Gender In English Grammar | Types | Rule | Free Test
What is Gender In English Grammar?
Gender in English Grammar is an important topic to understand for further analysis and usage of grammar. Gender is a topic of English Grammar Basics, Gender in English Grammar resembles about the biological identity of any creatures, whether particular is Man, Woman, Group or any Non Living identity. After identification of Gender we can use grammatical words accordingly.
English Grammar के आगे के विश्लेषण और उपयोग को समझने के लिए Gender एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय है। Gender एक ऐसा विषय है, जो किसी भी जीव की जैविक पहचान के बारे में बताता है, चाहे वह विशेष रूप से पुरुष, महिला, समूह या कोई निर्जीव वस्तु को बताता हो। लिंग की पहचान के बाद हम तदनुसार व्याकरणिक शब्दों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
There are four Kinds of Gender In English Grammar.
- Masculine Gender
- Feminine Gender
- Common Gender
- Neuter Gender
Masculine Gender
Any noun that resembles the characteristics of any male creature that is called a Masculine Gender, Any living thing that is Male is said to be masculine.
कोई भी संज्ञा जो किसी भी पुरुष प्राणी की विशेषताओं से मेल खाती है, उसे Masculine Gender (पुल्लिंग) कहा जाता है, कोई भी जीवित चीज़ जो पुरुष है उसे masculine कहा जाता है।
Example of Masculine Gender :
Man, Boy, Ox, Lion, Peacock
Feminine Gender
Any Noun that resembles the characteristics of any female creature that is called a Feminine Gender, Any living thing that is Female is said to be Feminine.
कोई भी संज्ञा जो किसी भी स्त्री प्राणी की विशेषताओं से मेल खाती है, उसे Feminine Gender (स्त्रीलिंग) कहा जाता है, कोई भी जीवित चीज़ जो स्त्री है उसे Feminine कहा जाता है।
Example of Feminine Gender :
Women, Girl, Cow, Lioness, Peahen
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Common Gender
Any Noun that resembles the group of persons that doesn’t clarify the adjective of Masculine or Feminine are called Common Gender. Let’s Suppose Doctor, A doctor may be a Men or Women until it is specified. in this context Doctor is Common Gender.
कोई भी संज्ञा जो ऐसे व्यक्तियों के समूह से मिलती-जुलती है, जो Masculine या Feminine के विशेषण को स्पष्ट नहीं करते हैं उन्हें Common Gender कहा जाता है। मान लीजिए डॉक्टर, सिर्फ डॉक्टर से ये पहचान नहीं हो सकता की डॉक्टर पुरुष है या स्त्री, जब तक की Male Doctor या Female Doctor न बोला जाये| इस संदर्भ में डॉक्टर Common Gender हैं।
Example of Common Gender :
Teacher, Doctor, Shopkeeper, Sweeper, Principal, Orphan, Neighbour, Servant
Neuter Gender
Any Noun that doesn’t resembles neither a Masculine nor Feminine gender, in simple word we can say all the Non Living things are Neuter Gender.
कोई भी संज्ञा जो न तो पुरुष और न ही स्त्री Gender हो, सरल शब्द में हम कह सकते हैं कि सभी गैर-जीवित (निर्जीव) चीजें Neuter Gender (नपुंसक लिंग) होती हैं।
Example of Neuter Gender
Book, Chair, Table, Roof, Window
Formation to change Gender in English Grammar :
In this context we will change Gender from Masculine to Feminine.
- Changing from Masculine to Feminine by using complete different words.
Boy | Girl |
Uncle | Aunt |
Gentleman | Gentlewoman |
Father | Mother |
Fox | Vixen |
Nephew | Niece |
Son | Daughter |
Hero | Heroine |
Husband | Wife |
Bull/ox | Cow |
Boar | Sow |
Cock | Hen |
Horse | Mare |
Bridegroom | Bride |
King | Queen |
Widower | Widow |
Wizard | Witch |
Sir | Madam |
2. Changing from Masculine to Feminine by adding ‘ess’ at the end of the masculine word.
Author | Authoress |
Priest | Priestess |
Lion | Lioness |
Poet | Poetess |
host | Hostess |
Heir | Heiress |
Shapherd | Shapherdess |
Jew | Jewess |
3. Changing from Masculine to Feminine by adding ‘ess’ with some change in words.
Actor | Actress |
Tiger | Tigress |
God | Goddess |
Price | Princess |
Master | Mistress |
Governor | Governess |
Emperor | Empress |
Waiter | Waitress |
4. Changing from Masculine to Feminine by adding “She/Maid/Woman/lady” etc. in Masculine word.
Washerman | Washerwoman |
Fisherman | Fisherwoman |
Salesman | Saleswoman |
He-goat | She-goat |
Businessman | Businesswoman |
Man-servant | Maid-Servant |
Son-in-law | Daughter-in-law |
Stepfather | Stepmother |
5. Changing from Masculine to Feminine of Animals.
Bull | Cow |
Tiger | Tigress |
Lion | Lioness |
Horse | Mare |
Cock | Hen |
Fox | Vixen |
Gander | Goose |
Drake | Duck |
Peacock | Peahen |
Your father is a good man.
Your mother is a gentle Lady.
These Girls are beautiful.
Ram can submit his homework himself.
Seeta can submit her homework herself.
First three sentence will let you know the gender of highlighted text, you can easily identify the form like masculine or feminine.
In last two sentences you will understand why gender is important to understand in English Grammar. His and Himself would use for Masculine gender and Her and Herself would use for Feminine Gender.
Online Quiz for English Grammar – Gender Part 1 (25 Questions)
Online Quiz for English Grammar – Gender Part 2 (25 Questions)