English Vocabulary

Important Synonyms in English for Competitive Exams

Important Synonyms in English for Competitive Exams

English Philosophy brings you the collection of Important Synonyms in English for Competitive Exams. These Synonyms are very useful for board exams like CBSE and Regional boards as well these are an important asset for Competition exams like SSC, Banking, Railways, Central Government and many more aspects.

Read these synonyms, increase your vocabulary and conquer your exam.


Important Synonyms in English for Competitive Exams


Below table consists Synonyms meaning in Hindi and English

Adversity (कठिनाई)Disaster, Catastrophe
Beautiful (सुन्दर)Charming, Pleasant
Brief (संक्षिप्तShort, Concise
Deny (इनकार करना)Refuse, Negate
Destination (लक्ष्य)Goal, Aim
Enthusiasm (उत्साह)Zeal, Spirit
Grief (कष्ट)Sorrow, Pain
Humble (विनम्र)Meek, Gentle
Idle (आलसी)Inactive, Dull
Ideal (आदर्श)Modle, Standard 
Liberty  (आजादी)Free,independence 
Obtain (प्राप्त करनाGain, Acquire
Sacred (पवित्र)Pious, Genuine
Timid (डरपोक)Fearful, Afraid
Target (लक्ष्य)Goal, Aim
Transient (अस्थायी)Temporary, Momentary
Vacant  (खली)Empty, Spacious
Admit (स्वीकार करना)Confess, Accept
Acute (न्यून)Shortage, Lack
Absurd (अजीब)Strange, Bizzare
Amusement (मनोरंजनEntertainment, Fun
Abhor (घृणा करना)Hate, Envy
Abolish (हटाना)Remove,Leave
Adept (कुशल)Expert, Skilful
Allow (अनुमति देना)Permit, Grant
Alter (बदलना)Change, Tranform
Allude (प्रसंग)Refer, Mean
Abandon (त्यागना)Leave, Forsake
Abdicate (त्यागना)leave, Give up
Adequate (पर्याप्त)Sufficient, Ample
Agreeable (सहमत योग)Willing, Consented
Busy (व्यस्त)Engaged, Occupied
Battle (युद्ध)War, fight 
Bane (अभिशाप)Curse, Harm
Conceal (छिपाना)Curse, Harm
Commence (आरम्भ करना)Begin, Initiate
Calamity (तबाही)Mishap, Disaster
Confidence (भरोसा)Assurance, Faith
Contentment (संतोष)Satisfaction, Happiness
Candid (निष्कपट)Frank,Straightforward
Contribute  (योग्यदान करना)Help, Give  
Courage (साहस)Bravery, Valour
Confess (स्वीकार करना)Admit, Agree
Converge (एकत्रित करना)Concentrate, Accumulate
Champion (विजेता)Winner, Victor
Cost (कीमत)Price, Rate
Couple (जोड़ा)Pair, Duet
Currupt (भ्र्ष्ट) Dishonest, unprincipled
Disaster (आपदा)Calamity, Adversity
Dead (मृत)Deceased, lifeless
Delight (ख़ुशी)Happiness, Zeal
Docile (विनम्र)Polite, humble
Display (प्रदर्शित करना)Show, Reveal
Distress (हताशा)Frustration, sorrow 
Discover (खोज करना)Find, Invent
Dilemma (उलझना)Confusion, Doubt
Derogatory (अपमानजनक)Insulting, Humiliating
Desotate (सुनसान)Lonely, Forlorn
Doubt (शक)Suspense, Suspicion
Dejection (हताशा)Frustration, Depression
Error (गलती)Mistake, Folly
Envy (इर्ष्या)Jealousy, Hatred
Eternal (शास्वत)infinite, Endless
Elective (वैकल्पिक)Electoral, Optional
Effort (प्रयास)Try, Attemt
Esteem (प्रतिष्ठा)Respect, Honour
Exact ( हु-बा-हु )Identical, Clear
Fatal(घातक)Deadly, Dangerous
Fredom (आजादी)Liberty, Openness
Fierce (खतरनाक)Dangerous, Violent
Folly (गलती)mistake, Error
Fame(ख्याति)Reputation, Renown
Gift (तोफा)Present, Prize
Haven (आर्शय)Shelter, Refuge
Humane (मानवीय)Kind, Benevolence
Hurdle (बाधा)Obstruction, Barrier
Happy (खुश)Zeaful, Cheeful
Helpess (मजबूर)Compulsive, Unfortunate
Habit (आदत)Routine, Addiction
Hardship (कठिनाई)Difficulty, Trouble
Immense (विशाल)Huge, Vast
Lament (पछताना)Wail, Regret
Lustre (चमक)Shine, Brightness
Lazy ( आलसी)Idle, Inactive
Last (अंत)End, Closing
Lecturer (प्रवक्ता)Speaker, Orator
Mad (पागल)Crazy, Loon 
Magnificent (शानदार)Splendid, Outstanding
Mistake (गलती)Folly, Error
Mutual (परस्पर)Common, Similar
Normal (सामान्य)General, Simple
Nice (अच्छा)Good, Attractive
Naughty (नठखट)Mischievous, Playful
Nafarious (अपराधी)Criminal, Convict
Perpetual (निरंतर)Everlasting, prolonged
Pardon (माफ़ करना)Forgive, Excuse
Prevent (रोकना)Check, Stop
Protect (रक्षा करना)Save, Defend
Prominent (मुख़्य)Chief, Main
Polite (नर्म)Humble, Gentle
Perennial (शास्वत)Evergreen, Always
Queer (विचत्र)Strange, odd
Renown (विचत्र)Famous, prestigious
Refuge (शरण)Shelter, Haven
Reliable (भरोसेमंद)Trustworthy, Candid
Reveal (सामने वाला)Show, Display
Reverence (सम्मान)Honour, Regard
Rescue (बचाओ करना)Save, Protect
Rigid  (सख्त)Hard, Tough 
Reply (जवाब देना)Answer, Revert 
Rare (अनोखा)Uncommon, Bizarre
Remuneration (मेहनताना)Salary, wages
Rent (किराया)Fare, Fee
Ruin (बरबादी)Downfall, Destruction
Skirmish (झगड़ा)Argument, Quarrel
Strange (अजीब)Absurd, Bizzare
Splendid (शानदार)Magnificent, Outstanding
Savage (जंगली)Barbaric,Wild
Spontaneous (स्वाभाविक)natural, Instinctive
Solace (शांति)Solitude, Calm
Stuggle (संघर्ष)Effort, At fights
Tedious (कठिन)Difficult, Tiresome
Temporal (आईस्थाई)Temporary, Transitory
Thrive (भढना)Progress, Grow 
Toil (कड़ी मेहनत)Labor, Exertion
Triumph (जीत)Victory, Success
Teason (धोका)Cheating, Disloyalty
Trust (भरोसा)Reliance, Belief
Vague (अस्पस्ट)Unclear, Implicit
Vice (अवगुण)Evil, Immorality
victory (जीत)Triumph, Success
Vanish (गयाब होना)Disappear, Dissolve
Vigour (ताकत)Power, Strenth
Valiant (बहादुर)Spunky, Gallant
War  (यूद्ध)Battle, Fight
Zeal (ख़ुशी)Passion, Eagerness
Zenith (ऊंचाई)Height, Summit
Important Synonyms in English for Competitive Exams

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