Jubilee in years | Jubilee years list |Silver jubilee| Gold Jubilee
Jubilee in years | Jubilee years list
Jubilee is a special anniversary celebrated after a certain time period with a special and unique celebration name attached to it. Jubilee in years starting from 25 years which is known as Silver jubilee. These jubilee name is celebrated for any special events like marriages, established years of company, Independence of country and many more. 25 years is silver jubilee, 50 years is Golden jubilee and many more.
Jubilee years list both in Hindi and English
Jubilee in English | Jubilee Pronunciation | Jubilee in Hindi |
Silver Jubilee | (सिल्वर जुबली) | रजत जयंती (25 वर्षीय ) |
Golden Jubilee | (गोल्डन जुबली) | स्वर्ण जयंती (50 वर्षीय) |
Diamond Jubilee | (डायमंड जुबली) | हीरक जयंती (60 वर्षीय / 75 वर्षीय) |
Centenary | (सेंटिनरी) | शतवर्षीय (100 वर्षीय) |
Post-Centenary Silver Jubilee | (पोस्ट-सेंटिनरी सिल्वर जुबली) | 125 वर्षीय |
Post-centenary Golden Jubilee | (पोस्ट-सेंटिनरी गोल्डन जुबली) | 150 वर्षीय |
Post-centenary Diamond jubilee | (पोस्ट-सेंटिनरी डायमंड जुबली) | 160 वर्षीय |
Quatercentenary | (क्वाटर-सेंटिनरी) | 400 वर्षीय |
Quincentenary | (क्विन्सेन्टीनरी) | 500 वर्षीय |
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Nice motive