसूति-विज्ञानं)
A heavy unnatural slumber.-(बेहोशी, सदमा, अर्धचेतनावस्था)NapStuporInsomnia(अनिद्रा रोग)Coma
The profession of writing dictionaries.-(शब्दकोष लेखन का पेशा)Typography(छपने की या मुद्रण कला)Biography(किसी अन्य व्यक्ति की जीवनी)Cartography(मानचित्र निर्माण कला)Lexicography
Someone who works only personal profit.-(भाड़े का सैनिक)Materialistic(भौतिकवादी, सांसारिक)MercenaryGreedy(लालची)Mercantile(व्यापारिक, वाणिज्यक)
One who is appointed to deal with complainsts made by common people against banks,companies,etc.-(लोकपाल, लोकायुक्त, सार्वजानिक संस्थाओं के विरुद्ध जन-साधारण की शिकायतों पर सुनवाई करने वाला उच्च शासकीय अधिकारी)Jurist(क़ानूनी मामलों का विशेषज्ञ)Arbiter(मध्यस्थ, न्यायकर्ता)OmbudsmanMagistrate
The practice of eating human flesh.-(नरभक्षण)Solipsism(आत्मवाद, अहमवाद)Narcissism(स्वयं की अत्यधिक प्रशंसा करने का स्वभाव)CannibalismMysticism(आध्त्यमवद,
To talk slowly, wasting time.-(धीरे-धीरे मस्ती से चलना, मटरगस्ती करना)Stagger(बीमार, नशे या वजनदार चीज लिए होने के कारण लड़खड़ाना, डगमगाना)Stride(आत्मविश्वास के कारण लम्बे-लम्बे डग भरना)DawdlePlod-(भारी कदमों से या थकी चाल से धीरे-धीरे चलना)
Study of the origin and history of words.-(शब्दउत्पत्ति व इतिहास का विज्ञान)EtymologyEpistemology(ज्ञानमीमांसा सच्चे ज्ञान का अध्ययन)Morphology-(आकृति-विज्ञान)Dictionary
That cannot be overcome.-(जिसका समाधान असंभव हो )Irrevocable(जिसे बदला नहीं जा सके)Irreparable-(जिस क्षति की पूर्ति न हो सके)Invulnerable(अखंडनीय)Insurmountable
One who collects and srudies coins.coins-(सिक्के संग्रहण करने वाला)Philatelist(डाक टिकट संग्रहकर्ता)Nuncio(पोप का दूत, धर्मदूत)Bibliophile( पुस्तक प्रेमी)Numismatist
A Hangar is (विमान को रखने की इमारत)a place where criminals are hangeda car parking areaa prohibited area for parkinga place where aeroplanes are parked
A forceful and aggressive speech-( उग्र या जोशीला भाषा)Extempore- (बिना तैयारी के, तात्कालिक)Oration-(भाषण, वचन, व्याख्यान)HarangueAdulation-(अत्यधिक प्रशंसा और आदर)
To spend more than one can usually afford-(पैसे उड़ाना, दिखावा करना)Splodge-(दाग-धब्बा)Spook-(भूत-पिशाच, अजीब आदमी)Spoof-(किसी कार्यक्रम की मजाकिया नकल)Splurge
Asking for additional troops of soldiers-(अतिरिक्त सेना, सुदृढ़ीकरण)Rehydration (पुनर्जलीकरण)ReinforcementReiteration (पुनरावृति, दोहराव)Reimbursement-(क्षतिपूर्ति, भरपाई)
Hard to please but quick to find fault-(तुनकमिजाज, नकचढ़ा, कठिनाई से संतुष्ट होने वाला, पूर्णतावादी)FastidiousSnobbish-(वर्गदंभ, घमंड)Obnoxious- ( बहुत बुरा लगने वाला, घृणित, घिनौना)Meticulous-(बहुत सतर्क, अति सावधान)
Creatures who live both on land and water-(जल और थल दोनों में रह सकने वाला प्राणी, जलस्थलचर)Reptiles- (रेंगने वाला जीव, सरीसृप)Bipeds-(दो पैरों वाला प्राणी)AmphibiansAquatics-(जल में या जल के निकट रहने या होने वाला, जलक्रीड़ा)
Repetition of a sound which enhances the quality of prose or poetry-( अनुप्रास अलंकार)Harmony-(सामंजस्य, तालमेल, स्वरों या रंगों का मधुर संयोजन)Metaphor-(लक्षणा, समानता शब्द का प्रयोग)AlliterationPun-(अनेकार्थी शब्दों का विनोदी प्रयोग, श्लेष अलंकार)
One who amuses himself by love-making-(दिलफैंक व्यक्ति, इश्कबाज)Epicurean (खाने-पीने का शौकीन, चटोरा)Bohemian-(स्वेच्छाचारी जो सामाजिक धारणाओं को नहीं मानता हो)PhilandererLecher-(कामुक व्यक्ति)
Unorthodox opinion- (सर्वमान्य मान्यता से विपरीत धारणा)Atheism-(नास्तिकवाद)Nihilism (शून्यवाद, विनाशवाद)Disobedience (अवज्ञा)Heresy
Surrender something as a punishment or | penalty-(गलती के फलस्वरूप कुछ गँवाना या किसी वस्तु से वंचित हो जाना)ForfeitForensic- (अपराध-सम्बन्धी खोजबीन से सम्बन्धित)Foreshadow-(पूर्व संकेत देना)Forgery-(जालसाजी)
Previous year Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 – English Philosophy

Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012| MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012. Similarly there are three other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2012


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 - Idioms & Phrases

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 23

Reena is a kind of person who wears her heart on her sleeve.-( बिना छिपाए अपनी भावनाओं को बता देना )

2 / 23

In cold blood - (निर्दयतापूर्वक)

3 / 23

Sarala is always ready to eat anyone's salt.-(किसी का मेहमान बनना)

4 / 23

To drop a brick-(कोई गलत बात बोलना)

5 / 23

He decided to bury the hatchet. (दूशमनी खत्म करके शांति स्थापित करना)

6 / 23

He will certainly come to grief if he does not leave his present friends. (कष्ट भोगना )

7 / 23

I hope to talk him over to our view.-(faran विमर्श करना, मना देना)

8 / 23

Not fit to hold a candle to his predecessor (तुलनात्मक रूप से बहुत नीचे स्तर का होना)

9 / 23

If you develop friendship with an individual, you must stand by him through thick and thin.-( हर परिस्थिति में चाहे वो कितनी भी मुश्किल हो )

10 / 23

I find myself in a position where I have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. -( दो बुरी परिस्थितियों के बीच)

11 / 23

Hard nut to crack-(बहुत कठिन कार्य)

12 / 23

Nowadays, one gets good literary books once in a blue moon.( कभी-कभार )

13 / 23

To burn the midnight oil-(देर रात तक पढ़ना या कार्य करना)

14 / 23

Fresh out of college, Ram found it difficult to get a job as he was wet behind the ears.-(अनुभवहीन, नौसिखिया)

15 / 23

An old flame (पुराना प्यार)

16 / 23

Even a small toy can become an apple of dis cord between two children.-(झगड़े की जड़)

17 / 23

The officer kicked up a row over the issue.-(हो- हुल्लड़ मचाना)

18 / 23

"If he does not perform his duties properly, I will send him packing", said the manager.-(किसी जगह या पद से हटा देना)

19 / 23

To pull wool over someone's eyes (किसी को धोखा देना)

20 / 23

To hit the bull's eye-(सही बिंदु तक पहुँचाना)

21 / 23

To turn a deaf ear (अनसुना कर देना)

22 / 23

To throw mud at-(लांछन लगाना)

23 / 23

By leaps and bounds ( बहुत तेजी से, दिन-दूना रात चौगुना)

Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Even a small toy can become an apple of dis cord between two children.-(झगड़े की जड़)tasty like an applecause of disputecause of happinesscause of meeting
I find myself in a position where I have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. -( दो बुरी परिस्थितियों के बीच)out of one’s proper placebetween two equal evilsnear the horrid seain a state of confusion
He decided to bury the hatchet. (दूशमनी खत्म करके शांति स्थापित करना)to fool someoneto bury the wealthto keep a secretto make peace
Nowadays, one gets good literary books once in a blue moon.( कभी-कभार )when moon gives blue light.rarelyfrom renowned publisherat very low cost
If you develop friendship with an individual, you must stand by him through thick and thin.-( हर परिस्थिति में चाहे वो कितनी भी मुश्किल हो )to accompany through a thick forestin day and nightto think about his/her welfareunder all circumstances
He will certainly come to grief if he does not leave his present friends. (कष्ट भोगना )sufferenjoyaddictedgo upto the extreme
Sarala is always ready to eat anyone’s salt.-(किसी का मेहमान बनना)an infectious diseaseto deceive someoneto be one’s guestto cook tasty dishes
“If he does not perform his duties properly, I will send him packing”, said the manager.-(किसी जगह या पद से हटा देना)serve him a noticeterminate his servicessend him to packing departmentgive him a warning
The officer kicked up a row over the issue.-(हो- हुल्लड़ मचाना)avoided the issuegave strict ordersgave a kick in the airmade a great fuss
Fresh out of college, Ram found it difficult to get a job as he was wet behind the ears.-(अनुभवहीन, नौसिखिया)unhealthyirresponsibleunsuitableinexperienced
I hope to talk him over to our view.-(faran विमर्श करना, मना देना)convincesupportopposeanalyze
Reena is a kind of person who wears her heart on her sleeve.-( बिना छिपाए अपनी भावनाओं को बता देना )suppresses her emotions openly.suppresses her excitement sparingly.expresses her emotions freelyexpresses her emotions curbingly
To hit the bull’s eye-(सही बिंदु तक पहुँचाना)To find the exact truthTo attract a bull’s attentionTo use a red flagTo blind a bull
By leaps and bounds ( बहुत तेजी से, दिन-दूना रात चौगुना)UnsteadilyErroneouslyRestrictivelyRapidly
In cold blood – (निर्दयतापूर्वक)DeliberatelyRevengefullyShedding much bloodCruelly
To drop a brick-(कोई गलत बात बोलना)To say the wrong thingTo scold someoneTo throw stones at someoneTo make a hole in the wall
To turn a deaf ear (अनसुना कर देना)To find fault withTo listen attentivelyTo show lack of interestTo refuse to listen
To throw mud at-(लांछन लगाना)To appreciate someoneTo wander alwaysTo accuse wronglyTo toil in the fields
An old flame (पुराना प्यार)A woman with whom one has had emotional relationsA woman having no interest in the family activitiesAn old woman with stout bodyA charming old lady
To pull wool over someone’s eyes (किसी को धोखा देना)to deceive anotherto keep a secretto investigateto reprimand someone
To burn the midnight oil-(देर रात तक पढ़ना या कार्य करना)To study far into the nightTo create a lot of lightTo remain awakeTo use too much oil
Hard nut to crack-(बहुत कठिन कार्य)AmiablePliableMalleableTough
Not fit to hold a candle to his predecessor (तुलनात्मक रूप से बहुत नीचे स्तर का होना)Less enlightened thanNot to be named in comparison withNot regarded as highly asMuch more bright than
Previous Year Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 – English Philosophy

Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012. Similarly there are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Synonyms previous year paper 2012


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 - Synonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 10

NEBULOUS (आकृति, विचार आदि अस्पष्ट, धुंधला, तारा मंडल जैसा)

2 / 10

IGNOMINY-(सार्वजनिक लज्जा, अपमान, तिरस्कार, बदनामी)

3 / 10

ENIGMA-(जिसे समझना कठिन हो, पहेली, पेचीदा)

4 / 10

CONSENSUS-(लोगों के बीच आम सहमति, सर्वसम्मति, मेल)

5 / 10

ESPIONAGE-(जासूसी, गुप्तचरी)

6 / 10

CONCURRENCE-(सहमति, स्वीकृति, घटनाओं के एक साथ होने की स्थिति)

7 / 10

MONSLAUGHT - (भीषण विरघ या आक्रमण, मारवाड़, हमला, धावा, प्रचण्ड अभियान)

8 / 10

CONFLUENCE-( दो या अधिक वस्तुओं का मेल, जमावाड़ा, नदियों का संगम)

9 / 10

GROTESQUE (बेतुका, अजीबो-गरीब, भद्दा, विकृत)

10 / 10

FIASCO-(शरमिंदगी लाने वाली विफलता, घोर विफलता,नाकामयाबी).

Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
FIASCO-(शरमिंदगी लाने वाली विफलता, घोर विफलता,नाकामयाबी).FailureMisfortune-(बदनसीबी)Humour (मिजाज, मनोदशा)Festivity-(आनंदोत्सव)
NEBULOUS (आकृति, विचार आदि अस्पष्ट, धुंधला, तारा मंडल जैसा)VagueInsignificant-(महत्वहीन)Inadequate-(अपर्याप्त)Tiny-(तुच्छ)
CONFLUENCE-( दो या अधिक वस्तुओं का मेल, जमावाड़ा, नदियों का संगम)InfluenceDeception-(धोखा, छल-कपट)AmalgamationConfusion
CONSENSUS-(लोगों के बीच आम सहमति, सर्वसम्मति, मेल)LeaveAgreementResultPerfume
MONSLAUGHT – (भीषण विरघ या आक्रमण, मारवाड़, हमला, धावा, प्रचण्ड अभियान)Defence-(प्रतिरक्षा)Invasion (हमला)Counterattack-(जवाबी हमला)Resistance-(विरोधी)
IGNOMINY-(सार्वजनिक लज्जा, अपमान, तिरस्कार, बदनामी)DisgraceTrial-(परिक्षण)Exposure-(प्रदर्शन)Stupidity-(मुर्खता)
GROTESQUE (बेतुका, अजीबो-गरीब, भद्दा, विकृत)Absurd-(हास्यास्पद)LaughableBizarreShameful
CONCURRENCE-(सहमति, स्वीकृति, घटनाओं के एक साथ होने की स्थिति)CurrencyAgreementOccurrence-(घटना)Conquest-(जीत, विजय)
ENIGMA-(जिसे समझना कठिन हो, पहेली, पेचीदा)DifficultyPuzzleTruthFear
ESPIONAGE-(जासूसी, गुप्तचरी)Lineage-(वंशावली)SpyingPlanningPioneering (अग्रणी, पथ-प्रदर्शक)
Previous Year Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 – English Philosophy

Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Antonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2012. Similarly there is one other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2012


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 - Antonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 10

SACRED (पवित्र, पावन, पूजनीय, ईश्वर या धर्म से संम्बिन्धित)

2 / 10

LUKEWARM- (हलका गरम, गुनगुना, मंद उत्साह वाला. उदासीन, बेपरवाह)

3 / 10

ZENITH - (चरम बिंदु, शिखर)

4 / 10

TARDY-(धीमा, सुस्त, निर्धारित समय से बाद में होने वाला)

5 / 10

VANGUARD-( आंदोलन के नेतागण, कर्णधार, युद्ध में सेना की अग्रिम टुकड़ी)

6 / 10

GARRULOUS - ( बातूनी, गप्पी, ज्यादा बोलने वाला)

7 / 10

FOMENT-(हिंसा या उपदव करना या उसे बढ़ावा देना, उकसाना, भड़काना)

8 / 10

FERVENT-(फूर्तीला, जोशिला, उत्साही)

9 / 10

SCRUPULOUS ( अति सावधान, सच के प्रति सतर्क,ईमानदार, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ)

10 / 10

INDICT-(अभियोग लगाना, आरोप लगाना, दोषी ठहराना)

Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
ZENITH – (चरम बिंदु, शिखर)GreatTallNadirHigh
INDICT-(अभियोग लगाना, आरोप लगाना, दोषी ठहराना)RejectAcquitPlead-(याचना करना)Summon-(कोर्ट द्वारा बुलावा भेजना)
VANGUARD-( आंदोलन के नेतागण, कर्णधार, युद्ध में सेना की अग्रिम टुकड़ी)RearguardBacksideFrontlineFrontrunner
LUKEWARM- (हलका गरम, गुनगुना, मंद उत्साह वाला. उदासीन, बेपरवाह)EnthusiasticIndifferent-(उदासीन, महत्वहीन, साधारण)Infrared-(प्रकाश से सम्बिंधित, उष्ण वस्तुओं द्वारा उत्पन्न लेकिन अदृश्य, अवरक्त)Ordinary
FERVENT-(फूर्तीला, जोशिला, उत्साही)Ardent-(जोशीला)Decent-(शालीन, मर्यादित)Partial-(पक्षपाती)Dispassionate
SCRUPULOUS ( अति सावधान, सच के प्रति सतर्क,ईमानदार, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ)CaringCarefulCarelessWise
GARRULOUS – ( बातूनी, गप्पी, ज्यादा बोलने वाला)ReticentGaunt – (मरियल, दुबला-पुतला)Verbose-(शब्दांडबरपूर्ण)Serious
TARDY-(धीमा, सुस्त, निर्धारित समय से बाद में होने वाला)LateQuickPromptGradual
FOMENT-(हिंसा या उपदव करना या उसे बढ़ावा देना, उकसाना, भड़काना)ControlQuell – ( दमन करना, कुचलना)Repulse (घृणा पैदा करना)Cease
SACRED (पवित्र, पावन, पूजनीय, ईश्वर या धर्म से संम्बिन्धित)Profound-(अत्यंत गहरा, प्रबल)Profane ( पवित्र वस्तुओं के प्रति असम्मान, धर्मनिंदक)Profuse-(प्रचुर मात्रा में)Prolific- (प्रचुर मात्रा में कृतियों की रचना करने वाला)
Previous Year Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 – English Philosophy

Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous year Paper 2011. You can find Free mock test for them below.

SSC CGL mock test Free for Spelling test previous year paper 2012


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012- Spelling Test

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

2 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

3 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

4 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

5 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

6 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

7 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

8 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

9 / 9

Find the wrongly spelt word?

Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Find the wrongly spelt word?Foresee-(पूर्वानुमान होना)Foretell-(भविष्यवाणी करना)Foreswear-Forswear (शपथ खाकर छोड़ना)Forecast-(पूर्वानुमान)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Trancendent-Transcendent-(उत्कृष्ट, उत्तम श्रेष्ठ)Correspondent-(संवाददाता, पत्र-व्यवहारी)Lieutenant-(सेना अधिकारी, लेफ्टिनेंट)Descendant-(वंशज, संतान)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Lechirous-Lecherous-(कामुक, लंपट)Fabulous-(बहुत अच्छा)Superfluous (अतिरिक्त, फालतू, अनावश्यक)Adventurous- (जोखिमभरा, साहसी)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Fervour-(जोश, उत्साह)Fervid (उत्तेजित, तीक्ष्ण, प्रचंड)Fervant-Fervent-(फुर्तीला, जोशीला)Favour-(पक्ष लेना)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Ingenious-(प्रवीण, चतुर)Ingenuous-(निष्कपट और सरल)Heterogeneous (भिन्न प्रकार का, पंचमेल)Virtueous-Virtuous-(सदाचारी, सद्गुणी)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Insision-Incision-(चीरा, घाव, काट)Collusion-(गुप्त समझौता)Decision-(निर्णय)Position-(स्थिति)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Announcment-Announcement-(घोषणा)Committment-Commitment-(वचनबद्धता)Commencement-(शुरुआत)Estableshment-Establishment-(स्थापना)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Passimism-Pessimism-(निराशावाद)Optemism-Optimism-(आशावाद)Consumerism-(सुखवाद)Communlism-Communalism-( साम्प्रदायिकता)
Find the wrongly spelt word?Scholership-Scholarship-(छात्रवृत्ति)Partnarship-Partnership-(भागीदारी)Entrepreneurship-(उदयमवृत)Leadeship-Leadership-(नेतृत्व)
Previous Year Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2012 – English Philosophy

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