SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2015 | Free Mock Test
SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2015 all sections
Dear Students, As you know SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to cover, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2015 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions. Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam. At bottom of the page you can find all questions with their options. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times.
One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2015 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
One word Substitutions is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 previous year exam. Similarly there are four other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2015
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
That which cannot be effaced-(जो हटाया या मिटाया न जा सके) | Affable-(मिलनसार) | Illegible -(जिसे पढ़ना कठिन हो) | Indelible | Invincible-(अजेय) |
One who makes an official examination of accounts.- (लेखा परीक्षक) | Creditor- (ऋणदाता, लेनदार) | Chartered Accountant-(fecari) | Auditor | Registrar – (पंजीकरण अधिकारी) |
A person who deliberately sets fire to a building -( आगजनी करने वाला) | Hijacker-(अपहरण कर्ता) | Arsonist | Extortionist- (लूटेरा, डाकू) | Assassin – (लोकप्रिय व्यक्ति का हत्यारा) |
The burial of a corpse-(मृत व्यक्ति की समाधि) | Interment | Internment -(नजरबंधी) | Interrogate-(पूछताछ करना) | Interpose -(बीच-बचाव करना, बीच में बोलना) |
To free someone from all blames-(आधिकारिक रूप से दोषमुक्त घोषित करना) | Fling-(फेंकना, पटकना, थोड़े समय की रंगरलियाँ) | Forbid-(मना करना) | Consolidate-( मजबूत करना) | Exonerate |
A process involving too much official formality -(लाल फिताशाही) | Bureaucracy-(नौकरशाही) | Diplomacy-(कुटनीति) | Red tapism | Nepotism-(भाई-भजीतावाद) |
A story in which animals or objects speak and give wholesome moral lesson -(उपदेशात्मक कहानी ) | Legend-(लोककथा) | Fable | Allegory-(प्रतीक चित्र कथा) | Parable -(नीतिकथा (बाइबिल में)) |
A person who enters without any invitation (घुसपैठिया) | Burglar-(सेंधमार, चोर) | Vandal-(जान-बूझकर और व्यर्थ में ही दूसरों की सम्पत्ति नष्ट करने वाला) | Intruder | Thief-(चोर) |
Medical study of skin and its diseases-(चर्म रोग विज्ञान) | Endocrinology-(अंतःस्राव विज्ञान) | Orthopaedics-(विकलांग-चिकित्सा) | Dermatology | Gynaecology-(स्त्रीरोग विज्ञान) |
Not suitable for eating -( जो खाने योग्य न हो) | Uneatable | Inedible | Tasteless | Spicy |
Act of injuring others’ reputation by any slanderous communication-(मानहानी, अपभाषण) | Orchestration (संगीत रचना आयोजन) | Misrepresentation-(गलतबयानी) | Aberration – (विपथगमन, वृद्धि भ्रष्ट) | Defamation |
A recurrent compulsive urge to steal-( चोरी करने की बीमारी ) | Pneumonia | Nymphomania-(संभोग की इच्छा) | Kleptomania | Insomnia- (अनिद्रा रोग) |
One who is concerned with the welfare of others -( परोपकारी) | Ascetic-(संन्यासी) | Altruist | Egoist-(अहंकारी) | Hedonist -(सुखवादी, भोगवादी) |
That which cannot be avoided-(जिसे घटित होने से रोका न जा सके) | Integral-(पूर्णता के लिए अनिवार्य) | Inevitable | Unrestrained-(अनियंत्रित) | Unvarying-(अपरिवर्तनशील, एक-सा) |
Make pale by excluding light (पीला कर देना) | Foliate-(पत्तियों से पूर्ण, पीटकर पतरा करना) | Procreate-(प्रजनन करना | Percolate-(बूंद-बूंद करके टपकना) | Etiolate |
A person who agrees to work for somebody in order to learn a skill-(fr) | Assistant-(सहायक) | Pupil-(शिष्य) | Apprentice | Lackey-(नौकर) |
To die without making a will-(वसीयत रहित मृत्यु) | Inure- (काम में आना ) | Intestate | Inane-(निरर्थक, बेमतलब) | Indigent-(निर्धन, बेचारा) |
Opinion contrary to accepted doctrines-(सर्वमान्य मान्यता से विपरित धारणा) | Controvrsy-(वादविवाद) | Heresy | Advocacy- (वकालात, समर्थन) | Convention-(रिवाज, परम्परा सम्मेलन समझौता) |
One who is too careless to plan for the future -(अदूरदर्शी, लापरवाह) | Improvident | Impractical-( अव्यावहारिक) | Imprudent-( अविवेकपूर्ण) | Impotent-(नपुंसक, शक्तिहीन) |
A study of ancient things-( पुरातत्व विज्ञान) | Zoology-( जंतु विज्ञान) | Physiology- (शरीर-विज्ञान) | Ethnology-(मानव जातियों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन) | Archaeology |
One who has long experience -( अनुभवी व्यक्ति) | Veteran | Novice-( नौसिखिया) | Expert | Practitioner -(दंत-चिकित्सक या वकील) |
