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Sentences in English Grammar

We speak English with the combination of words, and words are one of the components of English Language. We use words in a grammatically arranged manner to express our thoughts and ideas. Sentences in English Grammar are a group of words that make complete sense to understand the express.

Example of Sentences in English Grammar

Here we are adding some of them which are a group of words, that we denote as sentences.

He is a good player.
We should not disobey our teachers.
India is the biggest democracy in the world.
Open the windows.
May God bless you!

At the above group of words, you can smell the complete sense of expression, and you can understand the meaning of the sentences.

Kinds of Sentences

There are five kinds of sentences in English Grammar.

  1. Assertive Sentences
  2. Interrogative Sentences
  3. Imperative Sentences
  4. Optative Sentences
  5. Exclamatory Sentences
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Assertive Sentences

Assertive Sentences are also known as Declarative Sentences.

A Sentence that just declares something is called an Assertive or Declarative Sentences.

Example of Assertive Sentences

Honesty is the best policy.
Ram is a gentle boy.
English Philosophy teaches us English.

The characteristics of Assertive sentences are that they begin with capital letters and end with a full stop.

Further Assertive sentences are of two kinds :

Affirmative Sentences: Those sentences which declare an expression in a positive statement are called Affirmative Sentences.

Mohanlal is an honest shopkeeper in the market.
Students of our school are hardworking.

Negative Sentences: Those sentences which declare an expression in a negative statement are called Negative Sentences.

Mohanlal is not an honest shopkeeper in the market.
Students of our school are not hardworking.

Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences are about enquiring something about an expression, if someone asks a question in an expression then it is an Interrogative Sentence.

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Interrogative Sentences can be used in two types, the first one is with the help of helping verbs (Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Shall, Will) and the second one is with Interrogative words like (What, How, Who, Where, Why, etc.)

Example of Interrogative Sentences

Is Mohanlal an honest shopkeeper in the market?
Are students hardworking of our school?
What is your Name?
In Which class do you read?

Imperative Sentences

The sentence expresses requests or direction by advice, instructions, order, or command are called Imperative Sentences.

Imperative sentences have an expression for another person or a group, Also Imperative sentences need special and urgent attention to act upon.

Example of Imperative Sentences

Please go there.
Open the window.

Optative Sentences

The sentences that express any kind of wishes, prayers, or blessings are called optative sentences. Optative Sentences ends with a sign of an exclamation mark (!).

Example of Optative Sentences

May God Bless you!
May you get well soon!

Exclamatory Sentences

The sentences that express any kind of feeling like joy, sorrow, pain, wonder, or regret whether it may be strong or sudden are called Exclamatory Sentences. These sentences use the exclamatory mark (!) at the end of the sentence or with exclamatory words.

Example of Exclamatory Sentences

What a romantic weather!
Hurrah! India has won the world cup.

Sentences in English Grammar

1 / 10

Have patience.

2 / 10

It was a very enjoyable class today.

3 / 10

May God Bless you with early recovery!

4 / 10

Have a safe journey.

5 / 10

May you get well soon.

6 / 10

Be brave to face difficulties in life.

7 / 10

How do you go to school?

8 / 10

Virat is not performing well nowadays.

9 / 10

Put the notebook on the desk.

10 / 10

Delhi is the capital of India.

Questions of English Quiz for Sentences in English Grammar:

Have patience.
Put the notebook on the desk.
May God Bless you with early recovery!
Have a safe journey.
Be brave to face difficulties in life.
How do you go to school?
It was a very enjoyable class today.
May you get well soon.
Delhi is the capital of India.
Virat is not performing well nowadays.

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