SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2014 | Free Mock Test
SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2014 all sections
SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to attempt, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2014 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions. Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam. At bottom of the page you can find all questions with their options. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2014.
One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam Previous Paper 2014 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
One word Substitutions is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 previous year exam. Similarly there are four other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2014
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Amethod of boiling briefly to cook food slightly-(थोड़ा पकने तक उबालना) | Steam-(भाप से पकाना) | Bake-(चूल्हे में ताप से पकाना) | Saute-(कम तेल या घी में तलना) | Parboil |
A highly skilled musician-(दक्ष संगीतज्ञ) | Artiste- (कलाकार) | Virtuoso | Performer- (अदाकार) | Diva-(प्रसिद्ध महिला, गायिका, देवी) |
person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions -(दोषदर्शी, जो सबको स्वार्थी समझता हो ) | Agnostic- (ईश्वर की सत्ता पर संदेह करने वाला) | Cynic | Sceptic-(बात की सच्चाई पर संदेह करने वाला) | Misogynist-(नारी से नफरत करने वाला) |
A cluster of flowers on a branch – (पुष्पमाला) | Bouquet-(गुलदस्ता) | Inflorescence-(पुष्प विकास, फूलना) | Wreath | Incandescence-(अत्याधिक गरम वस्तु में से निकलने वाला प्रकाश) |
Belief in many gods-(बहुदेववाद) | Pantheism-(शर्वेश्वरवाद) | Monotheism-(एकेश्वरवाद) | Polytheism | Atheism-(नास्तिकता) |
One who deliberately damages other people’s property-(जानबूझकर दूसरों की सम्पत्ति नष्ट करने वाला) | Arsonist-(आगजनी करनेवाला) | Destructor-(विनाशक) | Vandal | Vampire-(रक्त पीने वाला प्रेत) |
Something that is beyond the power of nature -(अलौकिक, अप्राकृतिक) | Magical | Preternatural | Unnatural | Supernatural |
A book which holds several works of one author-(सर्वसंग्रह पुस्तिका) | Anthology-(साहित्यिक संग्रह) | Biography-(किसी अन्य व्यक्ति द्वारा लिखित जीवनी) | Omnibus | Bibliotheque-(पुस्तकालय) |
A person who studies the origin and history of words – ( शब्द व्युत्पत्ति शास्त्रज्ञ ) | Ethnologist – (मानवजाति विज्ञानी) | Polyglot- (बहुभाषिक) | Grammarian-(वैयाकरणविद्) | Etymologist |
The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence-(साम्राज्यवाद) | Imperialism | Internationalism (अंतर्राष्ट्रीयवाद ) | Capitalism-(पूँजीवाद) | Communism-(समानता का वाद, साम्यवाद) |
A difficult problem-(समस्या, गोरखधंधा) | Labyrinth-(भूल-भूलैया) | Maze-(पहेली, हैरानी) | Conundrum | Puzzle- (पहेली) |
A tall, strong woman-(वीरांगना, रणचण्डी) | Sireni ( खूबसूरत लेकिन खतरनाक महिला) | Amazon | Harridan- (लड़ाकू स्त्री, राक्षसी, चुड़ैल) | Shrew-(चिड़चिड़ी स्त्री, छछूंदर) |
A large number of bullets fired at the same time-(बारूद की बौछार ) | Fusillade | Rattle (खड़खड़ाना, झुनझुना, चिंतित कर देना) | Shoot-(गोली मारना) | Archery- (तीरंदाजी) |
3. A person who is solely motivated by money or personal gain-(किराये का सैनिक) | Mercenary | Merchant-(व्यापारी) | Money-lender-(साहूकार) | Charlatan-(चालबाज, जानकार या योग्यता रखने का पाखंड करने वाला) |
Wild and noisy disorder (हुल्लड़बाजी, कोलाहल) | Pandemonium | Stir-(हड़बड़ी, भड़काना, मिलाना) | Agitation-(अशांति, आंदोलन) | Revolution-(क्रांति) |
Something that might happen in the future-( भविष्य में संभावित स्थिति या घटना) | Contingency | Insurance | Emergency | Prophecy-(भविष्यवाणी |
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure-(शौकिया, अनुभवहीन ) | Amateur | Libertine-(लम्पट,अनैतिक) | Novice | Entrepreneur-(उदयमकर्ता) |
The part of a stage in front of the curtain-(मंच पर पर्दे के आगे की जगह) | Proscenium | Amphitheatre-(गोलाकार रंगमंडल) | Arena-(अखाड़ा) | Podium |
Walk in a proud and confident way-(इठलाना,इतराना ) | Swagger | Sprint-(थोड़ी दूरी की तेज दौड़) | Canter-(कदम-चाल, घोड़े की मध्यम दौड़) | Lope-(छलांग, लम्बा डग) |
Description of a disagreeable thing by an agreeable name (अप्रिय की जगह प्रिय लगने वाले शब्द का प्रयोग, मंगलभाषित) | Epithet (विशेषता या गुण का वर्णन करने वाला शब्द) | Epigram – (चुटकला, सूक्ति) | Euphemism | Eulogy-(गुणगान) |
Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014| MCQ | Free SSC CGL mock test
Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 previous exam. Similarly there are three other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2014
Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
For any group work to be successful, it is important that everyone is on the same page. (एक दिशा में सोचना, समान ज्ञान व समझ होना ) | present for the meeting | registered for the work | willing to pay the same fees | thinks in a similar way |
The convict claimed innocence and stood his ground in spite of the repeated accusations. (अपने मत पर अडिग रहना, हार स्वीकार न करना) | knelt | surrendered | kept standing | refused to yield |
Where discipline is concerned I put my foot down.-(मजबूत पक्ष लेना) | take a firm stand | take a light stand | take a heavy stand | take a shaky stand |