Of one’s own free will-( स्वयंसेवी) | Obligatory | Compulsory | Voluntary | Mandatory |
One who skilful- (दक्ष, कुशल) | Dexterous | Different | Disciplined | Diligent -(परिश्रमी, मेहनती) |
A person who deserves all praise – प्रशंसनीय सराहनीय ) | Detestable-( निंदनीय) | Lovable | Despicable-(धृणित) | Laudable |
One who runs away from justice or the law -(भगोड़ा, तड़ीपार) | Criminal-( अपराधी) | Smuggler -( तस्कर) | Thief | Fugitive |
Conferred as an honour -(माननीय, आदरसूचक) | Honorarium-(मानदेय, शुकराना) | Honourable( सम्मानजनक) | Honorific | Honorary – (अवैतनिक) |
One who does not believe in the existence of God-(नास्तिक) | Theist | Mystic- (रहस्य साधना-संत) | Cynic-(दोषदर्शी) | Atheist |
Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015| MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test
Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 previous exam. Similarly there are three other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2015
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Amit said to Rekha, “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.”-( बात का बतंगड़ बनाना) | start looking for molehills in mountains | attempt an impossible task | create problems | exaggerate a minor problem |
Unless you make amends for the loss, nobody is prepared to excuse you-(नुकसान की भरपाई करना) | confess | compensate | improve | pay debt |
I shall always remember my alma mater with gratitude- ( शुरूआती पाठशाला) | teacher who inspired me | mother’s loving care | kindergarten days | institution where I got education |
He’s as daft as a brush. Don’t believe a word of what he says-(एकदम मूर्ख) | a liar | really silly | very funny | unreliable |
A closefisted man does not know the significance of human life-(कंजूस व्यक्ति) | a poor man | an ill-mannered man | a miser | a rich man |
I and my friend always go Dutch when we eat out.-( खर्च को आपस में बाँटना ) | pay for each other’s meal | go together | divide the costs | drive together |
I hope you will back me at the meeting-( सहयोग देना) | follow | criticise | support | speak after I do |
The day the new product was launched, people made a beeline to purchase it. -(किसी चीज के लिए भीड़ लगाकर जमा होना) | were doubtful | rushed | refused | went online |
When it comes to dancing, he is all-thumbs-(काम करने में बेढंगा) | a trainer | clumsy | an expert | lazy |
Their attempt to get back the stolen necklace proved to be a wild-goose chase. -( बेकार में कोशिश करना) | wise decision | timely action | useless search | delayed action |
He usually goes to bed very early and rises with the lark-(सुबह जल्दी उठना) | very late | after sunrise | very early | at midnight |
Even in the middle of the fire he kept a level head. -( मानसिक संतुलन बनाकर रखना) | was crazy | was self centred | was impulsive | was sensible |
He and his neighbour are always at loggerheads-( पूर्णतय असहमत | abusing each other | disagreeing on everything | Agree on everything | aloof from each other |
The winning team decided to go for the jugular in the last quarter of the match.-( कमजोर पहलू पर आक्रमण करना) | forfeit the match | give easy opportunities to the opposite team | attack all out | give reserve players a chance |
I am going to stay at home because I am feeling under the weather today. (बीमार महसूस करना) | unhappy | irritated | sick | depressed |
Everybody thought Asha and Ashok were a happy couple, but it was all just make believe.-(झूठा दिखावा, ढोंग ) | pretence | hatred | reality | treachery |
His friend turned out to be a snake in the grass. ( छिपा हुआ शत्रु) | a hidden enemy | low and mean | cowardly and brutal | an unreliable and deceitful person |
Before the report reached the authority, the media spilled the beans. (रहस्य उजागर कर देना) | dropped the charges | spilled the content of the package | hinted at the consequences | revealed the secret information |
Instead of keeping his promise of helping me with office work, he just left me high and dry.-(किसी को अकेला व असहाय छोड़ देना) | left me in a state of anger | left me alone to do the work | left me feeling like a fool | left me without a drop water |
Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 previous exam. Similarly there are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free mock test for SSC CGL for Synonyms previous year paper 2015
Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
INGENUOUS-(सच्चा, सरल व निष्कपट ) | Careless | Candid | Crafty-( चालबाज) | Creative |
DAMP- (गीला, सीलगभरा) | Wet | Complicated | Light | Clear |
RESURGENCE-(पुनजीवन, पुनरूत्थान) | Reluctance-(अनिच्छा, अरूचि) | Renewal | Relocation-( पुनर्वास) | Repletion-( परिपूर्णता) |
SPUME-( झाग) | Poison | Spit | Lava | Foam |
BOARD-(होटल आदि में मिलने वाला खाना) | Furniture | Food | Lodging-(अस्थायी निवास) | Frame |
PERUSE-(ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ना) | Reduce | Read | Argue | Follow |
FRUGAL – (मितव्ययी, किफायती) | Plain | Economical | Simple | Miserly -(घोर निराशा, दुर्दशा) |
PLEBISCITE-(जनमत संग्रह) | Reservation-( आरक्षण) | Representation-( प्रतिनिधित्व) | Renunciation-(परित्याग, नामंजूरी) | Referendum |
DIMINISH – (महत्व घटाना) | Prohibit | Shorten | Reduce | Worsen-( बदतर हो जाना) |
EFFIGY-(पुतला, मूर्ति) | Reflection-( प्रतिबिम्ब) | Organ | Imagery-( चित्र-भाषा) | Dummy |
DEVOUT-(श्रद्धालु, धर्मनिष्ठ, भक्त) | Dedicated | Solemn-(अति गम्भीर व संस्कारपूर्ण) | Pious- (धर्मपरायण, पवित्र) | Loyal-(वफौदार) |
PREDILECTION-( गहरी रूचि, झुकाव, लाग-लपेट) | Favour-(पक्ष लेना) | Prejudice-(किसी के प्रति नापसंदगी या अविश्वास) | Preference | Whim-(सनक, ललक) |
Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Antonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 previous exam. Similarly there is one other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2015
Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
ECCENTRIC-(सनकी, विलक्षण व्यक्ति) | Unusual-( अनोखा) | Carefree-(चिंता मुक्त, लापरवाह) | Normal | Peculiar-(अज़ीब, विचित्र) |
ZENITH-(शिखर, चरमबिंदु) | Bottom | Nadir | Shallow-(छिछला, गहरा नहीं) | Low |
ARROGANT – (घमंडी, अभिमानी) | Haughty-( घमंडी) | Proud | Selfish | Modest |
VACILLATION – ( हिचकिचाहट, अनिश्चय, सात-पाँच) | Steadfastness-( निष्ठा, दृढ़ता) | Remorse-( पश्चाताप) | Relief | Inoculation-( टीकाकरण) |
LACID-(शांत, जल्दी उत्तेजित न होने वाला) | Dull | Moving | Stormy | Urgent |
EFFEMINACY-( जनानापन, नामदर्दी) | Boorishness-(असभ्यता) | Attractiveness | Aggressiveness | Manliness |
AUTHENTIC-(प्रमाणिक, असली) | Genuine | FALSE | Factual | Real |
BOLD- (निडर, निर्भीक) | Nervous | Coy- (दिखावटी तौर पर शर्मीला, भोला) | Fearful | Timid |
URBANE-(सुसंस्कृत, सुसभ्य) | Rural | Crude | Native | Loud |
FAKE- ( नकली, फर्जी) | Real | Fanciful-(काल्पनिक, विलक्षण) | Ideal | Wrong |
TREMULOUS-(काँपता हुआ, डरपोक) | Healthy | Obese | Young | Steady |
DISCONSOLATE-(मायूस, अत्यधिक निराश ) | Joyous | Unprejudiced-( निष्पक्ष) | Prominent-(प्रसिद्ध व महत्वपूर्ण) | Thankful |
Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015 previous exam. You can find Free mock test for them below.
SSC CGL mock test Free for Spelling test previous year paper 2015
Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2015
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Fortuitous-(अप्रत्याशित, संयोगी, आकस्मिक) | Haphazzard-Haphazard-( अव्यवस्थित) | Resurgense-Resurgence-( पुनर्जीवन) | Comissioned-Commissioned( मान्यता अधिकृत) |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Appretiate-Appreciate-( सराहना करना) | Merth-Mirth-( मनोरंजन या हंसी) | Gruesom-Gruesome-( गिनाना,कुरूप) | Connoisseur-( कला पारखी) |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Circumlocution (घुमा-फिराकर बात करना) | Cirmlocution | Circumlocutien | Circumlocation |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Diffusion – ( फैलाव, प्रसार, विस्तार) | Deffusion | Defusion | Diffussion |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Coherant-Coherent-( विचार आदि समझने में सरल, स्पष्ट व सुसंगत) | Advicable-Advisable-( उचित, उपयुक्त) | Tommorow-Tomorrow | Commendation – (प्रशंसा, सराहना ) |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Aneurysm-( धमनी विस्तार) | Annonymous- Anonymous-( अज्ञात) | Carcas-Carcass-( मृत पशु का शव) | Disipate-Dissipate-( गायब हो जाना) |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Aquarim | Aquarium-( मछलीघर) | Acquariam | Acquerium |
Find the correctly spelt word – | Fasimmile | Facsimile (प्रतिलिपि, नकल) | Fasimile | Facsimilee |
Also Read : Government Exam | SSC
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