Online English Quiz

Articles MCQ with answers | Part 2 | Free Online Quiz for English Grammar

Attempt the quiz for Article and test your knowledge, if you have any doubt about the subjects then read full post on ‘Article‘. Online Quiz for English Grammar – Article is for your revision and clearing your doubts.

Articles MCQ with answers | Online Quiz for English Grammar – Article Part 2 (25 Questions)

Articles MCQ with answers

Articles MCQ with answers


Online quiz for English Grammar - Article 2

Online quiz for English Grammar - Article Part 2, Here in this quiz you will get questions of Article. Also We have Quiz Part 1 for Article. Attempt all questions and analyze your expertise on Subjects.

1 / 25

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw ………. Elephant crossing the road.

2 / 25

She did ………. MA in French literature.

3 / 25

He drives at a speed of 90 miles ………… hour.

4 / 25

Rohan is holding ………. Honorary post.

5 / 25

The workers formed …….. union.

6 / 25

It’s ……….. most expensive hotel in the town.

7 / 25

With …….. united effort, I achieve it.

8 / 25

We bought a ticket for ……… Cleveland Orchestra.

9 / 25

You can do the work if you have ……. Patience.

10 / 25

Please, give me ……….. onion for the stew.

11 / 25

You can pay that bill at …………. bank.

12 / 25

I want to buy ……… laptop next week.

13 / 25

The only sports we enjoy is ………. Hockey.

14 / 25

It is …….. absurd story.

15 / 25

This is ……. pen which I lost last week.

16 / 25

The River yamuna is ……….. longest river of all.

17 / 25

you can’t keep …….. owl as a pet.

18 / 25

…………. Missisippi is about 3,734 km.

19 / 25

My brother won an award for being …….. best speller in our school.

20 / 25

They took him to …………. hospital in ambulance.

21 / 25

Who can play ……. Piano in your class?

22 / 25

My sister is living in …….. United States of America.

23 / 25

We wanted catch some fish, but we only caught ……….. octopus.

24 / 25

There is …….. hourly bus service here.

25 / 25

……….. water is that rive is not fit for drinking.

The Quizzes Online Quiz for English Grammar – Article Part 1, Online Quiz for English Grammar – Article Part 2 and Online Quiz for English Grammar – Article Part 3 have question listed below.

……………. apple a day keeps the doctor away.
………………. President of the United States of America was elected this year.
………………. Mount Everest is in …………….. Himalayas.
It is ……………. largest producer of the computer keyboards in the world.
It’s ………….. old house and needs some work.
Books you borrowed return it back to …… library, please?
I was really angry because I missed ……………. Bus.
When can you usually see …….. moon, in the morning, or at night.
I saw ………. very bright star in the sky ……. few night ago.
I forgot to bring my pen. Do you have ……… pen I could borrow?
I have a new car. ………. car is red.
What is ……… capital of Australia? Is it Sydney or Canberra?
For breakfast I usually have ………. egg, toast, & some coffee.
I have …………. two younger brothers and an older sister.
My mother saw ……….. nice dress in a store. She decided to buy ……….. dress.
What is ……….. last month of the year? Is it November or December?
I saw ………. black snake . ………….. snake in the hole.
My younger brother always exercises for ……….. hour in the morning.
I drank ……… cup of coffee but ……….. coffee was cold.
Help! Somebody please call ……. policeman!
Last summer , my friend and I travelled to ……… Spain.
My little sister drew a picture of a chicken, a cow, and ………… horse.
……….. Amazon Rain Forest is located in South America.
………… palm tree is generally very tall.
Taj Mahal is ………. wonder of the world.
……….. water is that rive is not fit for drinking.
It is …….. absurd story.
Rohan is holding ………. Honorary post.
You can do the work if you have ……. Patience.
My sister is living in …….. United States of America.
This is ……. pen which I lost last week.
There is …….. hourly bus service here.
With …….. united effort, I achieve it.
The workers formed …….. union.
I want to buy ……… laptop next week.
My brother won an award for being …….. best speller in our school.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw ………. Elephant crossing the road.
She did ………. MA in French literature.
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It’s ……….. most expensive hotel in the town.
You can pay that bill at …………. bank.
Please, give me ……….. onion for the stew.
They took him to …………. hospital in ambulance.
We bought a ticket for ……… Cleveland Orchestra.
We wanted catch some fish, but we only caught ……….. octopus.
Who can play ……. Piano in your class?
you can’t keep …….. owl as a pet.
…………. Missisippi is about 3,734 km.
The only sports we enjoy is ………. Hockey.
He drives at a speed of 90 miles ………… hour.
The River yamuna is ……….. longest river of all.
Online quiz for english grammar - English Philosophy (5)
Online quiz for English grammar for Article – English Philosophy
She didn’t get ….. invitation.
Street light in…. village is powered by solar energy.
Akash works for…..Egyptian company.
What is the price of…ticket?
Radha went to… where she could learn to play the guitar.
Tea is….popular drink in India.
We finally found …. apartment to shift with my family.
….cake is made with chocolate, sugar and butter.
Miss Sunita is….experienced teacher.
My brother wanted to buy…. new smartphone.
He won …. award for his novel.
Sudha is …. medical researcher.
What does …. word ‘endeavor’ mean?
I just received …. umbrella as a gift.
A journey of thousand miles starts with …. single step.
….rupay saved is rupay earned.
This book is …. most interesting of all books.
I didn’t have my ……. breakfast today.
Computers are …… useful machine.
…. Gold is a precious metal.
Online Quiz for English Grammar – Article

Read Article in English Grammar : Article In English Grammar

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