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SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous Paper 2010 | Syllabus | Free Mock Test

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous Year 2010 all Sections

SSC CGL Exam has five major sections to attempt, these sections are One word Substitutions, Idioms & Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling test. Here in this post you will find Free mock test for SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam Previous Paper 2010 questions. All these sections has 10-15 questions. Each section is separate to attempt as many time as you wish in just no cost. All these sections are important for SSC CGL Exam. At bottom of the page you can find all questions with their options. You can learn from there and reattempt these Free SSC CGL mock test multiple times.

One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

One word Substitutions is an important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. In One word Substitutions you will get a line of explanation about something, with some options. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of One word Substitutions are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 previous exam. Similarly there are four other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for One word Substitutions previous year paper 2010


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 - One word Substitutions

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2010 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 29

The practice of a woman having one husband at the same time-((बहुपति प्रथा)

2 / 29

Sudden and violent change-(व्यपाक परिवर्तन लाने वाली विपदा, उग्र घटना)

3 / 29

Instrument which records earth's tremor-(भूकम्पमापी यंत्र)

4 / 29

An order requiring a person to attend a court-(न्यायालय-उपस्थिती आदेश)

5 / 29

Give off bubbles of gas-(गैस का बुलबुला,बुदबुदाना)

6 / 29

One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm about his religion-(कट्टर धार्मिक व्यक्ति)

7 / 29

A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to alarge assembly-((उग्र-भाषण)

8 / 29

The highest point-(शिखर,चरम बिंदु)

9 / 29

An inscription on a tomb(समाधि-लेख)

10 / 29

An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise-(लेखक द्वारा दिया उपनाम)

11 / 29

One who cannot speak-(जो बोलने में असमर्थ हो,गंगा,मूक)

12 / 29

An appearance of objects often simulating the appearance of water-(मृग-मरीचिका,मृगतृष्णा)

13 / 29

A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised-(अधिकार-क्षेत्र)

14 / 29

Specializes in nose diseases-(नाक से संबन्धित रोग-विशेषज्ञ)

15 / 29

An official call to appear in a court of law-(कोट का आदेश)

16 / 29

Murder of brother-(भाई की हत्या)

17 / 29

Aspeech delivered without previouss preparation-(बिना पूर्व तैयारी का भाषण)

18 / 29

A system of governance controller by persons of high intellectual ability-(योग्यता आधारित शासन व्यवस्था)

19 / 29

Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation-(गुजारा भत्ता, भरण-पोषण)

20 / 29

An extreme fear of being in a small confined place-(बंद स्थान पर सिमित होने का भय)

21 / 29

A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a rocky hill side is called-(जलप्रपात,झरना)

22 / 29

Study of heavenly bodies-(नक्षत्र विज्ञानं,खगोल विज्ञानं)

23 / 29

A list of items to be transacted at a meeting-(कार्यसूची)

24 / 29

Practice of employing spies in war-(जासूसी, गुप्तचरी)

25 / 29

One who pretends to be what he is not-(पाखंडी,डोंगी)

26 / 29

One who is unable to paly debts-(दिवालिया)

27 / 29

To cut of a person's body-(रोगी का हाथ,पेअर आदि काटना)

28 / 29

A roundabout way of speaking-(घूमा-फिरा कर काही गई बातें)

29 / 29

Murder of a brother-(भाई की हत्या)

Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
One who is unable to paly debts-(दिवालिया)Debtor(कर्जदार)Indebted(कृतज्ञ, आभारी)Borrower(कर्जदार)Insolvent
Sudden and violent change-(व्यपाक परिवर्तन लाने वाली विपदा, उग्र घटना)CataclysmCatalysis(उत्प्रेरणा)Catacombs(कब्रों का तहखाना)Catechism(ईसाई चर्च की मान्यताओं को सीखने की प्रश्नोत्तरी)
Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation-(गुजारा भत्ता, भरण-पोषण)Patrimony(पैतृक संपत्ति)Antimony(सुरमा,अंजन,सफ़ेद रंग का धातु को आसानी से टूट जाए)Parsimony(कंजूसी)Alimony
Murder of brother-(भाई की हत्या)Homicide(मानव-हत्या)Infanticide(शिशु-हत्या)Patricide(पिता की हत्या)Fratricide
Practice of employing spies in war-(जासूसी, गुप्तचरी)Esplanade(खुला मैदान,चौक)EspionageEspadrille(एक हल्का जूता)Estrangement(अलगाव,मनमुटाब,अनबन)
An order requiring a person to attend a court-(न्यायालय-उपस्थिती आदेश)Courtship(विवाह पूर्व प्रेम-संबंध)AgreementSubpoenaCommand
Specializes in nose diseases-(नाक से संबन्धित रोग-विशेषज्ञ)Otologist(कान रोग विशेषज्ञ)RhinologistEndocrinologist(अंतः स्त्राविकी विशेषज्ञ)Gerentologist(जरा विज्ञानी)
A roundabout way of speaking-(घूमा-फिरा कर काही गई बातें)Loose-tongued(वक-वक करने वाला)Loquacious(ज्यादा बोलने वाला)Circumlocutiontalkative
An inscription on a tomb(समाधि-लेख)EpitaphCrypt (तहखाना, शवकक्ष)Obituary(शोक-समाचार)Legacy(विरासत)
A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised-(अधिकार-क्षेत्र)JurisdictionJudiciary(न्यायपालिका)Jurisprudence(न्यायशास्त्र)Juristic(कानूनी)
An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise-(लेखक द्वारा दिया उपनाम)Facsimile(प्रतिलिपि)Surname(अपराधियों द्वारा प्रयुक्त फर्जी नाम)AliasPseudonym
An extreme fear of being in a small confined place-(बंद स्थान पर सिमित होने का भय)Hydrophobia(जल से डर)Paraphernalia(साज-समान)ClaustrophobiaProgeria
Instrument which records earth’s tremor-(भूकम्पमापी यंत्र)Monograph(एक विषयिका पुस्तका, विशेष लेख)GeographerSeismographGeometer(रेखा-गणितज्ञ)
Give off bubbles of gas-(गैस का बुलबुला,बुदबुदाना)Efface(मिटा देना,हटा देना)Effervesceeffloresce(उत्फुल्ल होना,फूट पड़ना)effuse(अपसारित, फैलाना)
A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a rocky hill side is called-(जलप्रपात,झरना)Hurricane(अंधी-तूफान)Stream(प्रवाह,धरा)Volcano(ज्वालामुखी))Cascade
An appearance of objects often simulating the appearance of water-(मृग-मरीचिका,मृगतृष्णा)ImageMirageReflectionRefraction(अपवर्तन)
The highest point-(शिखर,चरम बिंदु)ZenithHeightZeal(उत्साह)Ridge(छोटी,टीला,उन्नत भुभाग)
One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm about his religion-(कट्टर धार्मिक व्यक्ति)Fatalist(भाग्यवादी)Lunatic(पागल,वेबकूफ,वबला)FanaticStoic(उदासीन,भावहीन,सुख-दुःख में एक जैसे रहने वला)
Murder of a brother-(भाई की हत्या)Patricide(पिता की हत्या)FratricideHomicide(मानव-हत्या)Parricide(माता या पिता की हत्या)
A list of items to be transacted at a meeting-(कार्यसूची)MenuAgendaMinutes(लिखित ब्यौरा)Records
An official call to appear in a court of law-(कोट का आदेश)SummonNoticeMemorandum(ज्ञान पत्र)Petition(सिफारिश)
The practice of a woman having one husband at the same time-((बहुपति प्रथा)Polygamy(बहुपत्नी प्रथा)Polyphony(विविध स्वर-संगीत)PolyandryPolygyny(बहुपत्नी प्रथा)
A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to alarge assembly-((उग्र-भाषण)Rhetoric(वाक्पटुता,व्याख्यान विदया)Cacophony(कर्कशता,बेसुरापन)HarangueOration(भाषण,व्याख्यान)
A system of governance controller by persons of high intellectual ability-(योग्यता आधारित शासन व्यवस्था)Oligarchy(कुछ ही लोगों का शासन)DemocracyMeritocracySnobbery(वर्गदंभ,घमंड)
To cut of a person’s body-(रोगी का हाथ,पेअर आदि काटना)AmputateMutilate(अंगहीन करना,पंगु बना देना)Ambuscade(अचानक हुआ हमला)Mitigate(गंभीरता,पीड़ा आदि कम कर देना)
One who cannot speak-(जो बोलने में असमर्थ हो,गंगा,मूक)DeafDumbVisionlessLame
Study of heavenly bodies-(नक्षत्र विज्ञानं,खगोल विज्ञानं)Astrology(ज्योतिष शास्त्र)AstronomoyStargazing(दिवास्वपन देखना,तारे देखना)Astrophysics(खगोल भौतिकी, तारे का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन )
One who pretends to be what he is not-(पाखंडी,डोंगी)CrocodileFlatterer(चापलूस)HypocriteCounterfeiter(नकली, जालसाज, जो अवैध नक़ल बनाता हो)
Aspeech delivered without previouss preparation-(बिना पूर्व तैयारी का भाषण)Soliloquy(स्वागत भाषण)ExtemporeRhetoric(वाक्यपटुता,व्याख्यान)Expression(अभिव्यक्ति)
Questions of One word Substitutions in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 – English Philosophy

Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010| MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Idioms & Phrases is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Idiom are the popular statement or line which is used to distinguish or classify someone or something, whereas Phrases are the group of words asking for some meaning or directions. This type of questions validates your intellectual mindset and the knowledge of vocabulary. You need to find out the correct meaning of the question among all four options. These set of Idioms & Phrases are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 previous exam. Similarly there are three other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for Idioms & Phrases previous year paper 2010


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 - Idioms & Phrases

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2010 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 30

To keep up one's appearances-(आर्थिक संकट के बाबजूद अपनी समृद्धि का दिखावा बनाये रखना)

2 / 30

She bought her new house for a song.-(बहुत ही सस्ता)

3 / 30

He knows the ins and outs of the matter.-(सम्पूर्ण जानकारी)

4 / 30

The poor man moved trom pillarto post to get money-(दर-दर की ठोकरे खाना,अपनी सर्वश्रेष्ठ कोशिश करना)

5 / 30

He takes leave once in a blue moon.-(कभ-कभार)

6 / 30

Though he is not a scholar,he wins arguments because he has the gift of the gab.-(बोलने में प्रवीण, दक्ष)

7 / 30

To turn over a new leaf-(नए विचार से काम शुरू करना)

8 / 30

A brave soldier will never show the white feather in the face of his enemy.-(हार मान लेना)

9 / 30

To take with a grain of salt-(संदेह चिंता के साथ स्वीकार करना)

10 / 30

The rules of the deal are set forth in the brochure.-(घोषित या निश्चित करना)

11 / 30

On the cards-(जिसका होना निश्चित हो)

12 / 30

The car in the backyard is proving to be a white elephant.-(खर्चीली परन्तु महत्त्वहीन वस्तु)

13 / 30

That follow trumped up a story.-(मनगढ़त, बनावटी)

14 / 30

Dark horse-(छुपा रुस्तम)

15 / 30

The scheme appears worthless at the first blush-(पहली नजर में)

16 / 30

Since the company has lost a good deal of time and money, you will have to make good the loss.-(नुकसान की भरपाई करना)

17 / 30

Ashok had all fair-weather friends.-(केवल अच्छे दिनों के साथी जो दुःख में छोड़ जाते हैं)

18 / 30

You have to be tactful in heandling the sensitive matters rather than putting the cart before the horse.-(गलत क्रम में काम करना)

19 / 30

off and on-(कभी-कभार)

20 / 30

Ramu had given up doing exercise after surgery.-(त्याग, छोड़ देना)

21 / 30

Ins and outs-(समस्त विवरण व जटिलता)

22 / 30

Take to one's heels-(भाग जाना)

23 / 30

The thief passed himself off as a ticket examiner-(अपनी पहचान बदल देना)

24 / 30

The boys cried with one voice that the examination should be postponed.-(एकमतता से,एक ही स्वर में)

