My Friends, In this post you will read and learn the best and common 50 Daily use Sentences in English. We collected all the sentences which we used to speak in our daily life. All these sentences in English are with their Hindi meaning for better undertesting.
So, Read all these 50 Daily use Sentences in English and practice in you daily routine. As you know practice make perfect, with this philosophy speak all these sentences wherever needed in your communication. Let’s learn these sentences and speak fluent English.
50 Daily use Sentences in English for everyone to practice in daily routine
Daily use sentences 1-10
Daily use Sentences in Hindi
Daily use Sentences in English
दिल लगाकर काम करो|
Work wholeheartedly.
ज्यादा भाव मत खाओ|
Don’t act so priecy.
अपना गुस्सा थूक दो|
Spit out your anger.
इसके लिए उसे मनाओ|
Convince him for it.
मुझे पार्क में ले चलो|
Take me to the park.
क्या तुम मुझे जगा दोगे?
Will you wake me up?
मैं किराये पे रह रहा हूँ|
I am living on rent.
वह मुझे छेड़ रहा था|
He was teasing me.
अपनी आखें खुली रखो|
Keep your eyes open.
कुछ तो गड़बड़ है|
Something is wrong.
Daily use Sentences in English for daily routine – English Philosophy
Daily use sentences 10-20
Daily use Sentences in Hindi
Daily use Sentences in English
तुम उदास क्यों हो?
Why are you upset?
बाद में पछताना मत|
Don’t regret later.
उनका निधन हो गया है|
He passed away.
मेरी साँस फूल गई |
I ran out of breath.
उसकी चुगली मत करो|
Don’t backbite him.
मेरा पेट भरा हुआ है|
I am full.
जैसा मैं करता हूँ वैसा ही करो|
Do exactly as I do.
बुरी आदतें छोर दो|
Give up bad habits!
मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी|
I didn’t abuse him.
वह देहाती लग रहा है|
He looks rustic.
Daily use Sentences in English for daily routine – English Philosophy
Daily use sentences 21-30
Daily use Sentences in Hindi
Daily use Sentences in English
वह उसका स्वाभाव है|
It’s his nature.
बाद में याद दिलाना|
Remind me later.
हार मत मानो|
Don’t give up.
मैं घबरा रहा हूँ|
I am nervous.
तुम जिद्दी हो|
You are stubborn.
मुझे प्यास लगी है|
I am feeling thristy.
मुझे भूख लगी है|
I am feeling hungry.
मेरे पेट में चूहा कूद रहा है|
I am starving.
मुझ पर विश्वास करो।
Believe me.
मुझे वापस कॉल करना।
Call me back.
Daily use Sentences in English for daily routine – English Philosophy
Daily use sentences 31-40
Daily use Sentences in Hindi
Daily use Sentences in English
जितनी जल्दी हो सके।
As soon as possible.
मुझे हाथ दो।
Give me a hand.
कुछ समझा नहीं।
I do not understand.
मेरा यह मतलब नहीं है।
I do not mean it.
नहीं, मैं नहीं चाहता
No, I don’t want.
फिर मिलते हैं।
See you.
तो मैं क्या करूं।
So what I do ?
मेरे पीछे आओ।
Follow me.
भगवान आपका भला करे।
God bless you.
तैयार हों।
Get ready.
Daily use Sentences in English for daily routine – English Philosophy
Daily use sentences 40-50
Daily use Sentences in Hindi
Daily use Sentences in English
जल्दी आओ।
Come fast.
डरो मत।
Don’t afraid.
अभी करो।
Do it now.
जल्द ही फिर मिलेंगे।
See you soon.
तुम कब आए?
When did you come?
आपने क्या कहा?
What did you say?
क्या आप जानते हैं?
Do you know?
बात क्या है?
What is the matter?
कुछ गड़बड़ है।
Something is wrong.
इसमें हंसने की क्या बात है?
What’s so funny in it.
Daily use Sentences in English for daily routine – English Philosophy
So, These are some of the most common 50 Daily use Sentences in English for everyone to practice in daily routine. We are adding continuously these type of sentences in learn and practice spoken English. Stay tuned with English philosophy for daily dose of vitamin E (English) ~ Cheers! Happy learning.