Acritic’s work is to read between the lines.-(अनकही बात को समझ जाना) | to comprehend the meaning | to appreciate the inner beauty | to understand the inner meaning | to read carefully |
You will succeed if you follow my advice to the letter.-(सम्पूर्ण, पूर्णतः ) | about writing letters | written in the letter | in every detail | very thoughtfully |
With great difficulty, he was able to carve out a niche for himself. ( खुद के लिए विशिष्ट पद हासिल या विकसित करना) | became a sculptor | did the best he could do | destroyed his career | developed a specific position for himself. |
The project to clean the River Ganga ended in smoke. -( खोदा पहाड़ निकली चुहिया) | yielded no practical result | yield only confusion | yielded no profit | yielded no plan |
The Principal called the latecomers to her room and delivered a curtain lecture on the subject of late hours.- (एकांत में दिया गया कटाक्ष भाषण, डाँट-फटकार) | dramatic lecture | brief lecture | cautionary talk given in private | talk behind the curtain |
He is playing ducks and drakes with the wealth of his father. – (बिना सोचे समझे मूर्खता से खर्च करना ) | spending diligently | spending lavishly | spending foolishly | spending carefully |
Those intending to take up the military ser vice must be prepared to go through the hoops.-(कठोर व थकाने वाले परीक्षण से गुजरना) | be made to pay heavy amount of money | be punished severely | be made to undergo gruelling tests | be made to sign bonds |
He immediately set about organizing the department.-( की ओर कदम बढ़ाना) | looked around | took charge | started | took steps towards |
After her failure, she started refusing to be led by the nose.- ( विनम्रता से अनुसरण करना, हावी होना) | be led by physical desire | follow submissively | follow what others suggest | be afraid of the consequences |
The situation in Haiti was getting hotter by the minute. – (बद से बदतर हो जाना ) | growing in importance | increasing in temperature | improving rapidly | deteriorating rapidly |
The players stormed out of the stadium after a hot-headed game.-(गुस्सा व नाराजगी जाहिर करना) | went out breakirnings on their way | crept out through a different exit | went out meekly | went showing their anger |
This incident calls for immediate intervention, but the authority seems to be dragging its feet.-(अनिच्छा के कारण किसी काम से कदम वापिस खींच लेना) | tardy or reluctant to act | issuing a show-cause notice | deliberating stern action | contemplating a trial |
Many would-be leaders have feet of clay.-(दोषपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व) | elephantiases | nimble feet | are flawed personalities | run the business of clay modelling |
She is a person who pulls no punches.-(l बोलना या व्यवहार करना ) | speaks politely | speaks frankly | speaks rudely | speaks sweetly |
Indians are going places in the field of software technology.-( अपने करियर में सफल होना) | going abroad | going to spaces | talented and successful | friendly and amicable |
My efforts at pest control went in vain, I have to go back to the drawing board. ( Brecherall an बाद पुनः योजना बनाना ) | plan it all over again | take professional help | spend some time researching abroad | work at night |
Our plan to go to London is in the air.-( केवल विचार में या दिमाग में होना ) | undecided | certain | under consideration | for approval |
Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 previous exam. Similarly there are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free mock test for SSC CGL for Synonyms previous year paper 2014
Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
VACILLATE-( हिचकिचाना, विचार, मत आदि में ढुलमुल होना ) | Waver | Relegate- ( पद घटाना, निर्वासित कर देना) | Sustain-(गुजारा करना) | Chastise-(गलती के लिए डाँटना-फटकारना, शारीरिक दण्ड देना) |
EMANCIPATION – ( आजादी, दासता-मुक्ति) | Autonomy- (स्वराज्य) | Sovereignty-(संप्रभुता, राष्ट्र की स्वयं अपना शासन चलाने की शक्ति) | Freedom | Servitude (गुलामी, दासता) |
ANTICIPATE-(समय से पूर्व कुछ घटित होने की प्रत्याशा रखना, पहले से मान लेना) | Presuppose | Doubt | Contemplates-(विचार या इरादा करना) | Assert-(दावा करना, स्पष्ट रूप से बलपूर्वक कुछ कहना) |
AMICABLE-(मैत्रीपूर्ण) | Friendly | Happy | Perfect | Joyous- (आनंदमय) |
PERUSE ( अवलोकन करना, ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ना) | Overuse | Examine | Abuse | Defuse |
IMPERVIOUS-(अप्रभावित, जिस पर कोई असर ने पड़े,दुर्बोध) | Audacious-(निडर) | Haphazard-(अव्यवस्थित) | Impenetrable | Illogical-(तर्कहीन) |
IMPECCABLE-(दोषरहित, त्रुटिहीन, परिपूर्ण) | Remarkable | Unbelievable | Flawless | Displeasing-(अप्रसन्न) |
EVENTUALLY-(अखिरकार, अंत में) | Previously | Briefly | Finally | Successfully |
PERSIST -(दृढ़ रहना, बने रहना, जिद करना) | Resist-(सामना करना) | Leave | Quit | Insist |
AUDACIOUS-(साहसी, निडर) | Industrious-(मेहनती) | Uncaring-(बेपरवाह) | Boisterous (उपद्रवी, कलहकारी) | Daring |
OBSTACLE-(बाधा, रूकावट) | Denouement (समाप्ति, अंतिम परिणाम) | Progress | Hindrance | Cessation-(विराम, ठहराव, छुट्टी) |
Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Antonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 previous exam. Similarly there is one other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.
Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2014
Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
COGENT -( प्रभावशाली और सुस्पष्ट तरीके से व्यक्त ) | Logical-(तर्कपूर्ण) | Weighty-(गंभीर और महत्वपूर्ण) | Dissuasive | Persuasive-(कुछ करने या मानने के लिए राजी करने में समर्थ) |
DISJOINTED – (असंबद्ध, जो समझने में कठिन हो ) | United | Connected | Solid | Smooth |
GRANDIOSE-(भव्य, दिखावटी, आंडबरपूर्ण) | Rhetorical- (शब्दांडबरपूर्ण) | Affected- (बनावटी, कृत्रिम) | Unpretentious | Awkward- (बेढंगा) |
PARTICULARLY-(विशेष रूप से) | Elaborately-(सुसज्जित ढंग से, विस्तार से) | Generally | Comprehensively-(विस्तार से) | Entirely-(पूरी तरह से ) |
YIELD – ( पराजय स्वीकार कर लेना) | Respond | Survive | Attack | Resist |
DESECRATION -( अपवित्रीकरण, दुषित) | Hopelessness | Disbelief | Veneration | Manifestation-(जुलूस, प्रकटीकरण) |
SERENE – (शांत, स्थिर) | Calm | Angry | Ruffled | Bitter |
POMPOUS-( तड़क-भड़क वाला, आडंबरपूर्ण) | Uppish-(अभिमानी, घमंडी) | Humble | Meek-(दब्बू) | Grandiose-(दिखावटी, आंडम्बरपूर्ण) |
PREDILECTION – (गहरी पसंद, किसी चीज के प्रति गहरा झुकाव) | Predicament (अप्रिय स्थिति, दुर्दशा) | Afterthought-(घटना घटित होने के बाद में उत्पन्न विचार) | Aversion | Postponement-(स्थगन) |
EBULLIENT-( जोशीला, उत्साह से भरा ) | Spiritless | Soulless (भावशून्य) | Mindless-(वुध्दिहीन) | Heartless-(निर्दयी) |
VOLATILE-(अस्थिर, चंचल, वाष्पशील) | Fresh | Stable | Angry | Favourable |
PLUMMET-(ऊँचे स्तर या पद से अचानक व तेजी से गिरना) | Stagnate-(विकास परिवर्तन या गति नहीं होना, निष्क्रिय हो जाना, पानी का एक जगह ठहराव) | Fall | Soar | Equate-(एक वस्तु को दूसरी के बराबर मानना) |
Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test
Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014 previous exam. You can find Free mock test for them below.
SSC CGL mock test Free for Spelling test previous year paper 2014
Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2014
Question of SSC | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Epilogue-(अंतवचन, उपसंहार, परिशिष्ट भाग) | Eppilogue | Epiloge | Epilouge |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Arcitecture | Architectere | Architectur | Architecture-(वास्तुकला) |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Accessible – (जहाँ पहुँचना या प्रवेश करना संभव हो ) | Akcessible | Accesseble | Accesible |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Camouflage-(छलावरण, युद्ध के दौरान छिपाने के काम आने वाली वस्तुएं) | Camaflouge | Cemouflege | Cemouflage |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Suroundings | Surroundings- (आस-पड़ोस, परिवेश) | Sarroundings | Surondings |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Plebeian-( जनमत संग्रह, सर्वसाधारण, गंवार, अशिष्ट | Plibeian | Plebian | Plebiean |
Find the correctly spelt word ? | Irrisistable | Irresistible-(अत्यंत आर्कषक व प्रभावशाली) | Irresesteble | Irresistable |
Also Read : Government Exam | SSC
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