25 / 30

The meeting has been put of indefinitely.-(टालना, समय आगे बढ़ाना)

26 / 30

To cast aspersions-(किसी पर लांछन लगाना)

27 / 30

He looked blank when he was informed about his dismissal-(भावहीन चेरे से देखना)

28 / 30

The chairman tried to get his point across,but the members just wouldn't listen.-(समझाने की कोशिश करना)

29 / 30

His pronounciaton was so bad and his voice so low that the speech he made was all Greek to me-(जो समझ से परे हो)

30 / 30

To talk throught one's hat-(बेबकूफी भरी बातें करना)

Questions of Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
The thief passed himself off as a ticket examiner-(अपनी पहचान बदल देना)Described himselfDeceived everyoneDisguised himselfWas regarded
To talk throught one’s hat-(बेबकूफी भरी बातें करना)To talk carefully ITo talk softlyTo talk nonsenseTo talk secretively
Dark horse-(छुपा रुस्तम)An extremely corrupt personAnotorious crimnalAn extremely rich personAn unexpected winner
Ins and outs-(समस्त विवरण व जटिलता)Entrances and exitsDetails and complexitiesPassages and pathwaysRules and regulations
off and on-(कभी-कभार)RepeatedlyAlwaysOccasionallyNever
He looked blank when he was informed about his dismissal-(भावहीन चेरे से देखना)Was without any emotionWas puzzeled and surprisedWas uninterestedWas unhappy
To cast aspersions-(किसी पर लांछन लगाना)To act as the pillar of supportTo raise aspirationsTo make unpleasant remarksTo dissolve all the diffirences
To keep up one’s appearances-(आर्थिक संकट के बाबजूद अपनी समृद्धि का दिखावा बनाये रखना)To make pubilce appearances now and thenTo maintain one’s looks and appearanceTo keep up an outward show of prosperityTo make it appear that one is not concerned
His pronounciaton was so bad and his voice so low that the speech he made was all Greek to me-(जो समझ से परे हो)StrangeIncomprehensibleInaudibleUninteresting
On the cards-(जिसका होना निश्चित हो)ImpossibleShockingEvidentAnticipated
To take with a grain of salt-(संदेह चिंता के साथ स्वीकार करना)To make more palatableTo make small quantityTo make something meaningfulTo accept with misgiving
To turn over a new leaf-(नए विचार से काम शुरू करना)To change for the betterTo start writing a new bookTo work on a novel idealeTo clear the garden
The poor man moved trom pillarto post to get money-(दर-दर की ठोकरे खाना,अपनी सर्वश्रेष्ठ कोशिश करना)Went to pillarsWent to postWent to money lenderTried his best
Take to one’s heels-(भाग जाना)To measure up to one’s standardTo shake in one’s shoesTo run awayTo run slowly
The scheme appears worthless at the first blush-(पहली नजर में)First attemptFirst sightFirst stepFirst phase
The boys cried with one voice that the examination should be postponed.-(एकमतता से,एक ही स्वर में)UnanimouslyVehementlyLoudlyStrongly
Since the company has lost a good deal of time and money, you will have to make good the loss.-(नुकसान की भरपाई करना)Make a good efforttry to minimize the lossCompensate for the lossEnsure that there are no further losser
The rules of the deal are set forth in the brochure.-(घोषित या निश्चित करना)statedAcceptedContradicatedPrinted
Ashok had all fair-weather friends.-(केवल अच्छे दिनों के साथी जो दुःख में छोड़ जाते हैं)Friends who face difficulties calmlyFavourable friendsFriends who desert you in difficultiesReliable friends
That follow trumped up a story.-(मनगढ़त, बनावटी)TranslatedSang with the music of a trumpedConcoctedCopied
The meeting has been put of indefinitely.-(टालना, समय आगे बढ़ाना)CancelledPostponedAdvancedAnnounced
Ramu had given up doing exercise after surgery.-(त्याग, छोड़ देना)LearnedStartedContinuedStopped
He knows the ins and outs of the matter.-(सम्पूर्ण जानकारी)Both sidesComplete detailsInside informationFull history
A brave soldier will never show the white feather in the face of his enemy.-(हार मान लेना)Show signs of cowardiceAct arrogantlyShowintimacyAct impudently
The chairman tried to get his point across,but the members just wouldn’t listen.-(समझाने की कोशिश करना)Give them lessonInsist onMake them understandMotivate them
She bought her new house for a song.-(बहुत ही सस्ता)Very cheaplyOn loanAt a lossVery easily
You have to be tactful in heandling the sensitive matters rather than putting the cart before the horse.-(गलत क्रम में काम करना)Treating these indifferentlyBehaving thoughtlesslyDealing with these in hasteTackling these in the wrong way
He takes leave once in a blue moon.-(कभ-कभार)RegularlyOftenRarelyOnce a fortnight
Though he is not a scholar,he wins arguments because he has the gift of the gab.-(बोलने में प्रवीण, दक्ष)gifts from many peopleA lot of moneyA talent for speakingA good memory
The car in the backyard is proving to be a white elephant.-(खर्चीली परन्तु महत्त्वहीन वस्तु)Very huge itemCostly and useless possessionVery expensive investmentUseful meterial
Idioms & Phrases in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010| MCQ – English Philosophy

Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Synonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Synonyms means the similar words with the same meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the similar meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Synonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 previous exam. Similarly there are two other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free SSC CGL mock test for Synonyms previous year paper 2010


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 - Synonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2010 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 15

Zealous- (ऊर्जावान,उत्साही, जोशीला)

2 / 15

Adopt (स्वीकार करना,गोद लेना,स्थान देना)

3 / 15

Accentuated- (महत्वा डालना या तेज करना)

4 / 15

Candid- (स्पस्टवादी तथस्ट खरा)

5 / 15

feasible- (जिसे किया जा सके)

6 / 15

Industrious- (मेहनती, कठोर)

7 / 15

Corroborate - (सही साबित करना)

8 / 15

Prospective- (संभावित, संभव)

9 / 15

Squander- (समय पैसा बर्बाद करना)

10 / 15

lousy- (बहुत बुरा, खराब)

11 / 15

Licentious- (अनियंत्रित आचरण, निर्लज)

12 / 15

Predominantly- (अधिकांशत, मुख्यत)

13 / 15

Infuriate (किसी को बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा दिलाना)

14 / 15

Delirious- (अत्यधिक प्रसन्न ,ख़ुशी से पागल)

15 / 15

Solecism - (अशुद्ध प्रयोग)

Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010

Infuriate (किसी को बहुत ज्यादा गुस्सा दिलाना)Burn- (जलन चोट)Disgrace-(अपमान करना)Threaten- (डराना भड़काना)Enrage
Adopt (स्वीकार करना,गोद लेना,स्थान देना)ChooseApplyAdjustAccommodate
Industrious- (मेहनती, कठोर)Indolent-(आलसी)IndustrialHard-WorkingEconomic
Candid- (स्पस्टवादी तथस्ट खरा)OverconfidentfrankArrogantCareless
Solecism – (अशुद्ध प्रयोग)Wise sayingWitty Quip – (मज़ेदार चुटकुला)Clever ArgumentGrammatical error
Delirious- (अत्यधिक प्रसन्न ,ख़ुशी से पागल)DeliciousPleasingDesperateExcited
lousy- (बहुत बुरा, खराब)Unbearable (असहनीय)UnpleasantAwful-(डरावना, भयंकर)Stinking -(गुस्से से भरा, बदबूदार)
Zealous- (ऊर्जावान,उत्साही, जोशीला)ArdentJealous- (ईर्ष्यालु)Furious- (आग बबूला हो जाना)Impatient -(उतावला, आतुर)
Licentious- (अनियंत्रित आचरण, निर्लज)ImmoralIntellectualmoralWithout licence
Accentuated- (महत्वा डालना या तेज करना)Exhibited- ( प्रदर्शित)Devalued- (कीमत घटना, मुद्रा का अवमूल्यन करना)Mitigated- (गम्भीरता पीरा काम करना)Sharpened
Corroborate – (सही साबित करना)Collaborate- (सहयोग करना)SubstantiateCo- Operate- (मिलकर काम करना)Correlate- (परस्पर सम्भन्ध होना)
Squander- (समय पैसा बर्बाद करना)ExpensiveWasteLitter- (कुरा कचरा)Econmical
Prospective- (संभावित, संभव)PotentialProsperous- (खुशाल सम्पन)Perplexed- (भ्रमित वयाकुल घबराया हुआ)Possible
feasible- (जिसे किया जा सके)PractialRejoice -(खुस होना)Accentuate- (महत्वा डालना)Accuarate
Predominantly- (अधिकांशत, मुख्यत)Emphatically- (प्रभाव् पूर्ण तरीके से)ForcefullyMostlyProfoundly- (पूरी तरफ से)
Questions of Synonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 – English Philosophy

Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Antonyms is a major part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Antonyms means the opposite words with the different meaning. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the opposite meaning of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Antonyms are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 previous exam. Similarly there is one other section in SSC CGL exams, you can find Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Antonyms previous year paper 2010


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 - Antonyms

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2010 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 15

Progressive- (प्रगतिशील)

2 / 15

As a write, he is very conceted about his work- (अहंकारी, घमंडी)

3 / 15

Spurious -(पूरी तरफ से)

4 / 15

Commotion - (शोरगुल, हो हल्ला)

5 / 15

Unnerved- (किसी को घबराहट में दाल देना,डरा देना)

6 / 15

His Punishment Will be a deterrent to others -(डरकार रोकने वाला निरोधक)

7 / 15

Diligent- (मेहनती सावधान)

8 / 15

latter- (बाद का परवर्ती)

9 / 15

Dissoulution- (वैवाहिक सम्भन्ध, व्पारिक समझौता)

10 / 15

Escalate - (बढ़ाना, त्रीव करना)

11 / 15

Aharchy- (अराजकता, शासनहीनता की स्थिति)

12 / 15

Enduring- (चिरस्थाई, टिकाऊ)

13 / 15

Asceticism- (संन्यास, वैराग्य, साधुत्वा)

14 / 15

Steadfast- (विस्वस्नीय , वफादार)

15 / 15

Monotony- (निरसत्ता, परिवर्तनहीनता)

Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Spurious -(पूरी तरफ से)TruthfulAuthenticCredibleOriginal
Asceticism- (संन्यास, वैराग्य, साधुत्वा)ComfortLuxuryAnti-Semitism -(यहूदी धर्म के विरोधी)Humility- (विनर्मता)
As a write, he is very conceted about his work- (अहंकारी, घमंडी)ProudHonestModestModern
Diligent- (मेहनती सावधान)ConfidentHardworkingLazyShy
His Punishment Will be a deterrent to others -(डरकार रोकने वाला निरोधक)Detriment-(हानिकारक नुक्सान)Determinant- (निरोधक)EnocouragementEnrichment- (समृद्धि)
Unnerved- (किसी को घबराहट में दाल देना,डरा देना)ConfidentNervousHopefulAnxious- (बेचैन)
Steadfast- (विस्वस्नीय , वफादार)Staunch- (निष्ठावान,पक्का, सच्चा)Feeble- (कमजोर)Faint- (दुर्बल)Wavering- ( अस्थिरता)
Monotony- (निरसत्ता, परिवर्तनहीनता)EnthusiasmRepettiveness-( पूर्णवर्तन)VarietySingularity-(निरालापन)
Progressive- (प्रगतिशील)Repressive-(दमनकारी)RetrogressiveRepulsive- (नफरत पैदा करने वाला)Aggressive
Aharchy- (अराजकता, शासनहीनता की स्थिति)CurfewPermanence (ठहराओ)Wholesome- (स्वास्थवर्धक)Order
latter- (बाद का परवर्ती)EarlierBeforeLaterFormer
Commotion – (शोरगुल, हो हल्ला)Transmission- (प्रशारण)TranquuillityTransparencyTransition-(परिवर्तनकाल)
Enduring- (चिरस्थाई, टिकाऊ)FleetingPainfulPermanentlonglasting
Escalate – (बढ़ाना, त्रीव करना)DecreaseDescend- (निचे उतरना)Deliver- (पहुंचना)Derive- (किसी से कुछ प्राप्त करना)
Dissoulution- (वैवाहिक सम्भन्ध, व्पारिक समझौता)Retribution- (प्रतिशोध,अपराध की सजा)EstablishmentPersuasion – (धार्मिक या राजनितिक मत, राजी करने की क्रिया)Compliance- (अनुपालन, अनुकूलता)
Questions of Antonyms in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 – English Philosophy

Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 | MCQ| Free SSC CGL mock test

Spelling test is most important part of SSC CGL competition Exam. Spelling test means the correct words with correctly spell. This type of questions validates your knowledge of vocabulary and new words. You need to find out the correct spelling of the words in the given question among all four options. These set of Spelling test are from SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 previous exam. You can find Free mock test for them below.

Free mock test for SSC CGL for Spelling test previous year paper 2010


SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010- Spelling Test

Attempt all these SSC CGL Tier 1 Pre Exam 2010 quiz just free of cost. You can attempt multiple times.

1 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

2 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

3 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

4 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

5 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

6 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

7 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

8 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

9 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

10 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

11 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

12 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

13 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

14 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

15 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

16 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

17 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

18 / 18

Find the correctly spelt ?

Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010

Question of SSCOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
Find the correctly spelt ?AccommodationAcommodationAccomodationAcomodation
Find the correctly spelt ?VaccumVacumVaccumVaccuum
Find the correctly spelt ?TrevellerTravellerTravailerTraweler
Find the correctly spelt ?DiseaseDeseaseDeceaseDicease
Find the correctly spelt ?CommitteeCommietteCommiteeComittee
Find the correctly spelt ?Etiquettue-Etiquette(शिष्टाचार)Brunette(गहरे भूरे बालों वाली शवेत महिला)Banquete-Banquet(दावत, औपचारिक सामूहिक भोज जहाँ भाषण दिए जाते)Anttique-Antique(प्राचीन,पुराण,अनौखा)
Find the correctly spelt ?Limousene-Limousine(एक शाही कार)Paradigm(आदर्श प्रतिमान,नमूना)Hysterea-Hysteria(भावनाओं पर नियंत्रण खो बैठने की दशा)Hypocricy-Hypocrisy(पाखण्ड,ढोंग)
Find the correctly spelt ?Contemptuous(तिरस्कारपूर्ण)Sponatanuous-Spontaneous(आकसिमक,स्वाभाविक)Erroneuous-Erroneous(अशुद्ध)Gorgeouous-Gorgeous(शानदार)
Find the correctly spelt ?MuseumMuseumMusaumMuesum
Find the correctly spelt ?MillionairMillionnaireMillionaire(करोड़पति)Milionaire
Find the correctly spelt ?LabelLebalLabalLabbel
Find the correctly spelt ?BureacracyBereaucracyBuereacracyBureaucracy(नौकरशाही)
Find the correctly spelt ?HeightHieghtHighteHeite
Find the correctly spelt ?Onomaopoeia(ध्वनि-अनुकरणात्मक शब्द)OnomotopoeiOnomatopoiaOnamotipoei
Find the correctly spelt ?Hazadous-Hazardous(खतरनाक)Percieve-perceive(देखना,जांचना,परखना)(देखना,जांचना,परखना)Incredible(अविश्वसनीय)Knowledgable-Knowledgeable(जानकर,मेधावी)
Find the correctly spelt ?Promiscuous(कामुकतापूर्ण,व्यभिचारी)PromescuousPromiscuosPromiscous
Find the correctly spelt ?Perennial(सदाबहार,चिरस्थायी,शाश्वत)Perodical-Periodical(मासिक-पत्रिका,समसामयिक)Panctual-Punctual(समय पाबंद)Palacial-Palatial(आलिशान,भव्य,महलनुमा)
Find the correctly spelt ?EnterpreneurEntreprenureEntrepreneur(व्यवसायी,उद्य्मकर्ता)Enterprenure
Questions of Spelling test in SSC CGL Tier 2 Mains Exam 2010 – English Philosophy

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